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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

papercoffee wrote:
EvilGrins wrote:Turns out Food Fight doesn't effect their built in weapons.
Same problem as your weapon swapper issue...
Not quite the same. Fact is, most weapons swappers don't effect the Team Orbit mechs directly.

Only indirectly · viewtopic.php?p=73154#p73154

Even the NW3 package didn't do much to the mechs. They're technically capable of using their own weapons + anything they pick up, but so far I haven't seen them shoot off any food.

Still, thought it was worth mentioning.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

EvilGrins wrote:
papercoffee wrote:
EvilGrins wrote:Turns out Food Fight doesn't effect their built in weapons.
Same problem as your weapon swapper issue...
Not quite the same. Fact is, most weapons swappers don't effect the Team Orbit mechs directly.

Only indirectly · viewtopic.php?p=73154#p73154

Even the NW3 package didn't do much to the mechs. They're technically capable of using their own weapons + anything they pick up, but so far I haven't seen them shoot off any food.

Still, thought it was worth mentioning.
Now I got it ...yeah it could be that this special bot is affected by the reload system ..."I don't know how to use it, I don't use it"
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

Thought: Food fight often has the weapons automatically reload a cartridge/can, leaving the player basically helpless until the process is over. Of all the weapons packages I've ever used, I only know of 1 other that deals with reloading: Infiltration.

With Inf, in-between firefights, you can set up reloading to a keybind. Which is handy, if you're good at tracking how much ammo is in your clips... rather than be fighting for your life and then run out. You hit the keybind, the gun reloads before its current clip is empty, and onward to victory.

Or onward to death, not everybody is a UT God.

Ever consider working a keybind for reloading into FF?
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

We considered the bind of the reload ...but because of reasons we had (long time ago), which I can't remember now, did we go against this idea.
I'll talk with the crew.

More opinions please!!!

What do you think about the weapon handling?
Is the strength of the weapons balanced enough?
What's your opinion about the reload function?
Do you like the visuals?
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by Higor »

Hit both fires = reload.
Problem solved.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by Dr.Flay »

I remember the discussion and it was decided against using a reload key because in UT people are not used to it.
Higors idea is great.
I say keep the auto reload, but hitting both buttons triggers it also.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

More of a question, I only saw this when bots played:

Clearly says in the talkbox "redeemer". I've never found one.

Where is it??
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

No Redeemer ...Brocconade and Hallapenjo.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

papercoffee wrote:No Redeemer ...Brocconade and Hallapenjo.
Then why does it say "redeemer" in the talkbox?
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

EvilGrins wrote:
papercoffee wrote:No Redeemer ...Brocconade and Hallapenjo.
Then why does it say "redeemer" in the talkbox?
Because it's not fixed in RC3 :wink: ...in the current build, we have behind the scenes, is this already fixed.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

You no doubt recognize this map from the 512k contest...

...for some reason that spot right there, in 5 different plays, is really flammable. It's the same spot in both shots.

It seems counter-intuitive to shoot vegetables at animals that primarily eat them...
...but MH-LostInTimeV2 is one of the best MonsterHunt maps for Food Fight I've found so far.

Couple things here:
-Apron looks weird when at any angle except up & down.
- The clips don't switch, which has come up before, but I've found if you pick them up you lose every weapon you're carrying.

Food Fight makes this MH map impossible...
...because you can't grab the Qjets you need to fly over to where the monsters are.

While the Skaarj Military won't pick up the H&K...
...they will pick up the PeanutGun & Toastenator. Unlike bots, they can't shoot rapidfire toast.

Found another slowdown from burning issue...
...apparently the Carroteer's ammo-pickup can burn, but since the ammo isn't destructible it burns eternally and bogs down the memory.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

Burning pickups is no more...

Where exactly is this on Gravo?
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

papercoffee wrote:Where exactly is this on Gravo?
Right side, red base.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

EvilGrins wrote:
papercoffee wrote:Where exactly is this on Gravo?
Right side, red base.
I'll check this out. Very irritating ...from your pictures, the air seems flammable there.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

papercoffee wrote:the air seems flammable
Not so much the air, it's the intensity of the burn. Anything burning has flames rising up from it, the more things burning close together makes the flames go higher and wider.