About Unreal Tournament

Discussions about UT99
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Re: About Unreal Tournament

Post by Metalfist »

A GoW player only stays there because he worked his ass off to win medals, achievements and leveling up. Take that from them and make them start over, and they leave to another game: I saw it happening.
There are different kinds of gamers. I personally really hate levelup systems in shooters, because I need to spend so much time in it that I don't want and it's only about stats and not the skills of the player like in UT (which I like about UT).
I'm also not a big fan of achievements, because it makes me feel like I didn't complete the game when I complete it and always have to do the annoying little things to get those achievements. The result is mostly that I only get the easy/medium achievements and feeling annoyed about achievements in general. A text message doesn't really reward enough.
Minecraft is a nice example on how despite the shitty graphics
That's true, not all games have to be realistic. There are different graphic styles to go with like realism, cartoony and Minecraft choose pixel style. A great thing about Minecraft is that it has so many features. It's essentially Lego + more interactivity. It's alos feeding on the instincts of people: the need to build a shelter for the night. (Because night is creepy->monsters come) So the fear of the night. And when the player is beyond that stage, they want to upgrade their house/armor/weapons, build extra stuff/inventions and explore. And ofcourse you have mods for Minecraft that keep players interested and multiplayer fun with friends (co-op/kill eachother/explore/massive projects/custom ideas etc etc)

What I really like in games is active flying (dragons/monsters), explosions (that's why I like SLV/NW3), freedom, lots of features/stuff you can do,originality, humor, really unrealistic wacky stuff! see Omegalodon:
Another fun unrealistic example with humor in it would be Surgeon simulator 2013.

UT :thuup:'s
+ Moddable, it kept the game alive for so long.
+ original weapons, with 2 different fire modes. Experienced players know when to use a certain weapon (exampe: flak for close range)
+ Many original characters to choose from and adjustable to the players taste (and not so big and ugly like in ut3).
+ fast paced, I really like this, games like COD, BF2 etc. are so slow and bore the hell out of me.
+ Level design, being able to take all kinds of routes (especially in height). In combination with fast paced really nice.
+ Learning curve, players don't have stupid stats, but have to play a lot of UT to become better themselves: react faster/scan area faster/better/advanced techniques/aim/level knowledge etc. etc. It's just great!
+ dodging, I just love it and it creates extra speed (which is also part of the learning curve as more experienced players use it). But epic made the big mistake to add a hoverboard to UT3, which ruined the dodge speed gaining entirely (which made me a sad). Also the dodge + sloped surface is nice (although actually a "bug"), but it turned out the be a nice feature for bunnytrack etc.
+ The oldskool rocketjumps/shockboltjumps/slimejumps, hard to learn, really rewarding when you can do them and gain the upper hand against your opponent.
+ The social aspect: The clan scene, people coming together, making friends, clanservers, create stuff for your clan etc. etc. It makes it so much more enjoyable, but to my regret this has just died, only some are left, but really the clan scene is dead :/
+ Audio, the music/sounds just unreal ;)
+ Classy taunts, not like in ut3 where they just shout... :sleep:
+ great atmosphere, if you look at ut3: it's just too saturated/grey, it's depressing! Rather look at the water and sky in Na Pali!
+ It's not about realism, it's about gameplay!

UT :thudown:'s
- the redirect downloads, it just takes too long mostly. Back in the day it was even worse as I had dialup internet and I was waiting pretty long to join a server, only to find out that they just switched maps and I could download new stuff AGAIN.
- redirect file versions, version mismatches are so annoying! argh!
- no easy banning by ip server system, seperate mods were able to fix this somewhat, but it's not in the standard UT installation
- no standard mapvote, the mod mapvotev2 helps out
- not easy to setup a server so everyone can see it, I often seen questions on how to setup a server and most of the times it was either they didn't know how to configure it. Like serveractors/serverpackages, but also because the router blocked the port and you had to portforward, which can be tricky.
- Errors like BSP holes, wrong team colored skins etc. etc. obvious glitches.
- Not being able to see non-standard ut skins/models in standard ut. (Mods like Vahalla avatar enable that)
- Server security, see that last thread :P
- When you are experienced and only face novice players in the server, it's not as enjoyable. It's the same story the other way around. A solution for this would be a global ranking system based on your kills/caps/score/games won etc. and will place you in the same server with people from around your rank.
- Bot's aren't really clever, in later UT's they are.

Okay... I think this post is getting a bit long here :ironic:
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Re: About Unreal Tournament

Post by UTPe »

Metalfist wrote: What I really like in games is active flying (dragons/monsters), explosions (that's why I like SLV/NW3), freedom, lots of features/stuff you can do,originality, humor, really unrealistic wacky stuff! see Omegalodon:
this game is awesome ! ahahah :lol2:
...anyway, have you seen the map ? it would be a nice urban map for sniper camping :loool:

PS: I think to be mentally disturbed, I see camping maps everywhere :mrgreen:
Personal map database: http://www.ut99maps.net

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Re: About Unreal Tournament

Post by Wises »

Been thinking about this for a few days now , and basically I think myself personally the following things may help/not-help in regards to the longevity of UT in general.

ok firstly I would like to point out the top 10 servers on GameTracker

What do they all have in common?.. (will come back to this)

Consider the following ... I've run multi-servers for around 6-7 years hosting 10 different game-types on one/two server's , all votable by the player(s).
however my servers are never maxed out to capacity , and when they are .. it's only for 1 or 2 rounds then soon dead...
why is this?
ping? ,
boredom ,
shit server?..

tbh I think its the shear fact that there's 10 different Game-Types which is the problem , watching , analysing , listening to players I have got the idea that they would much rather 10 individual servers , then 1 multi-server.

and to be more specifically maybe only 2-3 individual servers .. setup the same way I have these but individualized.

ok , back to What do they all have in common..

the top 10 servers right now have this in common ,

- They are unique!
- They offer 1 kind of Game-Style
- They are setup so that players from different countries can play relatively ok (zp) etc.

in short DM'ers want to play DM , Ctf'ers CTF , Siege Players Siege , ComboGib Cig , Mh, RA, RX etc etc like specific GameTypes.

So what stops players from playing on these server's?

- Ping (mainly)
- several other reasons.

what can we do to get more players onto these servers? / Gametypes?

perhaps Duplicate and host in other countries ^_^.. closer to our target audience perhaps.

so for siege , setup 3 identical servers in 3 carefully selected countries globally to capture a wider audience perhaps (possible scenario)

Next Issue I have seen is elite vs pretty-good vs nub

this can clear a server like no bodies business.. what I think we need is some kind of player profiler.. (like ATB) only a little more specific , one which can divvy players up into tiers / levels.. however having tiers we need more server's so instead of 1 seige server we may need 3 siege servers.

siege server 1 = elite
siege server 2 = good/not too bad
siege server 3 = nubs

also we need some kind of 'Quake Live' portal .. Perhaps using Unreals inbuilt server browser [news] tab or a Website/portal which sends players based on rank/ping to the nearest server to their location.

this could help.. on this portal their could be live stats .. which shows the top players for each genre along with some kind of ranking system tailored to UT.

Well I have more idea's / concepts but just cant think atm.. work with those and I think you may be able to come up with something.


Appended: To Prove the first concept , the one of originality , Iam going to split off into a some new servers on that Azure host

- MultiServer
- ComboShock only
- RocketArena Only

and see what happens ..

if Iam right then with in the 3 months , one or both should be <50 hopefully.
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Re: About Unreal Tournament

Post by papercoffee »

@ Wises
tbh. your ideas a good but they are in the wrong thread ...
Feralidragon wrote: But to be able to do anything at all, I need something from you guys:
- your raw, brutally honest and open stance on things, on what you hate and on what you would like to see in the overall game.
As you can see, Ferali wants your brutally honest and open opinion about UT and not your Ideas how we can rescue this game.
The rescue will come later :wink: ...first of all ...what did you like or hate about UT.

C'mon tell us about your hate ...there can't be only love for this old game :satan:
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Re: About Unreal Tournament

Post by >@tack!< »

A lot to read I read most of it, skipped some.

What I like about UT:

- The fast paced gameplay combined with the free movement (dodging, fast switches between jumping/dodging/strafing). This combined with CTF is amazing. (Halo's CTF is nearly not that cool as UT's because of the slower movement and no dodging)
- Being able to shoot while in the air (dodging + shooting just looks too badass)
- The fast paced music is just amazing, for me that's 40% of why I love this game.
- The availability to create maps and mods!!
- 2 Firing modes for each weapon, with some weapons having a 3rd extra one (shock combo)
- The redeemer, just having that weapon in your hands and knowing that you will fuck shit up!!
- The (auto)taunts, makes the game more alive, especially with bots. A bot asked if you liked that? GET REVENGE WITH A ROCKET TO HIS/HER FACE.
- The maps, stuff like CTF-Face and Deck16][ are just one of a kind. All other maps are amazing too for having alot verticality, being arena-like, and secret rooms.
- Customization of your player.
- I actually like the "single player" being a Tournament kind of thing only Epic should've added some stuff. Maybe a story line where you are some 21 year old in a poor family and you enter the tournament nobody knows you but you are a natural talent you become the underdog and defeat the champion (Xan Kriegor) and become the new champion. Then further games could continue the story with having some kind of interplanetary tournament where the champions of each planet compete with each other.

There is probably more but I can't think of it right now. My main thought about UT is just that it feels like you're some badass gladiator but with weapons and the fast paced nature of the game with the fast paced music makes you even more badass and makes the enemies look tougher.

The cons or things missing:

- I miss the option to search servers by name.
- I miss an ingame friend list that shows you who of your friends is playing UT right now and on what server. And a "Join Friend" button next to it)
- I miss well explained documents about the unreal editor and uscript. Especially with network related stuff, I have still problems with that.
- I cant think of other cons, I'm actually very happy about this game, maybe some basic graphical improvements can be done but the simplicity of the game must be kept (Something UT3 didn't do in my opinion).

Also I think there should be skill-based matchmaking aside of the servers, this could help the noobs to find other noobs to play against :) (So this is another con: New players can get scared when getting online because they get fragged all the time by experienced ones. I introduced UT to a friend of mine and he was just bad, he then dropped the game and never touched it again. Now he even says that it takes no skill to play the game (nice excuses).)
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Re: About Unreal Tournament

Post by KeeperUTX »

To me, UT has been the starter of my FPS game collection. Unreal doesn't count because it doesn't have that feeling. The feeling you get when you blow someone's head off, and the announcer yells "HEADSHOT!!", or when "Killing Spree!". It's also a matter of the surroundings; UT's maps always had some kind of music, but Unreal's (With the exception of the singleplayer maps) maps didn't have music. Also, the bots don't voice taunt you in U1. U227 may have its somewhat enhanced engine, with all its particle effects and whatnot, cannot, I repeat myself, cannot circumvent the qualities of UT. Unreal is more of an SP game to me, while Unreal Tournament has been more or less a multiplayer game. And mods bringing over features from one to the other and vice-versa DO NOT count. Only the initial features of a game truly count. Well, at least for me. I guess.

Otherwise, the only thing I hate about UT is that the muzzle flash doesn't work for the stock weapons while I'm using DX9. F***. :mad2:
I only use DX9 because it allows NW3's IRPR laser to show fully, otherwise with the normal DX driver it shows half way up, then just disappears.
If anyone finds a renderer which will show muzzle flashes AND the IRPR laser properly (along with decals without "white boxes" around), I will worship them. Seriously. I've had enough of having to switch between render devices in conjunction with switching from the stock UT weapons and NW3.

Long post made short, U1 is much better as a coop game, and UT is better as an MP game.

But if we're already jabbering on about how UT could be given an extra mod (or we could dig one out the grave :D ), I'd go for a mod which adds reloading functions to all the guns. I'd personally love it if the Sniper Rifle were to reload every round, like the beta sniper rifle from HL2, or that the Shock Rifle were to reload every 10 shots, to reflect the amount of ammo gained per core picked up.

The other reason why I'd like to get a mod like this is for my mod, Unified Military Services.
Image This is Eevee, a ferocious creature that never relents in tracking its meal. It will lead you to ruin, and when it does, it will finish you.
The way it bobs its head lefty-righty? It's just cracking it's neck so it can get a better grip on you with its jaws.
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Re: About Unreal Tournament

Post by papercoffee »

In Food Fight are all weapons with a reload function. But the mod is not ready yet.
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Re: About Unreal Tournament

Post by Dr.Flay »

I use D3D9 mostly because I have an annoying ATI card. I have no issues with muzzle-flash unless I have been messing with the settings.
Switching between renderers is all well and good, but you need to tailor the chosen renderer. The defaults may not work well for you, so change them.
http://www.oldunreal.com/wiki/index.php ... 3D8_/_D3D9
There is also a separate INI section for over-all graphics options that effect all renderers.
You may also have better luck with the new beta renderers.
Tweaking your GFX settings during runtime, can be done via the "Advanced Options" window (type "preferences" in the console). This way you can see the changes immediately.
Some changes require you to restart the renderer by changing to, or from, windowed/fullscreen.
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Re: About Unreal Tournament

Post by KeeperUTX »


They have a reload function for Food Fight? Well, that's great, but the weapons for my mod would have to be "non-silly". Still, thanks for the "update" :)


I'm using the Nvidia GeForce 6200 card. I temporarily switched it yesterday with a Radeon 9550 card, but it acted dumber than I expected, I've already un-switched it. Is there an option in the D3D9 render device which would reactivate the stock weapons' muzzle flashes? Awkwardly, the muzzle flash issue isn't affecting NW3.

*Manual Addendum* Dudes, just call me Keeper, no need to write the full name ;)
Image This is Eevee, a ferocious creature that never relents in tracking its meal. It will lead you to ruin, and when it does, it will finish you.
The way it bobs its head lefty-righty? It's just cracking it's neck so it can get a better grip on you with its jaws.
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Re: About Unreal Tournament

Post by Rakiayn »

when I started playing unreal I I fell in love with it. when I payed ut99 same story.
I guess the best things about the games are
- brilliant level design
the maps are all unique and special, great atmosphere
- te weapons are interseting and balanced
- the monsters and combat is awesome

and the best reason
level design and modding.
ever since I played this game, most of my time went into making maps or coding. the possibilitys to create your own mods and maps is just awesome.

what I hate:
when I join a server it takes ages to download all the content. this is a game breaker
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