Is it possible to see what packages a map uses?
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Is it possible to see what packages a map uses?
Is it possible to see what packages a certain map makes use of by opening it in UnrealED or similar? Would be useful when copying maps from one comp to another so you'll know what files you have to copy!
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Re: Is it possible to see what packages a map uses?
In the Actor browser click showpackages in view at the top, i think it will show you what other packs are there, (besides the default ut ones). For textures, just select a texture's properties that is custom made, it will show you the path of where it was from at the top. And music (level properties or music browser lol) and same goes for sounds.
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- Joined: Tue Jul 22, 2008 1:22 am
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Re: Is it possible to see what packages a map uses?
If its downloaded, you could just unpack the cache files. I also suggest changing the texture package name for the map you are making if you are just using a few of the classes from the original package; for example (Map name)tex.utx... Not required, but nobody likes 50 different versions of the same texture package.