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King Henri
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Post by King Henri »

I need some help :help: . I'm trying to make my firs w00t map but I'm kinda not sure if I'm on the right track. I've built two different variants of the map so if somebody can check them out and give suggestions which variant is better and what could be improved or if they suck completly :mrgreen: .

http://files.filefront.com/CTF+W00ting+ ... einfo.html

http://files.filefront.com/CTF+W00ting+ ... einfo.html
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Re: CTF-W00ting-in-Egypt

Post by --=PsyXandeR=-- »

K, I'm not going to comment on your archi and lighting... There will be quite a lot to describe then. :tongue: .. and given you didn't work on visuals at all.


Absolutely each w00t styled map has some sort of hazardous pit between the bases , it must be anything that can obviously kill players. At this point it cannot even be considered w00t map.
Flag placement - V1 has better flag placement - flag areas should be open so enemy could be gibbed easily. Also, make sure that you can capture the flag quickly, no more then 18 seconds, it is the w00t guideline. :tongue:

Cheers ;)
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Re: CTF-W00ting-in-Egypt

Post by Myth »

There is room for a lot of improvement on that map.
Keep working on it.
The skybox needs to be reworked, the textures are kinda repetitive, the architecture is awefully boring, lighting is dull, and I'd add a few more jump pads.