MH attached types

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MH attached types

Post by sektor2111 »

Given tests performed around MH platforms I found some MH2 like versions of mine running. I'm not against using them but the truth is... they are still "young". Last mod which I was developing is MH2_NS_V2. If exist requests for testing it somewhere in public this version, for sure first I have to implement several config values.

Why config ?
Spam deal
Some wild "Levels" using new stuff (far from perfect) can mess up fixing SpawnPoint type spam having custom Factory and whatever SpawnPoint to gain random creatures. I won't speak about BSP troubles from those levels and neither weaponry used by those Troopers. For such case we have to avoid injecting new SpawnPoints VIA INI.

Friendly pawns
Other case might be a Nali replacement which will be a hard deal to gain all data involved and will mess up creature if is intended for a mission. Nali mainly run away from player loaded and having more health - so to speak it's useless the mostly.

New stock
MH2_NS_V2 is able to operate replacement for nasty creatures with chances to crash servers. However, my tool MHReplacer for stock monster replacement works in this version too but will except types from MH2_NS_V2. So I think if we want a complete stock replaced (gain teaming) is better to not allow MH2 to make any monster replacement.

Tech - Structure
Said MH2 version is a child of original Domination (order audible is "Search and Destroy"), it's sloping to MonsterHunt2 masked with a place-holder called MonsterHunt in purpose to have a visual appearance in MH TAB (if player was tweaking UT to show MH native). Given new support, calls to game-type won't mess errors it's about "MonsterHunt2(Level.Game)".
MH2 is based on a game-type running a MH Level - is not a very native MonsterHunt but mainly works.
It has rewritten stuff to prevent abusing (armors, scuba, etc.), has powerup support (a combined Damage thing), has monsters bunching at player, has regens :sad2: - to not be out of fashion, has bonuses, etc.
Because I did not like a Timer deal in BaseMutator, MH2 develop a TimedBoy actor spawning in game, we also have link with a music manager - player entering in Level too late will have the same song as the rest of players. Replacement of old stuff takes in account several things which usually not happens.
Counting hunters and monsters occurs each 5 seconds not all the time for each creature killed, Bonus Redeemer and other is not granted the mostly to last player entered as happens in UTJ series, it's RANDOM. Player dead is not regenerated, ammo is rescaled to prevent pickup spam useless (will load ammo rather than only sounding farts), player chicken crouching too much will have a$$ exploded properly.
Mod uses another sort of player - mod is good to debug pathing - yes, we have Bot Support too (later described) so here we can deal with different things too.
Mod supports that MH-Miam type End attached to mover and also support AdvancedMonsterEnd from MH-LostSouls (if you want to mock server with that). Other instances can be also tuned properly.
Bot support
It's available in maps with original functional Bot Support based on New WayPoints against breaking visiting order, Bot is not glad at new carcasses, will shoot them to prevent corpse creatures showing up, will be a bit polite around teleporters to prevent telefragging, will attempt to recover Navigation from far distances, will hunt monsters as priority not racing mission.
Version of redeemer practiced here will be used by Bot too and Skaarj, and... I forgot all tunes (too many anyway).
I did not play more MH2 last time and I think it's not a need to keep this MH2 only for myself. MHv5.04 is my current target but I'll be glad to use any 5.05 if anyone will do such things.
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Re: MH attached types

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

sektor2111 wrote:Given tests performed around MH platforms I found some MH2 like versions of mine running. I'm not against using them but the truth is... they are still "young". Last mod which I was developing is MH2_NS_V2. If exist requests for testing it somewhere in public this version, for sure first I have to implement several config values.
I have a version of your MH2(NSMH2) running on {HoF} MH#1 server. I would like to host your newer version MH2_NS_V2 when its ready.

sektor2111 wrote:Bonus Redeemer and other is not granted the mostly to last player entered as happens in UTJ series, it's RANDOM.
We have used UTJMH3 version that you had modified for many years. Of course we don't used it on the {HoF} MH#1 because NSMH2 comes with UTJMH built in.

sektor2111 wrote:I did not play more MH2 last time and I think it's not a need to keep this MH2 only for myself. MHv5.04 is my current target but I'll be glad to use any 5.05 if anyone will do such things.
Ready when you are. :rock:
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Re: MH attached types

Post by JackGriffin »

sektor is simply a madman genius when it comes to figuring things out, especially when it comes to MH. If I ran a server I swear I'd tell him "do what you want to it then give it back" when I was setting it up and from then on I'd do nothing but add maps. Yeah, you just can't go wrong with his work. And he shows you his source code. Bonus karma!
So long, and thanks for all the fish
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Re: MH attached types

Post by sektor2111 »

I've isolated a few options, I cannot be sure which mod will run in this MH2's company but I added configurable option for UT stuff - minigun replacement, PulseGun, Insta, RocketLauncher (if have better in future). Without test a lot of levels and using only good ones, things seems to work.

NSMH2 is better than original but still far from my goals and I could see a few flaws unseen in that time. MHUDamage is linked with Dispersion + ASMD so will boost power as Amplifier does. In Level is morphed to an amplifier suit (if has such thing), the rest of Armor clones and health probably are good + A.I. code for them.

Also I was trying to prevent a kind of boring hunt - mod has 3 HUDS available (need more?). It is not the faster mod ever because includes fixes which I almost forgot.

Trying to prevent wasting time with testing I can write a few features:
- Old stuff is replaced with Net Stuff - goal is clean server and client;
- certain UT stuff spreading spam in client also seems better now;
- regen is sustained externally by an actor which spawns from BaseMutator - no more timer/tick in base-mutator;
- Regen can be stopped configurable but not bonuses (or should be stoppable ?);
- dropping weapon has a chained management... is a whole chapter;
- Monsters are... a team hunting hunters and hunters are allowed to hunt monsters - Is just MonsterHunt... no worry they won't attack first time;
- Movers - I think I have to look at something carefully but this needs time - main tweaks are operated to prevent problems;
- SpawnPoint fixation is configurable;
- Monsters are bloody and corpses unfriendly - even Bot will try to get rid of them else corpse-monsters show up shortly;
- Using SpawnNotify we have MonsterShadow in player but this depends on Level too...
- Bot support works in those good levels - it might be a bit different... - MBot is ready for action if default Bot mess up the action;
- Monsters are replaceable by MHReplacer (located in MHv504's add-ons link location + NsMonster is MH ready - posted at Hook because here I did not see the section for MH development with coders talking about issues and fixes);
- Certain decorations are replaced to avoid Engine's mess spread - here I don't know if something won't get messed to set this option configurable... because there is a place with a forum for "mappers" where all people seems to work harder to bring errors back in game by "coding" child classes of default stuff for a name changed or some useless brain-fart making things complicated to fix - this is indeed a problem for map updates :loool: ;
- I think I did not forgot something important.

To summarize we have a MH for good Levels else... drop Levels or this MH into toilette. I'll set config for decos...
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Re: MH attached types

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

I think the most difficult thing for the clients to get used too with NSMH2 is the altdamage scoring feature. Some like it and some old skool clients just don't like change at all. Clearly looking forward to your update.
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Re: MH attached types

Post by sektor2111 »

Yes, I forgot to speak about this.
At a moment I was disturbed by numbers, lot of numbers which were easily get. In 2014 I have rewritten AltScoring in a different way. Hunter damaging monster is rewarded but... Not an insane score. If does a lot of damage has chances to get more points than hunter who gave final hit to monster - simply aggressiveness of hunter is rewarded a bit but in another way than thousands of points for nothing special (damage + redeemer = too easy scoring ).

And... speaking about Damage. We have a feature for an extra health multiplier at monster + clamp minimum allowed in this case. Example: Me Admin I was pleased by my extremely skilled hunters to increase monster's health. In this case I can configure mod to not see a Fly or a Pupae with health smaller than let's say 500. So... now we speak about MonsterHunt. Multiplier goes until "5.000000" - is a float value having limit "5". MinimumHealth set is checked to not pass over MaximumHealth so we can gain more power from "other team". Yup, at a moment this regen MH2 was harder than original without regen - depends on Level as well... This option also is to pass over mapper's idea as long as difficulty and hunters from server expect some balanced challenge not a boss with 3 millions health and pupaes with 97 health lagging with chunks useless.

OldSkool lovers probably will notice a functional, ASMD + amped + decal + audible combo, Dispersion powered up, Grenade with audible explosion, alt Biogel landed on wall exploding there without to see it falling. If several projectiles will develop funky things (warp-zones were the problem here) they can be returned to their normal bugs in purpose to prevent multiple explosions - this chapter needs probably more more love - time to check, etc.

Edit: The Link ?
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Re: MH attached types

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

Just realized you edited your post to include the download. I'll test this on {HoF} MH#1 this evening or tomorrow morning.
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Re: MH attached types

Post by sektor2111 »

Base on firsts notifications let's see in visible way how things goes.

If MonsterMultiplier is 1.000000 MinMonsterHealth is no longer clamping or this can be set to 30.

Chapter client side navigation. It's less visible because some people uses Bot visibility to check hidden teleporters looking for features - now things goes bad for them - I could completely remove A.I. visibility... :agree1: , probably they aren't glad about GRAB removal as well.

Tiny corpses monsters - low health - small size. Hard to kill ? Woow, someone tries automatic headshots ? :mrgreen: Old cheating methods no longer works this time :P .

Monster in Monster fight ? Not happens too much time. Even players are annoyed by each-other shooting themselves at a moment, happens at monsters too but they won't hurt themselves and will stop shortly after a small argue. Cows and Nalis can be killed by monsters (attempt to solve coop-type tweaks).

Real ISSUES - Probably I'll solve them in whatever V3 - I'll write list first:
- mover if is opened for a long time over 4200 seconds (or configurable) - that one must be bTriggerOnceOnly=True else is dumbness;
- mover from certain type I guess need to have a Group (ReturnGroup ?) - I found some troubles randomly in CTF - it's hard to hunt that thing, I wanna spy if occurs evil things in MH too;
- replacement of UT items has to take in account Factory (spawners ???) - is just stupid but these ideas might spam items forever... or fixing UT items must be disabled :sad2: . Else because of some ideas all fixes goes into trash by disabling them.
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Re: MH attached types

Post by sektor2111 »

Next works around completed.
I have developed various mover tweak config features + dynamic explanations (Later about this).
It was added an unique fake group for default one without a group, tweaking also dumb bad timers (weren't previously done) more light went here after reading some various UScript limits, insane ruined in these Levels.
bMHLog is configurable for having or not LOGS - I will check everything to not bug useless log lines if is not a need for such a feature.
Main feature is ShowConfig automatic option at beginning of action. Essential configuration is shown + values. If something is not a very good configured all the time, a new description comes explaining what is the risk (or less risk). In this way probably is more easy to deal with mod directly and a manual might be closer to optional.
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Re: MH attached types

Post by sektor2111 »

Console fragment - I can't do it better explained.
ScriptLog: ============ MH2_NS_V2 report configuration ============
ScriptLog: <<< MonsterHunt Main Controller >>>
ScriptLog: -------------------------------------------------------------
ScriptLog: Logging control - bMHLog = False
ScriptLog: Usage only of Red Color - bUseTeamSkin = False
ScriptLog: Changing Green Color Messages - bNoGreen = True
ScriptLog: Changing SpawnPoints feature - bDoSpawnSpamFix = True
ScriptLog: Levels using Custom bugs or Less bugs might be affected. Keep an eye on this...
ScriptLog: Changing Counters - bFixCounters = True
ScriptLog: Levels using Custom Counting systems might look changed. Try to spy if won't break something...
ScriptLog: Value for using Lives System - Live = 999
ScriptLog: Monster Power-Level - SkillMonster = 7
ScriptLog: Minimum A.I. Node check - Ncheck = 20
ScriptLog: Penalty floater value for death - Pen = 0.800000
ScriptLog: Team word changing monster attitude - TT = mn
ScriptLog: Word above should be short. It's configurable to not match in future with anything from any Level.
ScriptLog: Changing it is very recommended. We try to prevent unexpected problems.
ScriptLog: -------------------------------------------------------------
ScriptLog: <<< MutatorClass configuration - MonsterBasePlus >>>
ScriptLog: - Various primary mutator specific values >>>
ScriptLog: Using one of 3 HUDs - HUD_Number = 3
ScriptLog: Number of Items at once for Factory - FItems = 16
ScriptLog: Monster Multiplier Factor - MonsterMultiplier = 2.000000
ScriptLog: And we have configured Minimum Health - MinMonsterHealth = 200
ScriptLog: Maximum of Health allowed for Monster - MaxMonsterHealth = 20000
ScriptLog: Health added for killing monster - HealthRegenPerKill = 3
ScriptLog: Limit for default Factory spam - NumCapacity = 260
ScriptLog: Maximum of Health allowed for Hunter - MaxHealth = 5000
ScriptLog: Hunter start with health - DefaultHealth = 200
ScriptLog: Regenerator rescales ammo - MaxAmmoMultiplier = 10
ScriptLog: Base Value for Respawning ammo interval - AmmoRespawnTime = 3
ScriptLog: Damaging monster low hit volume - HitVolume = 2.000000
ScriptLog: - Booleans True/False configurable values >>>
ScriptLog: Activate Corpse Monsters using - bNastyCorpse = True
ScriptLog: Deactivate test Bot-Support mode - bNoTest = False
ScriptLog: Activate changing player type - bOtherPlayer = True
ScriptLog: Activate tweak for several decorations - bDecoChange = True
ScriptLog: Activate changing several UT weapons - bUTReplace = True
ScriptLog: Activate K.O. at BlockMonsters - bRemoveBlocking = True
ScriptLog: Activate usage of CoopTranslocator - bUseCoopTranslocator = True
ScriptLog: Activate monster spree usage - bUseCrapSpree = True
ScriptLog: Activate few monster types replacement - bReplaceMonsters = True
ScriptLog: Disabling Translator - bNoTranslator = True
ScriptLog: Disabling Cannon to Monster damage - bNoRiskCannon = True
ScriptLog: Activate a version of Anti-Boost - bUseAntiboost = True
ScriptLog: Activate warn damage for FriendlyFire - bUseWarnTeamDamage = True
ScriptLog: Activate another scoring method - bUseAltScoring = True
ScriptLog: Activate 0 player vs player collision - stopPlayerCollision = True
ScriptLog: - Mover related tweak configuration types - Booleans, Floaters, Integers >>>
ScriptLog: Activate a Fake Group - is created group if doesn't exist - bTweakGroup = True
ScriptLog: Tweak is trying to tune Closing-Group based errors when players are leaving and Mover has been opened, using isolation.
ScriptLog: Activate mover's access for all Pawns - bDoPawnOpen = True
ScriptLog: Movers having mission purposes like bTriggerOnceOnly are excepted from wild touching.
ScriptLog: Activate removal of GRAB cheating command - bFixGrabCmd = True
ScriptLog: Activate crusher Movers against evil returns - bDoCrushMover = True
ScriptLog: Mover's StayOpenTime in SEC. until is declared bTriggerOnceOnly - AllowedOpen = 3600
ScriptLog: Current configuration is located in file > MH2_NS_V2.ini
ScriptLog: - Regenerators are located in class TimedBoy -
ScriptLog: Regenerate hunter's health/second value - HealthRegenPerSec = 4
ScriptLog: Regenerate hunter's ammo/second value - AmmoRegenPerSec = 8
ScriptLog: BaseMutator will screw them if doesn't match with TimedBoy's values bellow...
ScriptLog: Regenerate hunter's health until value - MaxRegenHealth = 500
ScriptLog: Hunter Receiving health stops at - MaxHealth = 5000
ScriptLog: Monster's health is re-checked for Maximum - MaxMonsterHealth = 20000
ScriptLog: So called must-have goes down here the mostly if Boolean values are True
ScriptLog: Hunters are receiving an UDamage at time - AmpTime = 222
ScriptLog: Random Hunter receives Redeemer bonus at time - kakuTime = 233
ScriptLog: Random Hunter receives 500Health bonus at time - HealthTime = 244
ScriptLog: These time intervals are supposed in Seconds based on Level's timer.
ScriptLog: Activate Ammo Regenerator - bUseRegenAmmo = True
ScriptLog: Activate Health Regenerator for Hunters - bUseRegenHealth = True
ScriptLog: Activate Regenerators Feature - bScaleRegen = True
ScriptLog: In Win Servers v451 - any - we might see funky things. We want small tweaks for Hunter's Carcass down here...
ScriptLog: Activate Hunter Carcass corroding - bCorrodeFaster = True
ScriptLog: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
And I'll update link. Set False values which are trouble-makers.

PS to myself:
I never expected complains about functional things. If something doesn't work complaining is normal, but not when works :mrgreen: .
Visible Navigation probably unavailable, configuration is more enhanced and shown.
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Re: MH attached types

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

Good explanation of settings. Will version 3 have a bool setting to adjust the transparency of the playerstarts, pathnodes, ect.
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Re: MH attached types

Post by sektor2111 »

I have modified this one V2 but no such display settings for client side (I don't want to hear about player hacks) as long as display settings are the mostly "player handy". AT this moment I loaded new V2 and 5_04 (from link posted) and I fired game finding a small trouble which I reported in XC_Engine's thread, else it runs properly with original engine relevancy setup.
In my setup I have activated Corpses as long as I don't have a problem with them + MinMonsterHealth=200 + MonsterMultiplier 2.000000 (twice health + MonsterSkill 7). It's awesome. :rock:

Future V3 probably will have another game structure. V3 will be probably a child of Domination too but I'm thinking at a reconfiguration of Bot Support + entire core different written - possible involving setup for XC_Engine toward SetEnemy hook. Project won't be an easy job as long as nobody seems to come with a new core structure idea so I have to work alone at these things.
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Re: MH attached types

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

sektor2111 wrote:AT this moment I loaded new V2 and 5_04 (from link posted)
Since I've already tested the first V2 and I noticed you didn't change the build name will my clients get a mismatch?
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Re: MH attached types

Post by sektor2111 »

SC]-[LONG_{HoF} wrote:Since I've already tested the first V2 and I noticed you didn't change the build name will my clients get a mismatch?
I spoke about testing in private first else you can recompile other version ... by changing the package name in A LOT of classes for a simple value changed. Deserve it this work because "smarts" are uncaching files? This idea to uncache for me has no logic, it forces a change or 10 changes in at least 20 UC files which might lead in a mistake based on editing which later is causing only headaches. And all this happens due to uncaching dumbness as long as only advanced users should practice this stunt and which are able to deal with problem. If files are in cache there no mismatch.

Passing from MH v500 to MH v503 did not caused so much mismatch noise as now days. The question is: How much is I.Q. of a player since I can see troubles in killing a louse which is acting like a doggy slow?

BTW. I was testing today that V2 (which I did not play last time at all). It was integrated with some code related to monster replacement but that code sent by a friend seems incomplete as I could see. Monsters spawned later might fall out of Level due to a delay which at a moment is out of timing - new pawn should be tweaked else replacement won't work, but later tweak must be turned off. I solved problem so it needs re-updated. :sad2:

If players have "very nasty" mismatch problems then you have source-code. Change package name to HOF_MH2 or such, replace all strings MH2_NS_V2 with HOF_MH2 in all UC files from source-code and compile mod. :|

If you encounter problems, we have other solution. Using my current ID you can look for me VIA Skype and we can move there. Being week-end, probably I'll be around hunting other troubles if exist (one of them is keeping all creatures on map with/without replacements - at this moment all seems fine for this point).
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Re: MH attached types

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

One of the more pesky problems that HoF has had to have admins enforce is keeping clients from ending maps early before all Monsters have been eliminated. I mean some maps have a triggered door to the MH end and some clearly don't.
I was thinking of ways to eliminate this particular exploit without getting rid of the maps or having to modify them.

Have a check on certain amount of monsters still alive in the level before being able to end hunt.
Sometimes monsters can be in areas not reachable so then maybe a timer check on how much time passed with no monster kills.