My UT-music collection

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My UT-music collection

Post by EvilGrins »

Like a lot of players of UT99 every so often I get sick of it and stop playing, but unlike most of them (as I've learned) I don't uninstall it when I've stopped playing. This is for a variety of reasons but mostly I know I'll always come back to play it again some day.

I've been playing UT99 since the Demo Version. A little before, actually, as I had a friend who was given a testing disc before the Demo was officially released.

So from downloaded maps to old UT sites that no longer exist, I've a tonnage of .umx files to share... for anyone that wants them.

Total size: 2.59GB
Number of files: 845

For all your mapping needs. Some are amazing, but admittedly quite a few suck eggs.

Or if you don't map yourself and have something that can play .umx files just to listen to them, that works too.

I had some for a Klingon MOD made for Unreal1, but they were so terrible I didn't include them with this.

I once made a mixtape of UT-music to play in the car while I was driving...

...admittedly, I'm a little weird!

Enjoy! ...
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Re: My UT-music collection

Post by GEARvision »

We two should kiss... In the forehead that is--- This is awesome!

However you've made a point... People get tired, but something remains endless... I will admit now, I was the victim from uninstalling my game, except the Music folder.
Once upon a time I took it a different way, it's a healthy thing, I encourage change, I encourage it myself, as long as it fits my fun spectrum
I have a brother, and he's little, We together have an UT install so ridiculous we can't help but laugh at each other, all mods, all cheats, I have our keyboard full of cheat binds that spawn monsters and all unthinkable obscenities lol
There's this Teleport cheat that In combination with PlayersOnly, while you spectate any object in the map, you can move it anywhere you want. That's one of many, then spawn nuclear bombs of all types too with a single key.
I have a whole sandbox for him to play. I also have a Racing sandbox for him as well, so he can learn his bearings and whereabouts, he learnt to download stuff and usually replicates people who play stuff in videos he watches, he's adorable that's all. Often the family is worth keeping yourself busy.

Back to our subject, That Music UI really sparks my attention... Looks like something out of Tempest, the 90s had a better interpretation of the future than we do right now.

And There's nothing to fear to share your interests to the world, after all there exists Kids who once were Cool kids who jammed to the Last Moving Shadow album while playing GTA III !
Owning those old games makes anyone look cool even their Grandma! Kind mentions to the Playstation with their boombastic CD music that shake the ground like lightning with futuristic neurofunk DnB and all that.
Trackers are nothing different from this experience, it does make you more of a hackerman by playing back those demo-like modules and people around you start seeing flying 3D text with transparency and watery background effects at 59.94 Hz for my lack of better perspective, it's a mind trip If you dive knee-deep into it Image

Never shut off those speakers. Image

EDIT: Added Your link up in ModArchive, feel free to reply me here or in OldUnreal, that's all.
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