Dr.Flay wrote:I just played with DM-FeelNapali
The enforcer clips are not being swapped.
Speaking about swapping problems. Let me note a few small tech details. If you want this mod more professional and healthy, you should keep in mind that function "ReplaceWith" from engine is not a rule for everybody. It doesn't need "hacked" it needs to be properly coded because is stupid as a raw as it is with only 2 cases:
1) Replacing a weapon from Level;
2) Replacing a weapon held.
That's all? I think not. So let's see whatever options:
- We have Weapon in Level - Navigation subject
- We have held (or not) items;
- We have decorations with contest with make weapon spawned to fall properly else hanging in air is not the best idea;
- We have DropWhenKilled;
- We have a Thing factory spawning items (see MH-Antalius) it wasn't a need to have 1000000 but... anyway.
Replacement should be done instantly or delayed with a redefinition of attacking items;
- We might have a Pawn Weapon-Holder(including TeamCannons-Monsters) + A BAD timer (a la UTJMH) which are messing up things in style from 2002-2006.