As we are nearly half way through the year, I would like to take the opportunity to give you some insights about how well UT99.org is doing,
or - in better words - how active and healthy the community is, even after 13 years!
Over the last 12 months, we had:
- Over 100,000 thousand clicks from Google search
- Over 1.5 million site impressions
- Over 9500 new posts
The following graph shows the clicks and impressions of the last 12 months (click to enlarge):
On this occasion, I would like to thank our supporters who have donated in 2020 and 2021 to help financing the running costs (130 USD per year) of UT99.org.
More information on our Donation Page.
In 2020, 70 USD were donated.
This year, 55 USD were donated so far.
Thank you, much appreciated!

Here is a detailed list of our Honoured Members and Community Supporters.

And of course a big thank you to the Staff and Moderators of UT99.org for your continuous work (also behind the curtain, let's not forget that).
You have been keeping this place intact and civil for many years.

Cheers, and keep fragging!

PS: You are also welcome to join us on Discord!