I tried different approaches:
1) Just use the "real" team (0-3) instead of the team 0 that is usually used in MH. But there I have to hack the damage code including teleport fragging, "repair" enemy seeking rockets and probably some more stuff. Because I guess there are lots of maps outside that rely on players team=0 (eg TeamMonsters.u) this would break compatibility also. Bad approach.
2) Introducing a new storage ("VirtualTeam") for the team the player has chosen. Setting player's skin to that virtual team color is no problem in function AddToTeam() of a subclassed GameInfo. In the beginning I've put this variable "VirtualTeam" into a sub class of PlayerReplicationInfo and this has worked so far - with the disadvantage that this information is lost after logout (what happens with every map change). Because I need code to store the content of that variable at the client - preferably in USER.INI -, I decided to create a sub class of ReplicationInfo ("PlayerClientInfoSB") and have my stuff there instead of in PlayerReplicationInfoSB directly. PlayerReplicationInfoSB then only holds a reference to that class. But I didn't get it managed to store the VirtualTeam number in client's USER.INI nor having a manual set value replicated to server.
I followed these instructions: https://wiki.beyondunreal.com/Legacy:Ne ... _Variables and studied https://wiki.beyondunreal.com/Legacy:Re ... d_Function and nearly all stuff that is referenced by https://wiki.beyondunreal.com/Legacy:Replication.
Does anyone have a complete different idea to gain this? Or hints what is wrong with my code? (The code might be a bit messy because I tried many different variations.)
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class PlayerClientInfoSB expands ReplicationInfo config(User);
var byte VirtualTeam; // if Player switches team he will stay in Team=0 but *VirtualTeam* is set to new team number. This can be used for visual/acustical effects.
var config byte LastVirtualTeam; // local store for *VirtualTeam*
var bool bVirtualTeamChangeAllowed; // used by MonsterHuntSB.ChangeTeam(): if not allowed, team is not changed. MonsterHuntSB.PostLogin() sets this to TRUE and changes team then.
replication {
reliable if ( Role == ROLE_Authority )
reliable if (Role < ROLE_Authority)
simulated function TeamChanged() { // this is executed on server but was never executed on client
if ( ! bVirtualTeamChangeAllowed)
LastVirtualTeam = VirtualTeam;
//if (Role < ROLE_Authority)
if (Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer) // only client should save it
static function bool PlayerClientInfoHave(Pawn Other, out PlayerClientInfoSB PCISB) {
Just a shortcut for the wall of text for type casting.
Returns TRUE if *Other* has a *PlayerClientInfoSB* and sets *PCISB* to it.
if (Other.PlayerReplicationInfo != None)
if (PlayerReplicationInfoSB(Other.PlayerReplicationInfo) != None)
if (PlayerReplicationInfoSB(Other.PlayerReplicationInfo).PCISB != None)
PCISB = PlayerReplicationInfoSB(Other.PlayerReplicationInfo).PCISB;
return true;
return false;
simulated function PostBeginPlay() { // by logging I found this is executed on server and client
if (Role == ROLE_Authority)
VirtualTeam = LastVirtualTeam;
defaultproperties {
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class PlayerReplicationInfoSB expands PlayerReplicationInfo;
var PlayerClientInfoSB PCISB;
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class MonsterHuntSB expands TeamGamePlus config(BarbiesWorld);
function AddToTeam(int num, Pawn Other) {
const CMHTeamNum = 0;
local Pawn P;
local bool bSuccess;
local string SkinName, FaceName;
local PlayerClientInfoSB PCISB;
if (Other == None)
warn("Added NONE to team" @ num);
if (Class'PlayerClientInfoSB'.static.PlayerClientInfoHave(Other, PCISB))
if (PCISB.bVirtualTeamChangeAllowed)
if (PCISB.VirtualTeam != num)
PCISB.VirtualTeam = num;
warn("PlayerReplicationInfoSB(Other.PlayerReplicationInfo).PCISB == None");
event PostLogin(playerpawn NewPlayer) {
local PlayerClientInfoSB PCISB;
if (NewPlayer == None)
// if PCISB does not exist, create it
if ( ! Class'PlayerClientInfoSB'.static.PlayerClientInfoHave(NewPlayer, PCISB))
PlayerReplicationInfoSB(NewPlayer.PlayerReplicationInfo).PCISB = Spawn(Class'PlayerClientInfoSB', NewPlayer);
// check again if PCISB exists now:
if (Class'PlayerClientInfoSB'.static.PlayerClientInfoHave(NewPlayer, PCISB))
PCISB.bVirtualTeamChangeAllowed = true;
ChangeTeam(NewPlayer, PCISB.VirtualTeam);