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Post by Emandion »

I often find I lose motivation amazingly quickly with maps I create.

It's usually because I just get a bit bored. But sometimes I forget I'm making one, run out of ideas, etc.

Any tips of staying motivated and following a map through til' the end?
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Re: Motivation?

Post by Myth »

Turn off your computer, go to the WC to empty yourself, go outside or look out the window and think about the meaning of life.
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Re: Motivation?

Post by Creavion »

conquer your inner temptation and go on... open other really go(o)d maps from other authors and think about what you like there... or make a new map and continue your current fallen project an other day...
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Re: Motivation?

Post by Feralidragon »

Easy, just think about why are you doing your map: if it is some project that you are developing with a team, I think this is motivation enough, since I think you really don't want to disapoint your team.

If it is something just by yourself, and something that you have just a moment of great will to do, just close the editor and do other stuff you like (in or out of your PC), and maybe in a few hours or weeks, the will to do it is going to appear again. If it doesn't, it is because your map won't go any further, just do a new one you want to (this happenned to me sometimes, so of like 20 maps, I actually finished like 5 or 6, LOL)