Barbie wrote:I'm already satisfied if Bots can reach the end.
That's good because I was less lucky. Two of them decided to hunt pupaes and they felt under bridge. Bridge was lowered by other Bot and those two morons were spending all match there doing nothing. You can imagine that I'll drop some love around lift, bridge, some one-way stuf, etc etc. as follows:
- Using FearSpot for making Bots to not jump over lift, but Inside lift triggered properly;
- movers are gonna be BT_PawnBump and all crushers will have EncroachDamage at least 2000 points;
- LiftExit won't have any more route back to LiftCenter preventing any retreat decision happening in smarter controllers - it's a waste of time here;
- Trigger according to Position1 will be in English - Google was the mapper here...;
- Custom Counters will prevent racing through MonsterWaypoints connected with Touch protectors - original MH has issues here, too much rushing;
- A BlockedPath is removed because HuntNodes in certain area do a cute job - preventing even monsters to get mad;
- in said lower spot which is like a Bot trap, some kickers will simulate wrong combat moves making Bot to fall and re-spawn instead of sitting there all next week;
- generally ramp nodes are going to be lowered with 10 UU just for safety;
- MonsterEnd won't be usable until ALL Kralls are vaporized for good - we (Bots) want a HUNT not a race.
These are my thoughts about what is needed here