Non-Pawn Skins

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Non-Pawn Skins

Post by sektor2111 »

Some times I'm looking into stuff:
Navigation might be different VIA mod. For mapping directly you might use these:
Contains PCX files that can be used. Importing in Editor occurs successfully as shown in image from above if Flags - Masked at import check-box is selected.
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Re: Non-Pawn Skins

Post by papercoffee »

Those skins are to make it easier for new mapper to understand the actors?
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Re: Non-Pawn Skins

Post by sektor2111 »

Things are not so complex. A mapper familiarized with Editor can select all "SomeActor". From ContextMenu (RightClick) - Default properties we are moving at Display - Texture. There we open texture menu and will import news. Then put at properties new Texture. Even default stuff can be "redecorated". I'm not sure if is a problem as long as IntroDude lasts years has all sort of dumb meshes running unexistent animations which is not really a good thing. These Sprite type display are not a major problem if colors and resolutions are as normal UT's stuff. 256 colors, 8 bit, 32×32 - masked Import. I made these for testing purposes (testing Levels) getting bored by default "APPLE" (brown apple ?) and that Head everywhere.

Techs: For developing a mod I was using a SpawnNotify in order to get them changed on client side - all these will look different in all default pathed maps.