Tired of setting up KickVelocity? Easy Kicker Mod!

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Re: Tired of setting up KickVelocity? Easy Kicker Mod!

Post by sektor2111 »

At a moment I was playing some maps having a sort of swJumpPad working pretty cute. ALL life-forms were using them perfectly. Why I have to waste time with another for the same purpose thing ? And has issues as well. Worth the waste of time after all since it's already done in a professional way ?
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Re: Tired of setting up KickVelocity? Easy Kicker Mod!

Post by Barbie »

Higor wrote:
Barbie wrote:If you add an instance of SuperActor1 it will be named SuperActor10
Wrong, digits are chopped off starting from the right until a letter is found.
Oh, that was new to me - I have never dealt with that naming schema because it has simply worked... :)
A quick test (which I should have done before posting a guess :oops: ) has shown that the name SuperActor1 is skipped for an instance name: the first instance of SuperActor is named SuperActor0, the next SuperActor2. So another guess - where I have no idea how to prove this - is, that instance names are always skipped if they are equal to any existing class name.
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Re: Tired of setting up KickVelocity? Easy Kicker Mod!

Post by sektor2111 »

Make a cube and put some damn Armor2 × 3 copies. Go check Properties for the last. Is something unclear ?
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Re: Tired of setting up KickVelocity? Easy Kicker Mod!

Post by Higor »

Unreal Engine 1 can have objects with the same name, provided they reside in different Outers.
A Class resides in a package, an actor resides in a Level package.

For speed reasons the only criteria used to new instances is: "name must be unique". Regardless of said name being used in a different outer, in your case, being SuperActor1 being used not in level but in a different package... oh wait, if the class is MyLeveled, then yes, it is also in the level.

Serialization and manual creation work differently, names are already given. And therefore forcibly assigned to new objects.
When a new object is serialized from a file, if another instance with matching Outer,Name is found, file load is skipped.
When a new object is manually created, if another instance with matching Outer,Name is found, the old instance will be 'replaced'.

Definition of replacement (from UE3, didn't bother to check UE1): Deinit object properties to deallocate dynamic arrays, deinit object, call c++ destructor, call c++ constructor, reinit object in same memory space.
Notes on replacement: Memory isn't reallocated, if one object is replaced with a differently sized one, game will throw an exception.
How to force two common replacement crashes:
- Spawn an actor with this code: new(Outer,'ThisName') class'SomeClass_A'; new(Outer,'ThisName') class'SomeClass_B'; (both classes with different sizes)
- Export map to T3D, subclass LevelInfo (LevelInfo_Hack), add new properties to LevelInfo_Hack, edit T3D so level class is LevelInfo_Hack, do not rename LevelInfo (keep old name), import, rebuild, open game, switch from this map to other (or viceversa)
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Re: Tired of setting up KickVelocity? Easy Kicker Mod!

Post by Barbie »

Thanks for the comprehensive answer. :tu:
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Re: Tired of setting up KickVelocity? Easy Kicker Mod!

Post by MrLoathsome »

Number of good ideas and explanations here.

But some may be a bit above and beyond what you need to know to get your kicker working.

Put some log lines in your development/test version of the thing, and track down some variable or condition that will
consistently let you know something, anything, that is unique to the jumpads that are needing the velocity cut down by half.

Then, put in a check for that condition, and multiply that line by 0.5 to cut down the velocity.z by half.

*Edit. And track down some extra fans for your pc if you haven't done it yet.
Almost any dead/trashed PC you find anywhere, will have some working 12v fans you can scavenge, CLEAN UP, and plug in some kinda way.

Heat will kill your PC and your data. I been having some issues this week with my antique hardware also, and have been spending some
time backing up everything 3 times.
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Re: Tired of setting up KickVelocity? Easy Kicker Mod!

Post by Gustavo6046 »

I just found swJumpPad. It is better to merge Easy Kicker Mod's time to destination with swJumpPad as-is. This will grant more than a measly competitor known as Easy Kicker Mod...
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