One of the 1st I found, again, was a Captain Kirk skin. Typical yellow shirt deal, his face mapped onto the model fairly well, but the team colors were just a splash of color on the torso. I decided that wouldn't do and made my 1st Red Shirt skin:

It's got a few faces, a few kinda funny talk textures, and a team color issue.
The problem with the Solder model, Male & Female, which applies to Commando of both as well, is the Team Colors don't go onto the arms & shoulders. I've seen many work around this fairly well but it doesn't work for Star Trek very well.
This is a failure, in my eyes, someone else made:

To me, that's just painful. So much so I took a few tries on that skin and made a "Mirror Universe" type skin:

Has faces for Evil Kirk, Evil Sulu, Evil Chekov, Evil Bones, Evil Scotty, and (with an edit from papercoffee) Evil Spock.
Mirror Universe being a parallel dimension sort of deal, where the uniforms were a bit more barbaric, so bare arms worked... but that didn't help my more traditional Red Shirts skin.
Granted the Red Shirts work great for MonsterHunt...

...but outside of that it's an issue.
Traditional Starfleet uniforms, from the age Red Shirts come from, only have the rank on the ends of the sleeves:

As I'm sure any would agree, that's a little hard to see in-game if you're playing Team Games.
Been doing a number of internet searches on Red Shirts, for awhile now, trying to find a design I could incorporate into the skin that would allow for better team colors... but haven't had much luck.
Any suggestions?