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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC2 beta testing !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

Is there something in it that causes Bugs Bunny's voice to pop up a lot? When using the Carrot Gun?

Heard up a lot of "there's other sports than hunting ya know" in Bugs' voice. Didn't pop up at all in CTF & DM, just MH.

Also, the SkaarjSnipers don't seem to like their replacement weapon:
They don't pick it up, making them ignored by bots when they run around and attack.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC2 beta testing !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

EvilGrins wrote:Is there something in it that causes Bugs Bunny's voice to pop up a lot? When using the Carrot Gun?

Heard up a lot of "there's other sports than hunting ya know" in Bugs' voice. Didn't pop up at all in CTF & DM, just MH.
The Carroteer has a lock on system when you have an enemy in the center of the crosshair for some seconds. If you kill someone with that shot will you get Bugs Bunny quotes.
EvilGrins wrote:I checked each individually, turns out when they run out of ammo they occasionally stop shooting and stop switching weapons to other guns with ammo. As soon as i went over, killed the bot with flag and got it back, they started moving around and switching weapons again.
I said in the newest build ...We work on this mod behind the scenes and have more builds than Release Candidates. :wink:
RC3 will be ready today... many improvements and fixes. Just the bots are still too spammy with the Toastenator
EvilGrins wrote:It didn't work.
'Cause bots can jump...
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC2 beta testing !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

papercoffee wrote:'Cause bots can jump...
So add something that makes bots trip over carrots. :wink:
papercoffee wrote:The Carroteer has a lock on system when you have an enemy in the center of the crosshair for some seconds. If you kill someone with that shot will you get Bugs Bunny quotes.
Ah, that explains it. Bots can aim almost immediately, no matter what skill level they're at, so it sounded like a Bugs Bunny convention. Although, not just kills... because there doesn't exist a carrot that can kill a Titan in 1 shot.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

EvilGrins wrote:
papercoffee wrote:'Cause bots can jump...
So add something that makes bots trip over carrots. :wink:
if a bot opponent/bot is near ...shoot with the alternate fire from the Hot Saucier ...a tiny drop is more than enough. :wink:
EvilGrins wrote:
papercoffee wrote:The Carroteer has a lock on system when you have an enemy in the center of the crosshair for some seconds. If you kill someone with that shot will you get Bugs Bunny quotes.
Ah, that explains it. Bots can aim almost immediately, no matter what skill level they're at, so it sounded like a Bugs Bunny convention. Although, not just kills... because there doesn't exist a carrot that can kill a Titan in 1 shot.
Oh ...good to know. But I think MH will be later a thing ...right now is the completion of the mod itself first priority.

http://www.moddb.com/mods/food-fight/do ... a-rc3-ut99
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

papercoffee wrote:But I think MH will be later a thing
PH, maybe?
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

EvilGrins wrote:
papercoffee wrote:But I think MH will be later a thing
PH, maybe?
http://skincity.beyondunreal.com/src/im ... _id656.jpg
I... I don't know.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

Already skimming existing monsterpackages to see how much of them involve food like things.

Vaguely recall a "pear-man" monster...
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

Found a glitch, keeping in mind I have the latest version and I saw how to edit the .ini for all weapons from the start as instructed but didn't do that.

Decided today to take Food Fight to LMS, and thus the problem. Last Man Standing automatically loads all weapons to all players from whatever weaponspackage you happen to be using. At least, every weaponspack I've ever tried up to now.

When you enter LMS with Food Fight all you get are the can opener, the frying pan, and the jello.

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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

First a note from Jack:
"The Food Fight weapons right now are not supposed to be used in MH ...there will be a special version of those weapons."

Regarding LMS.
We concentrate right now on DM, CTF and our new BurgerCTF ...a new CTF variant with similarity to Bombingrun ...but playable on any CTF map. (well, nearly any map)
Afterwards will we get to other game modes.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by Metalfist »

Wow I actually didn't expect FF to be so close to being released :gj: .
I haven't played it, but as I'm seeing the screenshots of Evilgrins, I'm a bit worried about the texture quality.
It looks pretty flat and blurry! Since this is an old engine you can't rely on the shadows cast by the game and you need to incorporate the shadows in your texture.
Especially this one looked bad:

The texture does not include ambient occlusion shadows etc. and the first person view mode looks so blurry and flat :shock:. So PLEASE look a bit more into the texturing, as it falls a bit short to this awesome weapon pack. Perhaps you want to use a more detailed/higher resolution texture for the first person view of the weapons?
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

I think once the priority of over all functionality is to the coders satisfaction then maybe he'll make time for aesthetics. Or just maybe having a cartoonish look to foodfight is what the designer has intended all along.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

The cartoonish look was/is indeed intended ...we planned a cell-shading effect in the past but couldn't implement it for the mod.
But yes ...first we concentrate on the technical part and later on the visuals. :wink:
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by Dr.Flay »

I just played with DM-FeelNapali
The enforcer clips are not being swapped.
Personally I only think the weapons look flat in maps with saturated lighting, or with crappy renderer settings.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

Dr.Flay wrote:I just played with DM-FeelNapali
The enforcer clips are not being swapped.
Good find :tu: ...I know we missed something. The Bullets for the Sniper was the same issue.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by sektor2111 »

Dr.Flay wrote:I just played with DM-FeelNapali
The enforcer clips are not being swapped.
Speaking about swapping problems. Let me note a few small tech details. If you want this mod more professional and healthy, you should keep in mind that function "ReplaceWith" from engine is not a rule for everybody. It doesn't need "hacked" it needs to be properly coded because is stupid as a raw as it is with only 2 cases:
1) Replacing a weapon from Level;
2) Replacing a weapon held.
That's all? I think not. So let's see whatever options:
- We have Weapon in Level - Navigation subject
- We have held (or not) items;
- We have decorations with contest with make weapon spawned to fall properly else hanging in air is not the best idea;
- We have DropWhenKilled;
- We have a Thing factory spawning items (see MH-Antalius) it wasn't a need to have 1000000 but... anyway.
Replacement should be done instantly or delayed with a redefinition of attacking items;
- We might have a Pawn Weapon-Holder(including TeamCannons-Monsters) + A BAD timer (a la UTJMH) which are messing up things in style from 2002-2006.