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.: Stezz :.
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Post by .: Stezz :. »

Hi dudes and dudetts. I'm new here, so please redirect me to the right forum if I have posted this in the wrong place. Okay, so I have to make an Unreal Map for my college assigment, and I decided to do a train station. I have worked pretty hard and I have got a reasonable train station. But I need some help. I want to add a trigger so that when the train touches you, you die. I managed to get a trigger working so when you hit the tracks, the train comes at you, but I also want to add a collision so that on touch, it kills.
I have tried increasing damage threshold in mover properties, but ti doesn't work. Any tips?

Here it is, if you want to try it: ... testB2.unr

its unfinished atm, and its called DM-testB2, mind my akward naming system ;)

Cheers for any help, totally appreciated :D

Last edited by .: Stezz :. on Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: DM-Subway

Post by Creavion »

Pics... add some goddamned pics please... there are several people who dont download without some good preview pics.
BTW: You should zip or rar your map.
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.: Stezz :.
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Re: DM-Subway

Post by .: Stezz :. »

soz dude, just forgot about pics, I added one, I shall add more on request....

the map isnt too big so it shouldn't take too long to download. but I will zip/RAR it next time I release it, which should be finished by then... (hopefully)...

I have found no BSP holes either, I've made sure there are none, but if anything dodgy is spotted please let me know straight away, since I wanna try and get a merit for this assigment ;)

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Re: DM-Subway

Post by Creavion »

To your map: Make the trains as Attachmovers.. attach Triggers to the fronts and trigger them with a special event.

Do you want some criticism in detail?
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Re: DM-Subway

Post by .: Stezz :. »

Well I still have to add alot, a whole room is being added in where the slanted subtraction is (for an escalator). But I wudnt mind some opinions on textures (I know some are streched) and maybe how fast the train is going and so on, positioning of health packs and stuff, thanks for giving it a look tho ;)

right so basically I make the train a mover, then add a trigger on the front of it, and the trigger will move with the train yes? Then make the trigger a kill-on-contact?

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Re: DM-Subway

Post by Creavion »

.: Stezz :. wrote:right so basically I make the train a mover, then add a trigger on the front of it, and the trigger will move with the train yes? Then make the trigger a kill-on-contact?
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Re: DM-Subway

Post by .: Stezz :. »

Do I add a 'Triggered Death' or an ordinary tigger? And then how would I link it up with the train, making it kill on collision? 0.0

Thanks so much Creavion, for your help and all, I really appreciate it, ;)

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Re: DM-Subway

Post by Feralidragon »

It's like this, I really love trains and subways (I even have TRS2004, and I want to buy TRS2006 LOL).

I really like that theme in maps, and I did some of them with that, so I give little tips (and questions):

- Damage Thershold it's not the damage given by the mover, is a imediate damage that the mover must receive from a rocket (example), so don't use this one.
- Do the subway a little more detailed, with more wagons, and more 1 or 2 poly in the side to make it convex (I think it's "convex").
- Well, about that issue, just continue to follow Creavion's tips
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Re: DM-Subway

Post by .: Stezz :. »

Thanks dude, I'll definatly take that into consideration, ;)

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Re: DM-Subway

Post by Creavion »

For the case you have ut04 .. well I hope so.. take a look in AS-FallenCity.. there is an interesting Subway Area.
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Re: DM-Subway

Post by shadow342 »

Go to the movers properties, then go into the MoverEnroachType and set it to bCrushEnroach
That way, when you get hit by it, you will die. If you want the bots to die, go to damagethreshold to 9999
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.: Stezz :.
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Re: DM-Subway

Post by .: Stezz :. »

I think I tried that, but you need a space for a character to get stuck behind, and its quite large, which looks a bit weird. Im after a kill on contact sorta thing, so when it touches you, you die instantly.... hmm. Oh, I only use UT99 which may hinder me in some aspect I want to add in.

Nevertheless I have added to the map now. I added in elescalators, and another room, with a second floor, so its coming on pretty well, seeing as its gotta be handed in tommoro.

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Re: DM-Subway

Post by shadow342 »

Ok. Delete those movers and make some attach movers that are exactly the same and set the keys, then, Add a triggeredDeath in front and back of the sub. Name those triggered deaths' tag to whatever you are going to use it for the attach mover (like SD). Then go to the attach mover and set AttachTag to the triggered deaths' tag (SD). Then go into the triggers properties-Advanced and make everything false EXCEPT for bMovable. It will now travel with the sub. The only thing left to do is set the radius to the appropriate distance so that it covers the front and back of the subs.