DM-GreyBlight (RC2)

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DM-GreyBlight (RC2)

Post by Gustavo6046 »

** Release Candidate 2 is out!
A few fixes make only appropriate the release of the RC2 version of Grey Blight! It is a small map, but also a breeder for concepts... or just a bunch of brushes. I don't know how you see things, mate!



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Re: DM-GreyBlight (work in progress)

Post by Hook »

So far looking real good Gustavo!
This map will probably end up on a few of our CROSSBONES Servers too! :tu:
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Re: DM-GreyBlight (work in progress)

Post by EvilGrins »

Why would a map based on a high school not be a good idea?

It's a popular theme, school based maps.
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Re: DM-GreyBlight (work in progress)

Post by Red_Fist »

Seems to have a Quake2 vibe.
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Re: DM-GreyBlight (work in progress)

Post by Gustavo6046 »

My level design concepts are quite limited. I don't want to be traditional, but I find it very hard to do the leap to interesting. For one, this still looks rather cubey, and I greatly want to avoid that.

EDIT: I have had some interesting new mapping ideas, so I added them to this map. Since this is incompatible with my original plans (which I got bored of anyway), this is gonna be much smaller than originally meant to. But it's gonna be fun! The map's in a testing stage right now.
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Re: DM-GreyBlight (RC1)

Post by XaNKoNII »

Solid map Gustavo. I recorded my game play
please be patient in not the best player :ironic:

I got a couple of things worth mentioning :
-I had this trouble the 2 times I played the map, the first spawn i got gibed as you can see in the video.
I checked the editor and verified this map only has 4 Player Spawn entities while it's a map for 7 players. You should at least have 7 player spawn's but you can have more just don´t exaggerate :D

-There are a few miss alignments, health vials, med packs, the elevators have bars that aren't aligned with the geometry.

-There is a BSP cut in the Redeemer area :what: GOD HOW I HATE THOSE :mad2: really infuriates me that you have to change stuff on a map because of these little shits :pfff:

-the elevators are too fast if you ask me and too narrow for the gap into winch they lead you into.

-I'm really picky with lighting, there is no source for the red light in the big area! :lol:
*edit* nevermind I just noticed your screenshots have lens flare, there's prob something wrong with my system set up

-I can really tell you are in a transition phase from the cubic map syndrome to the more comfortable mapper with level architecture, i really liked some shapes and proportions you used on some corridors and rooms. keep practicing and being creative and you'll transition smoothly to the next phase :tu:
My personal opinion on how to avoid cubic syndrome is to pay attention to real world architecture, the room can be a cube but if you put distinguishable elements in the wall/floor intersection, support beam on each side of the room with a shape and the ceiling with some type of detail as well... all in all you just have cubes but it feels like its real architecture. Its not about complexity, its about how our mind perceives proportions and shapes so with little elements you can make everybody feel the room is hexagonal while in fact its actually a cube :idea:
I think I'll make a video about this soon in my "Level Design with Xan "series I finally have a better PC that can record game play so its about time i reactivate that project of mine :D
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Re: DM-GreyBlight (RC1)

Post by Gustavo6046 »

Xanxan, thank you very much for your feedback! It is very desirable and helpful in the development of this map.
XaNKoNII wrote: -I had this trouble the 2 times I played the map, the first spawn i got gibed as you can see in the video.
I checked the editor and verified this map only has 4 Player Spawn entities while it's a map for 7 players. You should at least have 7 player spawn's but you can have more just don´t exaggerate :D
This has been fixed ^^
-There are a few miss alignments, health vials, med packs, the elevators have bars that aren't aligned with the geometry.
Not sure what you mean with the health pickups being misaligned, maybe they are a bit out of place? But I just fixed the lift bars.
-There is a BSP cut in the Redeemer area :what: GOD HOW I HATE THOSE :mad2: really infuriates me that you have to change stuff on a map because of these little shits :pfff:
Ah, caralh...wait...I just had to set some more brushes to semisolid. Phew.
-the elevators are too fast if you ask me and too narrow for the gap into winch they lead you into.
-I'm really picky with lighting, there is no source for the red light in the big area! :lol:
There is a corona there, indeed. But I added a shitty fallback for those without corona support ^^

I'm uploading RC2 in a second, stay tuned!
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