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Post by shadow342 »

This is an old map I made a while ago. Please tell me what you think :D.

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Re: DM-Poseidon

Post by DE22 »

I just tried your map, here's a review about it (its my first review ever, so forgive me if i did a mistake)
The map was neat, althought it did had some good decoration (lights , aligned walls, etc) it wasn't rich with deco , making it an average appearance, the side way lights were pretty over birght, but had a nice look ;) , For the Lava Pump, Kinda makes me wonder were the lava was pouring from :P The ceiling (or just the water) in the zone info wasn't arrange, you should used some lighting to make it rock ^^
Score: 3.4/5
The map was kinda good build but, the adds and subtracts weren't fitting together making some kinda little spaces destroying the good sences, The music....I LOVE THAT MUSIC! so forgive me people, I might give the build a REALLY high score ^^;
Score: 3.7/5
It was fun playing this map, but I had more frags than usual. The main chamber (the pouring lava area) was really scary, I was afraid of falling off and I kept going to other areas. For the power-ups, they kinda made the owner of it tough and hard to beat, Udamage was almost all the time active for me and boosted my score , so did for the bots. For the sniper area, I enjoyed some headshots ;) . There was only 3/4 traps working: the 2 turrets in main chamber, the crusher, and the other 3 remote turrets, Makes me wonder what does the electricty field does, it never did a thing and I pressed the 2 buttoms, oh well, maybe I missed another thing? Oh, there was also few health vitals and packs along the way, my health was always ranging from 45~65 , Made it an awesome Deathmatch :D!
Score: 3.8/5
Average Score:3.6/5
Rating: B
Final Notes:
There's definetly a room for improvement for this map, althought its quite fun playing it with bots, but am sure it would go crazy with people using turrets! Maybe you should hide the Playerstart next time, that would make the bot hide from our headshots ;)
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Re: DM-Poseidon

Post by Myth »

Not the best map I've seen, but not the worst. I'd still, rather play this one than many other contraptions that are called 'maps' which are floating around the internet. It's kinda low on visuals, there are a few brushes which weren't well placed. And the map is actually quite confusing to navigate.
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Re: DM-Poseidon

Post by §0n!b@n9 »

Make screenshots please!
My map on Nalicity - ctf-2on2-terram643 - ctf-dragonfire2k7-se - ctf-comptoir - ctf-inuitfactory - ctf-techtraining - ctf-dna-factum - My map on UnrealPlayground

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Re: DM-Poseidon

Post by Magelaz »

yar rly...pls make some more!