Server Installation

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Server Installation

Post by RuNNeR »

I AM BACK!I have recently tried to make a UT:GOTY Server, but I didn't find any helpful videos or tutorials. I came up here to explain me how to do that, I know how to portforward that is not a problem for me. And I kindly ask you, if you can suggest any mods to make a server look better like stats and other mods. I'll highly appreciate your reply :D

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Re: Server Installation

Post by sektor2111 »

RuNNeR wrote:but I didn't find any helpful videos or tutorials
Fantasies... Perhaps you did not even search for such things right ? This is a basic... primitive search using over-known search engine crawling everywhere and knowing a lot of things.
If any of such information is not helpful for you maybe you can stop thinking at servers.

PS: This section is for posting tutorials. This is not a tutorial.
For stats and mods, they have their own docs. You will not see a general tutorial about everything (mods especially) as long as they can be changed from time to time, and very few people can write about them more properly than their authors.
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Re: Server Installation

Post by RuNNeR »

TY! :D. If I have any questions regarding the server, can I ask you again?

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Re: Server Installation

Post by Chamberly »

Better yet, ask anything by replying to your post and anyone with the knowledge will reply to you! :mrgreen:
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Re: Server Installation

Post by sektor2111 »

RuNNeR wrote:TY! :D. If I have any questions regarding the server, can I ask you again?
If is about 2017 year and my way of doing you can ask questions about doing a server in a "custom" way. That method is not shared anywhere yet.

Edit: Tiny details and a few words.
"Multiple Servers config"
We have two locations on a separate drive - not the system drive which has a slow access due to a mountain of files from there and OS related access.
This is where U UAX UTX UMX UNR files are located.
This is where EXE DLL INT INI files are located.

How does this happen ?
Keep inspecting internals...
Here I have sharing part used by server and even client (except server actors) UTX UAX UMX UNR U files.

And next...
Here I have... server related cores. As you can figure or not I have 2 servers 436 and 2 servers 440 - these uses common U files from above "shares" except v451 which is being more crapped at this point with stuff changed and properly borked and which I'm not recognizing as an usable server. Folders un-marked with red are trash folders in case of a fallback - at this moment they are empty or used for trash storage.

So by browsing a random Folder from "non shares" section.
And then here are only INI INT DLL EXE BAT and nothing else used as an "unreal package".

Because of using this way, even if BotPack.u as a sample is one single file in "shares", it can be used by 4 servers each of them running its own game-type separate or in the same time if are used different ports.

If you ask about INI files, here is used "Server.ini" in read-only mode having paths properly declared:

Code: Select all

lines having ";" are disabled but not removed - in case of future re-usage.
Each server uses its own BAT file which will include that "run-line" + the rest of needs (saving logs, precaching FATs, etc.)

Code: Select all

@echo off
dir F:\ServersUT\MH_Classic\SysCls440\*.*
dir F:\Servers_Share\System\*.*
dir F:\Servers_Share\Textures\*.*
dir F:\Servers_Share\Sounds\*.*
dir F:\Servers_Share\Music\*.*
dir F:\Servers_Share\Maps\*.*
dir E:\Redirul\*.lzma
echo STARTING Classic Animality Server
cd \ServersUT\MH_Classic\SysCls440
echo	Executing restore sequences...
call Shit.bat
copy server.log C:\UTLogs\UTLog_%TodayDate%_H%Hour%_M%Minute%.txt
echo	Old Log copied, continuing launch...
start /Wait /High /Min UCC2.EXE XC_Core.XC_ServerCommandlet UT-Logo-Map.unr?Game=BotPack.DeathMatchPlus?Mutator=NsUTw3.NsUTw,Cacher.Cacher,MapVoteULv2_1NS.BDBMapVote,Starter.TheStart?difficulty=3 -ini=Server.ini -readini=Server.ini -log=server.log
echo OOOPS Crash ? Call external tool to setting date and time for file according to required history...
call Shit.bat
copy F:\ServersUT\MH_Classic\SysCls440\Server.log C:\CrashLogs\UTcrash_%TodayDate%_H%Hour%_M%Minute%.txt
copy server.log srv_crash.log
echo Will restart... No problem if crashed...
goto 10
echo ...
After operating bad scripts and making server to crash. You can read the crash-log file with a time-stamp in name because "shit" file was setting up date and time properly.

Code: Select all

@echo off
echo Prepare required variables...

Set Day=%Date:~-10,2%
Set Month=%Date:~-7,2%
Set Year=%Date:~-4,4%
Set TodayDate=%Day%%Month%%Year%

Set Hour=%Time:~-11,2%
Call :PadHour %Hour%
Set Minute=%Time:~-8,2%
Set Second=%Time:~-5,2%
Set TodayTime=%Hour%%Minute%%Second%

Echo %Hour% %Minute% %Second%
Echo %Day% %Month% %Year%

goto :EOF

Set Hour=%*
If %Hour% GEQ 10 Goto :EOF
Set Hour=0%Hour%
echo Thank you !
This is my way of doing for a few months and I don't have issues - not even with Unreal garbage collector, all packages are properly unloaded - I'm not using as "serverpackages" other files than needed ( Skins, MBot, MapVote.., etc.) not even BotPack. That is automated as dependent package in devs and usually is called by Map and game-type itself being already in packages-map.
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Re: Server Installation

Post by RuNNeR »

Thanks for the reply! That'll help me for my future configurations!

And BTW...

How to portforward my server? I have recently tried to portforward using the help from the forum with the ports to make my server appear on the global servers not LAN: Start Port: 7777 and End Port:7778, but nothing came up. :cry:


Do you have any suggestions on fixing that problem?

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Re: Server Installation

Post by sektor2111 »

if I well recall there is some command (in Windows) related to listening ports "NetStat" fired from CMD aka CommandPrompt. There are shown listening ports used by server-machine. Open a NotePad and write all of them there UT related ones - there are not only 7777 7778 - master "heart-beat" uses some ports as well.
If doesn't work, just put DMZ per internal IP. Note that Some ISP doesn't allow accessing external address from inside LAN, this is your job to check - doable by firing up a web server application and checking with CanYouSeeMe.Org and then access external address VIA some Explorer type. See if works a null html first - go figure if your ISP is not doing funky things. Your need to know if you are filtered or not somehow by your Internet service.
Also I don't know how often are UT servers updated at Masters and see that GameSpy is a cadaver for years. Server might getting late in showing up at Browser.
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Re: Server Installation

Post by Barbie »

RuNNeR wrote:I have recently tried to portforward [...] to make my server appear on the global servers not LAN
You are on the wrong track here: advertising the server's IP has nothing to do with port forwarding. As I have written in thread Troubles with starting an online multiplayer game UT GOT already, your UT server has a reserved IP address for private networks ( as you wrote, assumed netmask that will never be routed in public networks. With other words: such an address cannot be reached from outside your local network (LAN).
Now your server advertises that private LAN address, and a good game list server will silently drop this entry, because it is useless for others.

Maybe it is possible that UT advertises a manual set IP address, I don't know. In that case you could determinate your public IP address and tell UT to advertise that one.
sektor2111 wrote:

Code: Select all

	rem Some stuff skipped here
goto :EOF

	rem some stuff skipped here

echo Thank you !
Have you ever tested that? I stumbled over the colon in your "Goto :EOF" statement (IMO it has to be "Goto EOF") and in fact: Microsoft says that using ":EOF" in a GOTO statement leaves the batch file immediately at that point - your label "EOF" is never reached.
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Re: Server Installation

Post by sektor2111 »

Barbie wrote:Have you ever tested that? I stumbled over the colon in your "Goto :EOF" statement
Seriously ? But did you check them well ? Let me guess: NOPE.
THESE ARE COPIED from my current server config where ALL TIME the server crushed was doing time-stamp in 24h format with no single problem. There is an IF condition making a jump, if not, jump is not taking place skipping. And perhaps you might want to get what "Call : PadHour" means in here, is a default return behind a "Call" if I'm not mistaking so execution returns to the bat from where was done the CALL. This BAT was done by some programmers and it was always operational. Some of those echo are added by me for figuring variables taken, there is nothing that "skipped". I can see even "Thank you" echo right after "Prepare required variables" because it does a "Return", so BAT is being executed or else it would never set variables properly. Now you can get some pills for colon or... it do works with warm water guaranteed (I used this way post surgery with success - trust me, it works like a charm and now I feel good).
Now use command prompt and turn TXT into a Bat and see it... also it do works like a charm...
Have you figured Post Call occurrence as a matter of fact?
Have you figured Post Call occurrence as a matter of fact?
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Re: Server Installation

Post by RuNNeR »

Maybe game version influences the servers? I have Steam version, which game's version is 436

Other games' servers work correctly using IPv4 Address. How come shouldn't I use IPv4 Address?

Maybe I am doing something wrong with the ports? Whenever I copy my server's location, it shows unreal://, but I want unreal://
Is there any other methods which can fix the problem? :cry:

BTW sektor...

I used your website with the port 80 (automatically generated the port), but when I portforward it says: ''Your port conflicts with other virtual servers''. This is because my cameras at home use ports like 8000,8001.

So please guys, :help:

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Re: Server Installation

Post by sektor2111 »

RuNNeR wrote:unreal://
Is what I was trying to say. We have here an ISP called Telekom - some of their modem-routers doesn't allow calls from a LAN address to external address assigned to that LAN so an "unreal://" will never work from that LAN but it might work from outside. I was avoiding such router pain by adding a "switch" to the modem and connecting server directly. I'm using router only for sharing Internet in the house for wife's phone and kid's tablet + my "workstation/s" is/are also behind router, server is only firewall-ed directly connected - I did not have any pain at this point.
All right, now look what ports are not used. In the past I've hosted a Web-Cam server, redirect server, Web server, UT server, everything on the same machine. They key is to have everything on their own ports - advisable to not allow access at router from Internet.
This port forwarding is like in CCTV systems - probably are needed 4 ports forwarded. Since I'm not there to see things directly is up on you if you can figure availability of your ports.

As I know so far any version of game should be operational because... it was done for such task, everything is about "router filtering" and port conflicts with other applications.
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Re: Server Installation

Post by RuNNeR »

I think that would be better if I contact my ISP.

I will try my best to make my server work! :noidea

Thanks for the help! :D
If you have any more suggestions, feel free. I will try out your opinion! :highfive:

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Re: Server Installation

Post by Chamberly »

RuNNeR wrote:Maybe game version influences the servers? I have Steam version, which game's version is 436

Other games' servers work correctly using IPv4 Address. How come shouldn't I use IPv4 Address?

Maybe I am doing something wrong with the ports? Whenever I copy my server's location, it shows unreal://, but I want unreal://
Is there any other methods which can fix the problem? :cry:

BTW sektor...

I used your website with the port 80 (automatically generated the port), but when I portforward it says: ''Your port conflicts with other virtual servers''. This is because my cameras at home use ports like 8000,8001.

So please guys, :help:
Game version wouldn't make much of a difference. & UT99 can use IPv4, which majority of the server do now.

The IP # you are looking at seem to be your local IP, is that wrong? Maybe the router is showing something different, or looking at the wrong IP? I don't know what, but I've used this as a reference.

Well, after I set that, I do make sure I have this in the .ini!

Code: Select all

Well, that's part of it but not all but to make sure the DoBeacon is set to True.

There is many other tutorials out there too. ... rver_Guide

& if you are into Linux... viewtopic.php?f=33&t=6540
(I've used this one before) ... ent-server ... tall-Linux
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Re: Server Installation

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Just now noticed that the thread is in the tips, tricks and tutorials section... derp!
moved to servers.
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Re: Server Installation

Post by RuNNeR »

I am not at home right now, and thanks for the info Chamberly! :highfive:

I think DoBeacon is the problem. I will inform you guys, after I resolve the problem using your method. :)
I have a question Chamberly, which ports are you using for running a server

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