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Re: MH-Collaboration

Post by Myth »

I'll post it here so that anybody can take a look, but it's not ready.
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Re: MH-Collaboration

Post by Myth »

Ok, here's what I got till now.
So you start in a spaceship. Every part of the map, every level will be linked to it by teleporters. This starting area is complete and only needs tweaking.
These are the teleporter pads. There will be quite many on the map. These are inactive ones. Active teleporters will have some kind of special effect. Can anyone make a visible teleporter which isn't visible when it is disabled? I wouldn't like to add 100 triggered lights...

Behind the spawning room there is the inventory room. Instead of using movers, I've decided to spawn all the weapons and items. I've tested it and it works perfectly.

And if anyone decides to make something... don't build it on this map. Build it on a separate one, and send it to me via pm or email.

I'll try to finish the monsters as fast as I can, but I doubt that I'll manage to fix that 'inactiveness' bug.

And is the limit on movers 256?? What I've posted was just a guess.
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Re: MH-Collaboration

Post by Feralidragon »

Myth wrote: And is the limit on movers 256?? What I've posted was just a guess.
Not sure, I think that the limit are not the number of movers, instead are the number of vertices used by them. I read something about it a while ago...

Well, I think is better play safe and avoid movers as long as possible.
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Re: MH-Collaboration

Post by Magelaz »

:loool: i kinda agree on that 256 thingy...LOL
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Re: MH-Collaboration

Post by Derdak »

just registered to the site , im very glad i did , looks like people here working hard and doing very good stuff :)

this project seems ambitious , but i think its possible .. we started similar thing on the planetmonsterhunt site ( before it died ) and i was in charge of the final product , unfortunatly , some people didnt do their part , so i had to scrap the thing :/
i actually have lot of unfinished work about the project , i can share some map-parts , but i need the permission of each author ;)
keep up the good work :tu:
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Re: MH-Collaboration

Post by Myth »

We've tolerated enough their attacks. We've seen enough destruction. It's time for a direct assault. We'll teleport you to key sectors on the planet. You'll have to eradicate all hostile forces. Good luck.
The project isn't dead, but delayed. I hope I'll get this finished till x-mas. This will sure be a great x-mas present...

If anyone wants to help, just pm me, or post here.

Edit: bah, I can't really find the time for this. I keep pushing this ahead of me. It will probably never be finished. Sorry guys...