All need is a package with stock copied reworked. Later we speak about replacements, not common replacement because it won't work. I was writing a few lines (probably aprox. 400 lines) which can be extended for any additional packages doing replacements even without dependencies (non stock creatures). All package needed is new stock+add-ons with New Pawns. Replacement tool might work as Server-Side calling them from packages and copying MESHES without to call original Pawn class. Several things are operated before to spawn creatures to get defaults properly set. After spawning, we put back changes to not screw class. We can copy a lot of things creating almost perfect clones - including monster placed into other monster, including name, including "an IceSkaarj" not "a IceSkaarj", including lightning in case of admins disturbed by dark Levels. You might take a look at resources (source-code only) and improve them if need something or bugs are found. In MH5.04 where Skaarj have weapons, clones seems good too.
Aside note: I have educated a bit my NsMonster package making it more MH compatible (were too aggressive at bumping chapter).
Here it is > Edit:
Errata at "Changer.uc"
Code: Select all
proto = Caps(T.Prototype);
bFoundMatch = False;
if ( proto != "" )