The FOODFIGHT Test server!

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Re: The FOODFIGHT Test server!

Post by JackGriffin »

The Food Fight public server has just been updated with Beta version C and is open for everyone. The team has been working daily on this mod and we are really proud of the improvements. There have been various changes across most all the weapons to make them even more fun and visually enjoyable. There is a new weapon for you called the Salad Thrower (pretty self explanatory :tu: ) that fires a glob of goods with primary fire and a triple glob with alt-fire. It even has a small, not so obvious ability you may find when playing that could come in handy in the right situation. Never fear though, if you are being blasted by the thrower just whip out your handy electric frying pan and let it block the salad from hitting you.

In fact here's a quick rundown of the weapons and their current effects/abilities:
Frying pan- knocks the hell out of someone in regular and alt. Alt is slower but will knock a player for a loop, bonus points if you clang them into lava :twisted: While holding it, it will attempt to block incoming projectiles that come from in front of you. Very handy defensive weapon.
CanOpener- No real changes needed. This one was good. If you can find the halapeno ammo then consider that your enemies will soon get indigestion.
H&K Rifle- No scope but the headshots are deadly and it's very accurate even at longer range. Alt-fire is a melee stab with the fork of death...don't get close if you see your enemy holding this or it won't turn out well.
Toastanator- Primary is single fire toast, alt is four toast at once. The flying toasts have much better effects and behavior. This weapon is badass but beware the reloads. Best used as fire-and-duck-behind.
PapriCannon- Some new effects on the explosion and you can fully control the detonation of any projectiles you have shot (just hit alt-fire to blow them up). I love this weapon, it was such a good idea and it translates well into the game. Very fun to use.
PeanutGun- Primary fire lays down a blanket of peanuts-o-death though accuracy at medium range begins to suffer. Alt-fire shoots only three at a time but it is very accurate. Perhaps TOO accurate :help:
SaladThrower- Our newest addition. Primary fire shoots a blanket of salad parts: tomatoes, cucumbers, greens. Alt fire blasts a triple load but really chews through the ammo. Watch the reload time on this one, it's a little long but the weapon is simply deadly at short to medium range. If you aren't holding the frying pan consider yourself 'salad-ized'.

I hope this little primer helps out. Still to come is the saucier which fires a stream of hot sauce (someone better make some antacids!) and the carroteer, which will be unlike any weapon I've seen. The carrots can kill but are more effective at building things. Interested? More will be coming this summer!
So long, and thanks for all the fish
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Re: The FOODFIGHT Test server!

Post by papercoffee »


Come and get your daily dose of VITAMINS !!!
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Re: The FOODFIGHT Test server!

Post by jaypeezy »

First off, I just played the server for a while and this is an awesome idea for a mod! Well executed, as far as the models/sounds go. However, it seems some of the bots don't "know" how to use certain weapons like the papricannon or peanut gun properly, they just stand there doing nothing. Also, the saladthrower, if it ends up at 0 ammo, just sticks and you can't switch the weapon other than throwing away the saladthrower. This sometimes happens with the Papricannon as well.

Something I'd like to mention specifically, the gun with the fork bayonet is freaking brilliant :rock: I had fun just running up to enemies and hacking them to bits in one jab... that being said, that secondary attack is a TAD too powerful, it was able to kill someone in a shield belt with one hit. I'm not sure if this was your intention, but it might be something you want to fix if not. Another suggestion, for the peanutgun: The muzzle flash in primary is a bit too big, took up a lot of the screen which made aiming during a firefight kinda hard to be honest. Might wanna reduce it, or get rid of it entirely (secondary didn't have muzzleflash from what I saw).

All in all, I'm very glad to see this mod come to life in any form. I had seen news of this mod when it was still in development, so to see it on a server now was very nice. Keep up the good work, and thanks for making this! :gj:
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Re: The FOODFIGHT Test server!

Post by papercoffee »

Thank you for your bug report ...we will work on this. ;)

And we really appreciate it that you liked what you played so far... you will see there is more to come.
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Re: The FOODFIGHT Test server!

Post by JackGriffin »

Yay, feedback!

First about the bots. I know they are way too stupid for now but it's mostly due to me concentrating on coding the weapon usage first. The way ammo is handled confuses them some and each weapon needs coding to teach the bot how to use it and what to use given a situation. There are places in the code that they get stuck on and that's why they freeze. It's on my radar to fix and something I'll hit on shortly when two more weapons are added.
The salad thrower and papricannon probably cause problems if they were held by a bot then tossed. Sometimes the ammo gets set to 'none' when the bot holds a weapon and it will be fixed as above.
Pimary muzzleflash on PNut was going to be removed. I got the secondary already. You are right, it's just distracting and not necessary. I have the fork attack toned down a bit for next version but I don't want to go too low with it, it's damned good fun and REALLY makes you think twice about getting close to someone if you see them have it equipped.

Thanks for this bro, I appreciate it greatly!
So long, and thanks for all the fish
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Re: The FOODFIGHT Test server!

Post by moonliten »

Does the server happen to be down or is it just my connection?
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Re: The FOODFIGHT Test server!

Post by papercoffee »

As it seems it is down ... 'have to talk with the team.
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Re: The FOODFIGHT Test server!

Post by Dr.Flay »

What is the total download size?
When I am at home I am on a 3g mobile connection. it costs £10 per 1GB, so you see why I ask.
I can DL it into a portable copy of UT and bring it home though.
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Re: The FOODFIGHT Test server!

Post by papercoffee »

haha 20 to 25 MB till now.
But the server is down for now I inform you later what will happen next.
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Re: The FOODFIGHT Test server!

Post by Dr.Flay »

Wow, I am impressed :tu:
Freeze-dried and vacuum-packed for freshness.
No filler, MSG, E-numbers or artificial additives.
Will I be able to taste DXT1 ? or will I have to cook my own ?
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Re: The FOODFIGHT Test server!

Post by papercoffee »

Dr.Flay wrote:Wow, I am impressed :tu:
Freeze-dried and vacuum-packed for freshness.
No filler, MSG, E-numbers or artificial additives.
Will I be able to taste DXT1 ? or will I have to cook my own ?
Please what? :|
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Re: The FOODFIGHT Test server!

Post by Dr.Flay »

A geek food joke.

Imagine the first bit is spoken by someone trying to sell you this cyber-food :mrgreen:
..or on the food label.

BTW. I just promoted Food Fight and Nali Weapons in a posting at the MyOpera community site :D ... id=1473502
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Re: The FOODFIGHT Test server!

Post by Feralidragon »

^ Thanks Dr. Flay. :tu:
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Re: The FOODFIGHT Test server!

Post by papercoffee »

Dr.Flay wrote: BTW. I just promoted Food Fight and Nali Weapons in a posting at the MyOpera community site :D ... id=1473502
Oh wow ...thanks Dr.
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Re: The FOODFIGHT Test server!

Post by Dr.Flay »

I thought I'd make the effort to make it a good-looking posting,
but I just noticed how busy that section is. too many threads. I'll see about getting it moved.
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