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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

papercoffee wrote:
EvilGrins wrote:
papercoffee wrote:No Redeemer ...Brocconade and Hallapenjo.
Then why does it say "redeemer" in the talkbox?
Because it's not fixed in RC3 :wink: ...in the current build, we have behind the scenes, is this already fixed.
Ok ...I mixed things up. We can't fix this, because...
Kelly wrote: This has to do with how damage type is assigned in UT. That blast uses the damage type "redeemerdeath" because it's such a large area blast. UT interprets this in the death messages automatically and so it looks a little out of place.
It should say "Player was killed by Player's redeemer blast" to be more accurate, but they missed this in the source code.
EvilGrins wrote:
papercoffee wrote:the air seems flammable
Not so much the air, it's the intensity of the burn. Anything burning has flames rising up from it, the more things burning close together makes the flames go higher and wider.
Tested it ...The pickups aren't flammable any more, therefore isn't this bug any longer reproducible in my current build.
But I noticed on this spot ...when the Saucier launches a big Glob and it explodes on a certain spot between those Milk pickups AND you have the right angle of the weapon AND the little globs flying in a specific arc ...do they explode mid-air!! Something IS there ...it can be a micro bsp error. :noidea
But it doesn't affect your gameplay. It's ignorable for now.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by EvilGrins »

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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by sektor2111 »

papercoffee wrote: Ok ...I mixed things up. We can't fix this, because...
Kelly wrote: This has to do with how damage type is assigned in UT. That blast uses the damage type "redeemerdeath" because it's such a large area blast. UT interprets this in the death messages automatically and so it looks a little out of place.
It should say "Player was killed by Player's redeemer blast" to be more accurate, but they missed this in the source code.
I'm thinking at a different way here - a custom damage not 'RedeemerDeath'.

In other case - if this mutator is not for a lot of game-types (you cannot predict codes undone or done or some ninja trash codes) then you can link it in a custom DeathMatchPlus game-type and/or others similar to defaults. Why ? Because a few good points:
- hard to slap it in game-types undone for it and suffering combinations;
- fixing certain damage things by rewriting controller with something from 'TournamentGameInfo.uc' - damage section -

Code: Select all

function BroadcastRegularDeathMessage(pawn Killer, pawn Other, name damageType)
	if (damageType == 'RedeemerDeath')
		if ( RedeemerClass == None )
			RedeemerClass = class<Weapon>(DynamicLoadObject("Botpack.Warheadlauncher", class'Class'));
		BroadcastLocalizedMessage(DeathMessageClass, 0, Killer.PlayerReplicationInfo, Other.PlayerReplicationInfo, RedeemerClass);
	else if (damageType == 'Eradicated')
		BroadcastLocalizedMessage(class'EradicatedDeathMessage', 0, Killer.PlayerReplicationInfo, Other.PlayerReplicationInfo, None);
	else if ((damageType == 'RocketDeath') || (damageType == 'GrenadeDeath'))
		BroadcastLocalizedMessage(DeathMessageClass, 0, Killer.PlayerReplicationInfo, Other.PlayerReplicationInfo, class'UT_Eightball');
	else if (damageType == 'Gibbed')
		BroadcastLocalizedMessage(DeathMessageClass, 8, Killer.PlayerReplicationInfo, Other.PlayerReplicationInfo, None);
	else {
		if (Killer.Weapon != None)
			BroadcastLocalizedMessage(DeathMessageClass, 0, Killer.PlayerReplicationInfo, Other.PlayerReplicationInfo, Killer.Weapon.Class);
			BroadcastLocalizedMessage(DeathMessageClass, 0, Killer.PlayerReplicationInfo, Other.PlayerReplicationInfo, None);
there are localized those troubles - a mutator DOESN'T always have the power of a game-controller:
a) using a subclass of DeathMatchPlus named the same (it works proved) - it can be browsed by players by default;
b) (and) using a subclass of CTFGame - the same featured browsing;
c) etc.
In a new game-type you can fix many other issues which usually are bitching with "tools".
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by Gustavo6046 »

The textures of the weapon models are too undetailed.
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by papercoffee »

Gustavo6046 wrote:The textures of the weapon models are too undetailed.
RC3 is not the final version here is the final release viewtopic.php?f=34&t=6360
And yes, the texture is cartoony on purpose.

Hey I'm an cartoonist... what do you expect?
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Re: =FOOD FIGHT= RC3 !!!!

Post by UTX »

Hmm, but it is actually possible to change the death messages.
What I do is just add a line of code changing the default value of whatever string I want to change, then the next line must be whatever kills the player and after that line you add one that reverts the default value back to what it should be. It has worked with weapons on ProcessTraceHit, I made it work on projectiles as well because I had a Flak Cannon with shrapnel that made headshots and just recently added the same process to a mutator changing the default lines of suicides.
For redeemerdeath it would be something like Class 'WarheadLauncher'.Default.DeathMessage = "Bla Bla Bla. " and then after the player dies, Class 'WarheadLauncher'.Default.DeathMessage = "%o was vaporized by %k's %w!!", it works to me so far, FeraliDragon made a death message manager for the Nali Weapons but you have to ask him about that.