Variants related problems

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Variants related problems

Post by sektor2111 »

The affinity of people for multi-games is not a bad thing.

The bad thing is ignorance leading finally in useless stuff as long as the same content is created but having different "internals".

Proudly introducing TEXTURE FILE <Quake3.utx> known or unknown in... 3 sh!t forms making maps to run or NOT, depending on texture loaded - contains 64×256, 128×256 textures resolutions so... eh.
Real facts goes bellow >
Map DM-Ort0900.unr requires one form of this texture.
Map DM-Nasii.unr requires a different one (aprox. 14MB) not very available for download.
Whatever MH more or less retarded MH Level requires another kind of Quake3.utx texture because I found a different file in a sort of "Massive MH collection".

Given occurences and because somehow ALL these maps could not run together due to different internal textures and groups, I have merged their content into a common one supposed for compatibility with fore-mentioned Levels. This master Texture has now 20.1 MB else null things being called will only crash servers and/or local games won't run.

Stuff being bigger and because I want to show you evidences I have uploaded them elsewhere and you can adjust/fix things if aren't properly set. Link goes bellow:

Edit: These 2 DM maps I found into some signature repository shared here having incomplete content pretty unplayable. Sharing reason is unknown by me + other sort of NO map with 1 PlayerStart - you can flush that toillete.

Edit2: If you know another version of such thing (share it, please) then we have to reconstruct an almighty compatible texture for all maps calling that UTX file.
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Re: Variants related problems

Post by sektor2111 »

Continuing the scan (it wasn't the goal but... I have usually such a luck):

Music file: mismatch less harmfull for servers (won't crash but other music will run from a server to another)
Seti.umx one is a normal music, other one has an over volumed sort of music having nothing in common with Level which I found running it. Admin job: "pick a turtle".

Texture file:
a3text.utx In order to run all those "maps" build with different version of such texture you have to use a mixed one else nasty things will occur... Admin job: Use the mix or enjoy consequences.

Link from first post has been updated.
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Re: Variants related problems

Post by Higor »

Post all Quake3.utx you find, maybe we can make a compiled file that's network compatible with at least one of the previous ones, which makes all maps run.
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Re: Variants related problems

Post by ShaiHulud »

Attaching for reference some other mismatched files that have caused problems for me in the past.

Last edited by ShaiHulud on Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Variants related problems

Post by sektor2111 »

I have mixed those with problems and I have tested maps which were previously running only with their texture. Now they are working with that mixed Quake3.utx - 20MB file without problem. Textures found by me are located in link above but I will complete them if I'll see "news". I don't look for them in purpose but if something nasty hits me then I'll try to deal with that.

//Little out of subject: I can show you those maps - little adjusted (Bot Pathing, Inventory tunning, Little light tunning, Some Zone, etc.) The rest of stuff is unchanged. Now these 2 maps can run together with that mixed texture without problems. See bellow... confirmation.
These are only maps, if another file is missing, let me know in order to update that.
//End of out Subject
I guess there are more such cute things to solve... I'll post them if I'll find others.
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Re: Variants related problems

Post by papercoffee »

So the newest is Quake3.utx3.7z ?
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Re: Variants related problems

Post by sektor2111 »

papercoffee wrote:So the newest is Quake3.utx3.7z ?
No, it's the biggest simple Quake3.7z. The rest 1,2,3 are resources for mixing. Allright, I have renamed it to Quake3_Mixed_Fix.7z
ShaiHulud wrote:Attaching for reference some other mismatched files that have caused problems for me in the past.
I understand frustration of mismatch, but that's not a big problem after all. The problem comes when content implemented in files is DIFFERENT. If Seti.umx won't hurt server, for sure a bad texture might crash unexpected.
Let's see:
1- call TexturePack1.Texture10
2- call TexturePack2.LastTexture5
Using Second pack with LastTexture5 in a map build with First pack, map will look garbled with some default texture or even might crash instantly - as in case from above description. You can download those 2 maps, and try one by one all those <Quake3.utx>, see what I mean.

The rest of <Spinner> <BPak> etc. by example, admins can use any of them. If another version has been released improved-fixed, it can be used too and nobody will get hurt after all. Player with Non-Stock stuff loaded is a problem for himself/herself because these kinda greed-for-files habit is not healthy. However problem is solved if we keep cache forever and ONLY cache without "on-fly" travels from a server to another without cleaning/restarting game.

Back to Textures chapter I'll copy the list and I'll look into stuff trying to gain master mixed textures to prevent crashes or garbled results in game.

I have performed a check to texture Citytex.utx
1 - A version texture has 939,520 bytes;
2 - The second texture has 1,292,670 bytes - so this one has something new.
The difference between 2 of them: n_brick1, n_brick2, n_brick3, n_brick4. So the bigger file has more stuff - That is recommended to prevent missing stupid n_brickX brain-farts added later.

Edit2: As for the rest of MH specific stuff - said U files, perhaps I'll rebuild myself FIXED ones because those "new" shit creatures have nothing fixed - I repeat NOTHING: They have TacticalMove errors, CanFireAtEnemy, SeenPlayer works through movers ON-Line, Attitude is crap + the rest of self bump attack with 0 changes. New mesh and skin + new bugs aren't fascinating me... so if we talk about crappy U files then expect news a la 2015...
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Re: Variants related problems

Post by Chamberly »

ShaiHulud wrote:Attaching for reference some other mismatched files that have caused problems for me in the past.

There is much more than that. I'd say probably around 500 or more.
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