My contest entry

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Re: My contest entry

Post by JackGriffin »

captainepoch wrote: Is that a battle royale mod for UT99 :?:
No, don't be silly. It's clearly another of my MH mods. If it were something that simple I'd just call it....oh wait. (checks code again...) Well, I'll be darned. It *IS* a Battle Royale gametype!

I joke you cap. Yes, this will be a self-contained BR gametype that runs on pathnoded DM maps of any size and layout. I tried to follow the examples of PUBG and Fortnite in as much as the concepts would fit into the UT world. Obviously there won't be a flying bus to drop you off but you'll see familiarity as you play.
Feralidragon wrote:That actually looks a lot better than what I honestly expected.
That means quite a lot to me. Thank you, my Monday is now 10X better!
:rock: :rock:

(Grammar edit: 'pathnodeded' isn't a real word. It should be, it sounds way cool, but it's not.)
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Re: My contest entry

Post by FraGnBraG »

would you like a custom map or three for this? also, can this work with a CTF map/layout?
what max player load?
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Re: My contest entry

Post by JackGriffin »

It could work for theoretically any map but my guess is that maps for other gametypes will need to have the setting removed in editor and renamed with a DM- badge. Mapvote probably won't load them if you tried to just run them as-is. The gametype only requires playerstarts and pathnodes, it will ignore things like ctf flags or domination points. Still, those actors require their respective gametypes so it probably will crash if you leave them on the map. It would be trivial to convert any existing map since you just need the map itself and none of the map custom stuff. For CTF you'd need to remove the team flag from the playerstart too. Stuff like that but once you made a checklist it ought to be quick.

I could really use a demonstration map that shows BRUT properly. Most DM maps are too small. This gametype needs room to breathe but almost all the larger maps are geared towards sniper and don't have good pathing or assorted weapon placements. I just don't have time to make one, I was just going to use Deck to actually enter the contest. Truth be told a custom map would almost surely put me over the size limit.

Gameplay is actually better the more players there are. The max is what your server can handle.
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Re: My contest entry

Post by FraGnBraG »

JackGriffin wrote:... I could really use a demonstration map that shows BRUT properly. Most DM maps are too small...
Well, as you know - FnB stuff is usually NOT small, lol :P you might like this idea:

I was thinking about FF and how PaperCoffee included some (custom) demo maps which was nice to have.

The other thing is, if it won't fit in the contest (extra map or two), then maybe in the "after-contest" packaging? (as a BONUS) someone mentioned the idea of bonuses...
In fact, I would suggest that the contest archive is going to be a must have collection, even just for getting the BRUT! So you including some dedicated maps would also be nice to have.
Just some thoughts there...

I'm not really sure about the 75m size - is that a map size, total size for a bunch of files, or a zip size? was that discussed?

FYI, just zipped the thing and the RAR is 9364 KB. That's a big high poly CTF layout that "sprawls" with lots of room to run.
When chopped into a LARGE dm (i.e. one base and the middle) probably zipped to ~6500 KB. That's still quite large.

So all that said you might have other plans/ideas. That's fine by me :) BRUT sounds pretty awesome :thuup:

If you'd like to check this thing to examine the "potential" of converting it for BRUT, just PM me and I'll send you a DL link.

we can discuss further in PMs if you like

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Re: My contest entry

Post by JackGriffin »

When I first started this project I had the intention of making the gametype along with a specific and required map. A big part of the Fortnite/PUBG game is the start where you are flying in a plane/bus and you have to choose where to parachute down at. I tested map setups to see the size limit and it's pretty much limited by visual distance. I think that could be circumvented by distance fog (or even darkness) but I wondered if even a really good map would get boring eventually. That's why I shifted gears and made it work with any DM map. I had to ditch the parachuting start but the positive of many hundreds of possible maps was worth the trade-off.

I replied to you privately but I'd also like to add some of it here too: I'd love to have a 'The' map for the gametype. 'The' map that ships with the mod that is designed for it's strengths and to give the best player experience. SmeerKat and I have been discussing this for a little while and he has some very interesting ideas. You guys should talk. He's mentioned some very interesting dynamics.

I'm enjoying working on this gametype so even after the contest I plan on continuing. I'd like to make a vanilla version that let's you use any weapons you want. The one for the contest has all the extras in it: scoreboard, HUD, messaging, etc. but there's no need for that if you only want to add the reality of a collapsing zone to your server. I'm hoping that I can get a couple of artistic people involved because it's painfully obvious my talent there is lacking. This gametype could be really cool if the right flavor were added to it. I'm hoping my skeleton for the contest might stir some interest, that the right talent can see what this could be with the right direction.

Anyway, yeah I'm happy to support anything you want to do. I'll help however you need it.
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Re: My contest entry

Post by FraGnBraG »

Okay - I looked at the PM quickly ... I see now -- not to say anything here right now :)

I've got to finish up something else tonight, after that I'll snag the stuff!

Wow! Smeerkat :thuup: I remember doing all those tutorials way back in the day :rock:

well, tons of others as well, :loool:
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Re: My contest entry

Post by smeerkat »

Once there's a relatively polished BRUT99 mod, it would be cool to have a mapping contest to choose 'The' map for the mod. 8)

I've attached a rough sketch of how I see a map template for the mod. Instead of parachuting from the air, each player starts in their own safe room, so they can pick up one random pistol to accompany their knife. There's a corridor of some sort that leads toward the middle zone. The player has to activate a door, but the door is only one-way so once you leave you cannot backtrack to your spawn point.

The player then decides if they want to go straight into the middle arena, or explore the "inner perimeter" to find a better weapon/ammo. If they pick up a rifle, they can decide to camp that perimeter or venture inside. There are multiple entries to the middle arena, so a player can't camp it. They watch one entrance, or maybe two of them, but not all.

The map does not have to be literally a circular arena in the middle. It's just to show the sequence of events. I have other layouts in mind.
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Re: My contest entry

Post by JackGriffin »

I went ahead and made the test server public if you want to try this out. If it gets posted then I guess I'll deal with it then. Trying to be proactive about it only created problems and I don't want to do that.

Look for the server "gopo's Battle Royale" in deathmatch. It's going to have crappy ping because I live at the edge of the universe but the redirect is fast. Let me know what you think.
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Re: My contest entry

Post by sektor2111 »

JackGriffin wrote:It's going to have crappy ping because I live at the edge of the universe but the redirect is fast. Let me know what you think.
I'm unable to think, my brain being stuck...
First was the download...

And then because file was different from server Client was attempting a direct download.
But server rejected the download. This is a sample about a server which will never allow new players. That's all.
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Re: My contest entry

Post by JackGriffin »

I'm sorry. It's fixed now and I double checked it. Sorry it's been like that all day. I've been down with a sore throat from hell. Slept a good part of the day.

This brings up an interesting point. I compressed and redirected the file but I used the U227 install to do it because it's so damn fast. This is the first time I've ever seen a difference in file size after compression but I just did it again to check and it does indeed compress to two different sizes (U227 and reg UT). I wonder why that is?

Anyway server is up. Thanks for letting me know.

I've had several quality discussions with people I respect and so I've made some changes to both my server and my BRUT game.

First off....The server is public, no password. In the future I'll only password when I'm directly testing and it's not ready. I'll mark the server as [closed] if that happens. I'm sorry for the confusion earlier. I spent too much time trying to prevent a perceived bad thing happening that I lost track of the logic of my course of action. That caused some friction and I'm very sorry for that. Honestly I'm a little bitch and still butthurt over the mansion map thing last year. It colored my reaction and that's my fault. Please accept this apology.

Secondly, I've forked BRUT this morning (by request). I made another game out of it called BRUTUS for (B)attle (R)oyale (UT) (U)sing (S)tandard weapons. Think of it as battle royale lite. I removed all the replacements and it will use any weapon mod or just the default UT weapons. It's the same basic game just there won't be airdrops, real life weapons, custom pickups, etc. It's much more "UT with a collapsing zone".

Both versions are on my test server as well as FnB's current Big Ugly CTF map build for the contest: unreal://
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Re: My contest entry

Post by papercoffee »

So ... this funny situation just happened on your server.









It was a fun round... I didn't die but when I touched one of those mounted cannons was the whole inventory gone. I thought I could reconnect to the server to fiy this. But I returned as a spectator who can't initiate a map vote. So I was stuck watching the bots doing stupid stuff on that "map".
It's not your or your mod fault. The mapper just borked everything.
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Re: My contest entry

Post by JackGriffin »

That's funny! You did point out a couple of bugs I'll fix though. The bots know there is inventory in the drops but they don't know to break the crate. I'll just set the crate to break if they touch it. Then they can get the goodies inside. I'll also remove the botburgers from sight. They work as well as they are going to I guess. Some pickups are just too strong to convince the bots away from. I need to check the map but my guess is that mappers tweaked some pickups way high in desirability to try to get the bots to go certain places. That works but you can't get them to not go there any more.

On a related note I'm just about done with a "kill cam" for the final victim. Should have that update on the server by the weekend.

Well, that killcam was an absolute beast to get working online. On the plus side I think I know player<->gametype interaction better than I ever wanted to know. I still need to refine it but the thing works well and looks good. Both Battle Royale games on my test server are running it if you'd like to see if it works for you or not. I'm interested if peeps will enjoy this. I very much like it and it was a true test of what I'm capable of doing to get it implemented and working on server.

I managed to get a screenshot but it's not great. My victim fell to the bottom of the acid pool in Deck. BTW, has no one wondered why Deck has an acid pool? I mean, really...WTF man. It makes no sense! Why would you....oh wait. Sorry. Aspergers....Screenshot Kelly! Paste the damn screenshot...
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