Well surprisingly that was just a demo Version.
The makers of the ut99 version have been working on a much better version of ut99 DDOM.And is soon coming to a release(october 15th This release date has been delayed
EDIT:New info
DDOM ut99 is going to be devoloped by 1000 mph studios
EDIT:More info
If you have no idea what ddom is, then you might want to listen here.
Just caus the title is called double domination that doesent mean that its the same as dom but just with 2 dom points.Double Domination has Team spawns Red and Blue and there is 2 control points somewhere else in the map it takes the same amount of seconds for each team to get to both point. Your team Must hold both of the points for 8 seconds and when you have done that your team gets a point. When you get a point both teams go back to their spawn base with the same weapons they had and health. The average team score target in a map should be around 3-5.
This gametype also has new mappies for it, and if you dont like the idea of new mappies, then there are some familar maps turned into ddom maps

More info Coming soon

Sorry For the Bad presentation:(