WIP CTF-EgyptSomething

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Re: WIP CTF-EgyptSomething

Post by KillRoy1972 »

UnrealGGecko wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:35 pm No problem, dots ( .:..: fella) should still be around at OldUnreal forums, so if ya have issues with these you should be able to contact him :)
I will look if there is a readme included with the map so I can credit him, as for the emitters, a Whole new world is opening up to me!!
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Re: WIP CTF-EgyptSomething

Post by TexasGtar »

Looking good sir. Clean looking map.
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Re: WIP CTF-EgyptSomething

Post by KillRoy1972 »

Okay, I have a question;

So I have this walkway with a bridge (that is mover) over a slime pit (green) that can be triggered by shooting the switches (white). Every time someone shoots at it, it goes either up or down. It doesn't go back to original point. It functions as sort of a trap. When you grab the flag, you run down this corridor, shooting the switch and everyone chasing you drowns in a pit of slime..

I have path this with a simple lift center/exit method, and it works for the most part, but whenever the bridge is down the bots will jump into the slime pit and not wait for the bridge to go up or even shoot at the trigger so that the bridge goes up and they have a clear way..

Basically, how to tell the bots to use the switch when the the bridge is in the slime pit to make it come up so they can use it, and whenever someone from the opposite team is on the bridge to use the switch to lower in into the slime pit. (most important is the first one though, I could life is the bots don't use it as a trap mechanism..

Anyone knows how to bot something like this, or maybe a good tutorial or something. I haven't got a clue..

Thanx (pic for reference)
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Re: WIP CTF-EgyptSomething

Post by TexasGtar »

The Professor made a special trigger called a shootme trigger that told bots to shoot at it. It was for an assault map where I had a wall you had to shoot to explode and go through and the bots were not understanding to shoot it.
I wonder if this might help the bots understand the trigger shoot somehow in this scenario? I think I still have his shootme demo map with the trigger in there. I'll see if I can find it if you think it might work.
This only works in assault but maybe could be modified to work.

Found it.
You can play as spectator with 1 bot and see them shoot at this.

The Professors notes:
AssaultShootTarget. By Joe 'Professor' Hall To make bots in an Assault map
// shoot at stuff. You can use this actor in your map without putting credit
// to me in your readme file IF you do not change any of these comments only
// to add to them but do not remove any of these existing comments please!.
// However if you add to or otherwise change the script or these comments I
// Joe 'Professor' Hall will not be responsible for any damages that might cause.
// This actor works similar to the FortStandard only doesn't replace a FortStandard
// it is only if the bots *happen* to need to shoot an exploding wall or something.
// The bots will not seek out this actor like a FortStandard.
// You can also make this actor say a
// Destroyed Message by putting something in its properties under
// AssaultShootTarget -> DestroyedMessage. However if you don't want it to say
// a message then leave this blank. That's pretty much it except don't forget
// to give this actor an Event under Events -> Event for whatever you want it to
// trigger after it has been destroyed and set its CollisionRadius and CollisionHeight
// as desired. Remember that bots have to enter the collision radius of this actor
// to be able to see and shoot at it if you don't use a trigger to trigger it so
// make sure that a path goes through its radius and make sure bTriggerOnly is false.
// Do not place this actor in an area where an ArrowSpawner or BoulderSpawner
// etc, can shoot it or it will destroy this actor and trigger
// whatever you have Tagged to its Event prematurely. Also don't forget to set
// its Health as desired under Pawn -> Health.
// UPDATE: Added the VisibleRadius value under AssaultShootTarget -> VisibleRadius
// so that when a bot or a player touches this actor it will trigger
// all attacking bots within VisibleRadius view. Just set VisibleRadius to
// whatever you want. It is measured in Unreal Units and whenever a bot or a player touches
// it this will cause all attacking bots within VisibleRadius to make it their enemy and // shoot it.
// UPDATE2: Added the bTriggerOnly variable found under AssaultShootTarget -> bTriggerOnly.
// Set bTriggerOnly to true if you don't want to be able to Trigger the AssaultShootTarget
// by Touching it. You can always trigger it no matter what bTriggerOnly is set on with a
// normal trigger as this only turns on and off the ability to trigger it by touching it. // Make sure your triggers are placed well within the VisibleRadius for best results.
// Okay if there are any questions find me 'Professor' at http://www.unrealplayground.com/
// if you need any more info or whatever. Thanks and have fun!. :)
// Notes: The Assault game class automatically sets all StationaryPawns as a Defender so
// defending bots will not shoot at this target.
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Re: WIP CTF-EgyptSomething

Post by KillRoy1972 »

Hey thanks! I will have a look at it tho it is only usable for an AS map, maybe it will give me some ideas..

Thanks for the trouble! :-),
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Re: WIP CTF-EgyptSomething

Post by TexasGtar »

I was thinking maybe someone who knows how to code might be able to look at what the professor did here, and make a shoot at target trigger for other gametypes.
Probably because he based it on the fort standard actor, it is only an assault thing. I don't code so i have no idea how he did it. I hope it helps. If not I apologize for wasting your time.
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