How to make a uax. file?

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How to make a uax. file?

Post by irridium77 »


I haz a question about making your own sounds for UT
I recorded a number of messages, ann saved them as wav. files

Now I haz to find out how i can make these wav. into uax. and embed them into mylevel

so basically:
howto make Wav. to uax.
howto import uax. files in map in the MyLevel package

grtz irridium77
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Re: How to make a uax. file?

Post by Feralidragon »

First off, uax isn't exactly a sound format, is more a sound package with wav sounds in it.

So, basically, if you want your sounds into a uax file and place it in MyLevel, just think about how do you import textures and MyLevel them.

If you know how to import textures and place them in MyLevel, then the same apllies to sounds, but you have to use the sound browser instead (sound browser, not music browser). :wink: