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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

A few more observations:
1) These bottles are extremely flammable...
...if one catches on fire it will keep burning until someone picks it up, anyone who does runs the risk of catching on fire themself.

2) Found another use for the Jello...
...as a projectile, whoever you throw it at if it hits them (like that Titan) it bounces them really high in the air. Unlike the Titan, most standard players will go SPLAT when they hit the gorund.

3) More brocconade issues...
...it turns out that after you've had one and thrown it, you can't go back to where you got it to pick up a new one. It won't let you pick up a new one until after you've gotten killed. How messed up is that?!?
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

Thanks for the feedback...

The Jelly as unusual weapon is intentional.;)
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by Spectra »

That's a bit odd, when changing the Weapon Hand to Left I get this:
No Hand Textures, but it looks cool that the gun has its own Iron Sight. Some weapons still stay right side with Weapon Hand = Left.

Hmmmm, some Muzzle Flashes are wrong placed. Like of HA&KA weapon (still my fav), Salad Thrower, etc.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

:tu: ...Never noticed those issues. Thank you very much.

Jack wrote:I know the weapons don't have a left hand option. They are all designed for right hand/hidden use. Left hand isn't going to be supported. I just don't have time to build mirrors of everything.
Well ...as it looks do you have to play it the default way. But the source code will be available afterwards. ;)
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

This is hard to convey in screenshots, but I found a little glitch with the Saucier... think that's what it's called. Anyway, the alt-fire sets things on fire... from enemies to monsters to random things around the map. I've noticed that if you happen to hit some things with more than one blast of the thing, while they're still on fire, it tends to slow everything down until eventually the map's memory gets so bogged down everything freezes.

Also, there's a few maps that have items that can't be destroyed on them... which if you alt-fire with the whatever it's called will also freeze the map as they keep burning eternally.

Don't have to logout of UT to get back to normal play, just starting the map over will set things right... although once you hit ESC you may have to wait for a bit for the menus to pop up and then be able to hit anything. Fortunately, I know how to use all of UT's menus from just the keyboard.

On a random note:
This map gets consistently frozen anytime you try to use Food Fight on it:
Even more random: You pick up the chef's jacket and you hear a zipper, which is appropriate... but if you pick up the apron you hear a metallic sound, which is just weird.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by sektor2111 »

EvilGrins wrote:This map gets consistently frozen anytime you try to use Food Fight on it:
I'm truly amazed by these "portations" to UT which might be freezing player spawning it into that decoration-brush or whatever might be. I cannot recall right now which PlayerStart was crappy (and if it is the only one trouble maker) but for sure player spawning with a new weapon (maybe bigger than a default will be bugged). I'm burning by curiosity how much these have been tested before releasing them as "good to have" ones, see also BL-GrendalKeep or such having real nasty BSP problems and 0 link JumpSpots. Even these being trash several people were clapping hands and legs and heads when have been posted in a forum without checking them.
I removed this Osiris because I don't need bunches of MB containing bugs because it was just a file in Map's folder not a map.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

EvilGrins wrote:This is hard to convey in screenshots, but I found a little glitch with the Saucier...
Yes ...we know this. Not destroyable objects should be not burnable in the next Beta.
Can you tell me which items on what maps?
This might be important.
EvilGrins wrote:Even more random: You pick up the chef's jacket and you hear a zipper, which is appropriate... but if you pick up the apron you hear a metallic sound, which is just weird.
That's not random that's a good find... we truly have missed that simple replacement. :|
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

papercoffee wrote:Yes ...we know this. Not destroyable objects should be not burnable in the next Beta.
Can you tell me which items on what maps?
1 map for sure, another i thought maybe but turned out not to be... though a new fire related issue kept popping up.

1st the definite:
Large forest map with a cabin in the middle. Lots of animals on map with insane amounts of health; set a nalirabit on fire and it screams and hops away leaving a fire trail.

In the cabin there's these 3 jars that don't break. You shoot them with a minigun and the breaking effect occurs but the jars remain. Now, if you only set 1 of them on fire there's no problem but if you set all 3 of them on fire they burn non-stop, slowing down everything until the map basically freezes.

I've got an MH map that has a similar effect, but it turns out that burning those vases doesn't cause any map slowdown. However, several monsters on the map, like Skaarj, if enough of them get on fire at the same time, this happens:


On a final note, 1st review of BurgerCTF · http://unreal-games.livejournal.com/104236.html
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by sektor2111 »

Let's say hand troubles aren't 1st priority if stuff is functional. But... replacements are too restricted at default classes which should attack child classes too.
Replacements for weapon can use "if" "else if" "else if" "ELSE" put something (weapon) from package in purpose to not allow presence of a custom rifle-cannon-spoon which has no link with food.
The same for ammo - in case of no match give ammo according to fore-mentioned weapon.

Aside note: Using delayed replacements will allow more compatibility with non-player weapon holders which will allow MH compatibility without any additional tweak.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

@ sektor2111
I have forwarded your suggestion to Jack/gopo ... :agree1:
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

Is it too late to get the alt-fire on the toastenator switched to that thing only the bots can do?
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

EvilGrins wrote:Is it too late to get the alt-fire on the toastenator switched to that thing only the bots can do?
Yes it is.
We had so much trouble with the reload function for bots that we had to hack the hell out of U-script ...to change everything back again (for the player too) would break Jack's heart... do you wanna make him cry? Do you??
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by Gustavo6046 »

Hello, remember me from forums.unrealtournament do papercoffee ? :mrgreen:
Teach me to teach the bot AI to use jelly jump pads and salad jumps please. Thanks! :help:
- one code inside Botpack.Bot that creates a Botpack.TranslocStart at a radius from the jumppad, a UnrealShare.LiftCenter just above the jelly and a UnrealShare.LiftExit in every desirable landing spots.
- one UnrealShare.JumpSpot subclass that is called FoodJumpSpot which have more options -- tweaked code for salad jumping and brocconade jumping (risky! but useful :D ), as well as is used as LiftCenter when the jelly is too high along with FoodJumpSpot.bNoJumpBoots property if the bot can't use jump boots as a option or bJumpBootsOnly to force it instead.

Whew, thats all :sleep: good night...
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

papercoffee wrote:do you wanna make him cry? Do you??
It's alright to cry.
Image Image Image
It's kinda cathartic.

More Analysis!
The bottles aren't always the same:
Not a bad thing, but if you kick back and just watch the bottles they change brand names every few minutes.

Always the same:
The fork on the H&K (whatever it's called) makes identical marks no matter what it hits. Also not bad but it's a bit repetitive.

Random from the BurgerCTF I'm still checking out: The burger randomly chooses a spot somewhere in the middle of a map each game, but if you play the same map more than once it doesn't always pick the same spot.

Also, on some small maps without many structures on them, sometimes you can't find the burger at all. Not even a whisper of the ticking it makes. I'm nearly ½ convinced it's appearing somewhere outside of the map.

Do you recall those mechs I have from the Team Orbit conversion?
Turns out Food Fight doesn't effect their built in weapons.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

EvilGrins wrote:The bottles aren't always the same:
That's intended ...the health restoring amount changes with the juice. We forgot to use the Atomic Apple bottle as replacement for the Keg of Health... this will be fixed.
EvilGrins wrote:The fork on the H&K (whatever it's called) makes identical marks no matter what it hits. Also not bad but it's a bit repetitive.
Then stop hitting things and instead the opponents... :wth:
But yes this could be made better. I'll discuss this with the team.
EvilGrins wrote:Turns out Food Fight doesn't effect their built in weapons.
Same problem as your weapon swapper issue...

Let me quote myself from unrealtournament.com
There will be later a MH version of the weapon pack.
But let me say this in advance ... This Modification is for UT99 and therefore not meant to replace Unreal weapons.
We won't and can't cover all existing mods/mutator out there and provide compatibility with them.
If you use tools like stuffswapper don't expect things to work like they should.
Food Fight is meant to be used alone, without any additional mod or mutator or non default UT weapon.