Gustavo6046 Unnoficial Bonus Pack

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Re: Gustavo6046 Unnoficial Bonus Pack

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

This is simply a person who has put together a bonus pack to get some sort of recognition from others but has put zero thought into testing or for the most part finishing his work.
I do hope that admins here can finally pass judgement on this crap and rid us from stupidity.

I for one would never release work that hasn't gone through testing first.
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Re: Gustavo6046 Unnoficial Bonus Pack

Post by Dr.Flay »

1 more bout of swearing Gustavo and the thread is locked.
I know you feel frustrated, but you are equally frustrating those that are trying to help.
A little tip; Don't come to a site full of "Aspies" and complain about Aspergers :wink:

Enthusiasm is a wonderful thing, but you need to walk before you can run.
Grins just made the best suggestion.
How about making a thread for each map, and we concentrate on getting 1 map fixed at a time.

When it comes to including mod resources, you need to respect the original documentation.
Many authors state that you are free to do what you want with no credits, but many request that you only redistribute the mod in a complete and unaltered form.
We can help source original distros whenever possible. Starting with the complete things will also help you as you will be aware of any limitations or bugs listed in the docs.
If a distro is too big to sensibly fit, a link can be included in your docs.
The way you have packaged your distro I would suffer a lot of replication, as I already have much of it in its original locations.
Chaos resources do not need to be included, because you can specify;
"This product is intended for use with a full GOTY UT99.
if you bought your half a GOTY edition from steam, the missing resources are found here [insert links]"

Once you have a working collection of maps you are happy with and have been beta tested, then the next step is to compile your pack.
At the moment you are hopping all over the place and re-releasing the whole thing, so no one knows which problem to deal with first.

Q: Have you released any individual maps as a distro before ?
If not, think about doing that first, as you can perfect your distro style and documentation, while only worrying about your own resources.
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Re: Gustavo6046 Unnoficial Bonus Pack

Post by Gustavo6046 »

Well stop this topic. I do also want to get rid of this stuff...
Edit: oh I saw "swearing" on Google Translator. It seems like I was exxagerating. A little.
Last edited by Gustavo6046 on Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Gustavo6046 Unnoficial Bonus Pack

Post by sektor2111 »

Somehow being a bit drunk I could log in.
I was trying a G00gle translation for "Unnoficial" VS "Unofficial" and I got almost the same results... looks like G00gl3 has advanced related to so called"skill" or someone has finally learned lesson or not because there is ONLY ONE right term.
Gustavo6046 wrote:Fuck this topic
In a random moment some Bot in Skype was triggering me to cyber s.x. My reply was: I'm not f..g a machine; so I won't f.. this topic as long as some FinalXanBoss is your fan. Imagine that he is loving "simplicity". For sure brain "simplicity" is another chapter, but... I'm not qualified for managing medical diagnostics.

Related to "Aspergers" I recommend another excuse IF i'm not mistaking.
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Re: Gustavo6046 Unnoficial Bonus Pack

Post by Gustavo6046 »

@sektor2111 Ummmm... what am I supposed to do now? Also what's that weird quoting?

Well well anyway. If I can't find the close button by myself, someone else might find it. Because I want to get rid of this pack and throw it at teh river flow it away to Oceans! And Oceans eat the pack and never more we see it because I don't deserve to release this pack! It would be a good time to say what you quoted...
"Everyone is an idea man. Everybody thinks they have a revolutionary new game concept that no one else has ever thought of. Having cool ideas will rarely get you anywhere in the games industry. You have to be able to implement your ideas or provide some useful skill. Never join a project whose idea man or leader has no obvious development skills. Never join a project that only has a web designer. You have your own ideas. Focus on them carefully and in small chunks and you will be able to develop cool projects."

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Re: Gustavo6046 Unnoficial Bonus Pack

Post by FXANBSS »

Note: Ignore bad comments.

To publish a map, the map needs to have a good quality. (Search for help, tutorials.)
- No BSP Bugs. (Geometry bugs.)
- No bad placed flags. (CTF only.)
- No bad placed pathnodes.
- Put in the readme which is the version of each mod that you have included.
- And much more things that i don't have the enough time to say.

Otherwise you can go to the weird side, with bad quality maps, all maps doesn't need to be great, if you want the maps to be a complete crap like mine that i don't publish because i don't want, then i recommend to not publish anything and play with your stuff yourself, like a secret, do you know how many great projects have never been released? Better than the 227 fan version of Unreal or any mod in the Unreal history?
You know this place doesn't have quiet users and they can just lost the control, IMO this place doesn't have the people with the enough patience, they should keep in silence, me too.
You can go to other website if you want to publish your bad quality mod, you know your mod is bad quality, you need to say the bad things of your mod to let people think about downloading it or not.

Good luck! I hope you have read all my post.
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Re: Gustavo6046 Unnoficial Bonus Pack

Post by EvilGrins »

SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} wrote:I do hope that admins here can finally pass judgement on this crap and rid us from stupidity.
To be fair, without stupidity most of us wouldn't have anything to do with our free time. :ironic:
Dr.Flay wrote:Grins just made the best suggestion.
Hey, all my suggestions are great... even the crappy ones!
sektor2111 wrote:Somehow being a bit drunk I could log in.
Why do you make more sense drunk than sober?
Dr.Flay wrote:How about making a thread for each map, and we concentrate on getting 1 map fixed at a time.
I had a similar thought, sektor may recall, about converting the MA maps to MH ·
FXANBSS wrote:all maps doesn't need to be great
That's why I love this one ·
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Re: Gustavo6046 Unnoficial Bonus Pack

Post by sektor2111 »

EvilGrins wrote:Why do you make more sense drunk than sober?
Because today looks like was a good day as follows:
- getting rid of this Packed Bonus I'm happy to find living-room cleaned;
- during this time when thread here was running, I could do some 830 weight paths in a perfect functional CTF environment on one of those empty cubes found in Download links thread - when NsMonster types were crawling there they were able to hunt well because monster doesn't screw "falling" as Bot does with those dumb kickers (I guess target server in purpose did not even have Translocator - addiction to ruin good things), so this time game was priceless in the same environment which initially was retarded.

Releasing such a modified beta done by other will result in other nasty occurrence from author which was releasing a null brush collection (no items, no paths, bad Flag placements) - it's what I can call utterly garbage. So Gustavo is indeed a little tiny better option in rare random moments than others pretending to be sane. Of course all this stuff in cause needs serious revisions before usage.
FXANBSS wrote:... all maps doesn't need to be great,...
I'm not really disagree here, but if map has a game-play with monitor turned on or turned off in the same way because of "best" geometry and nothing visible in game (training program for blind people), for sure I'm not a pro candidate there. The only fix for that said map is that key which people calls it "Delete" as show on its label.
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Re: Gustavo6046 Unnoficial Bonus Pack

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Gustavo6046 wrote:Well stop this topic. I do also want to get rid of this stuff...
Your wish is my command...
