UT Community SDK Release Thread

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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Shadow »

Mh nah these iterators were just experimental as I said, if there's really need then we can overwork them

I'm currently unifying the linked lists into one list and adding particle support for the volumes, the volumes will even have the option to only check visible particles
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Higor »

Shadow wrote:Mh nah these iterators were just experimental as I said, if there's really need then we can overwork them

I'm currently unifying the linked lists into one list and adding particle support for the volumes, the volumes will even have the option to only check visible particles
Either way, can you try this modification?
I just like seeing things fixed, even if it's something small or silly (no, i'm not obsessive :lol: ).

Code: Select all

// native(2251) static final iterator function WeaponActors(class<weapon> BaseClass, out weapon W, optional Pawn Owner)
void AsdkActor::execWeaponActors(FFrame &Stack, RESULT_DECL)

	BaseClass = BaseClass ? BaseClass : AWeapon::StaticClass();

	if (BaseClass != AWeapon::StaticClass())
		BaseClass = AWeapon::StaticClass();

	INT idx = XLevel->iFirstDynamicActor;
	AInventory *I = NULL;
	if ( Owner )
		I = Owner->Inventory;

		*W = NULL;

		if (!Owner)
			while (idx < GetLevel()->Actors.Num() && *W == NULL)
				AActor* TestActor = GetLevel()->Actors(idx++);

				if (TestActor && 
					!TestActor->bDeleteMe &&
					*W = (AWeapon*)TestActor;
			while( I && *W == NULL )
				if ( I->IsA(BaseClass) )
					*W = (AWeapon*)I;
				I = I->Inventory;

		if (*W == NULL)
			Stack.Code = &Stack.Node->Script(wEndOffset + 1);

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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Dr.Flay »

OK. a bit late but, here goes.

I couldn't find the maps I had issue with, so I just picked a new map.

All I did was open a map that works in Unreal and UT, in an SDK equipped copy of UEd, and then saved it without making any changes.
Then try and open in UEd 2.1 (U 227i) and I get this.
sdk.png (3.15 KiB) Viewed 5520 times
(6.67 KiB) Downloaded 185 times
I made a new INT file so I could play with the weapon mutator a bit easier.
I get crashes that seem connected with rebounds/ricochet of ammo.
The logs are from different mixes of mutators and games. I gradually removed them until it was just SDK, Chaos and zombies mutators.
There is a log from using the SDK game-type.
I also sorted-out the config, so the game-type shows correctly in the drop-down menu, by copying the method used in original Unreal. :tu:
(951 Bytes) Downloaded 191 times
OK the the way to make the problem maps work, is to open them in UEd (with the SDK installed) and re-save it.

and on a similar note, to get the maps to work in UEd2.1 again, disable the SDK (must be still present), load the map and delete the SDK level info that is still there, then save again.
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Shadow »

Dr.Flay wrote: *EDIT*
OK the the way to make the problem maps work, is to open them in UEd (with the SDK installed) and re-save it.

and on a similar note, to get the maps to work in UEd2.1 again, disable the SDK (must be still present), load the map and delete the SDK level info that is still there, then save again.
I really see no point in doing this. Why do you try to make it work in U227 environment? It's hard-wired that there're going to certain problems.
In addition: manually removing the sdk levelinfo will break most of it's features, since it's one of the most important classes.

News around February 2013 Release

The feb 2013 release will be a minor release only. As stated some lines above I'm still working on a complete support of the bounding volumes, that's my main focus for this release. Some small fixes, as always.

Oh and a new Emitter type, again. I called it Volume Sprite Emitter. You give that emitter a mesh and it draws each particle with multiple sub-sprites at each vertex of that mesh. You can even select which vertices are to be used actually.

Then we have 3 new texture blending modes: Blend_SubtleTranslucent, Blend_MultiplyBrighten and Blend_ModDarken If I remember correctly. And then there's another new texture blending option: Blend Equation. It determines how the texture blends with the background. Normal Blend Equation would be additive, now we can have subtractive, max, min and reverse subtractive. There'll be screenshots soon!

On the mapping side I decided to exchange the pretty complex and performance draining BSP work with static meshes in the showcase environment.

Preview on April 2013 Release

I will take my time during March and April to put out another rather big release with one major feature added: a new Texture Browser, using my own GUI System.

The goal is: having a new updated Texture Browser that is capable of displaying my new Textures/Materials. The Materials aren't displayed correctly in the old Tex Browser and that sucks. Next big thing, Creavion pointed me at, is 32 Bit Texture support for import/export and actual rendering.

If there's still that much interest in it here too, yeah and there is, than I'll keep updating this thread of course! Sorry again for forgetting that thread here, I was in deep development and only updated at ut99.org and sometimes at unrealsp.org.
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Creavion »

This starts to get really interesting.
BTW: Not sure if I remember correctly. Your SMs .. do they support seperat scaling of the axes (X, Y, Z)?
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Shadow »

Yes my static meshes do support 3D seperated drawscales^^
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Wises »

hi, was goin to start a new thread but well. i'll append to this one.
Iam wondering if this is something this new kit is capable of and well yeah..

few years ago I attempted to make a map that would allow players to walk up walls and such.
or course the original engine does not allow for such manouvers and I am curious as to weather this one is?

I had a vission of like a 3/4 moon where some city would raise up from the x plane as well as extrude out from the z? plane.. best way to describe it is like .... Inception (the movie)

so somehow players would have to be rotated and gravity zones be set i guess..
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Dr.Flay »

Shadow wrote: I really see no point in doing this. Why do you try to make it work in U227 environment? It's hard-wired that there're going to certain problems.
In addition: manually removing the sdk levelinfo will break most of it's features, since it's one of the most important classes.
Sorry for any confusion. No I am not trying to port new functionality between the 2. Just port old maps back and forth.
Many maps I have edited, have no extra SDK or 227 functions (The SDK just happens to be installed in UEd2).
I don't need any SDK or 227 coolness when removing all weapons and pickups. I'm actually doing the opposite, so I can make these old maps work in both worlds, but because I also play with the SDK, I now just enable and disable it in UEd as I need.
:mrgreen: It works just fine now, I am happily porting backwards and forwards.

...Back to the news.
A new texture browser GUI !!!! :shock: :omfg:
Can you possibly add the post compression options like 2K4 has?

I see another Escher head-f*ck coming :D
It would work well with Qtit's DM-CubicMadness (don't forget to add a portal-gun).

I thought "Spider Physics" made monsters walk up walls? though I've never tried it.
Last edited by Dr.Flay on Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Wises »

yer not so much an escher fan.. well at least not the way theyve built it using the portal concepts at least.
would be alot better to.. just have the ability to walk up a wall then on the roof...

the newer engines allow for this afaik.. actually must look into it.

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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Shadow »

Wises wrote:hi, was goin to start a new thread but well. i'll append to this one.
Iam wondering if this is something this new kit is capable of and well yeah..

few years ago I attempted to make a map that would allow players to walk up walls and such.
or course the original engine does not allow for such manouvers and I am curious as to weather this one is?

I had a vission of like a 3/4 moon where some city would raise up from the x plane as well as extrude out from the z? plane.. best way to describe it is like .... Inception (the movie)

so somehow players would have to be rotated and gravity zones be set i guess..
Hm well, as Dr.Flay mentioned phys_Spider might help out, but I don't know if it was ever implemented by Epic Games. It could be possible using C++ code probably

Dr.Flay wrote:
Shadow wrote: I really see no point in doing this. Why do you try to make it work in U227 environment? It's hard-wired that there're going to certain problems.
In addition: manually removing the sdk levelinfo will break most of it's features, since it's one of the most important classes.
Sorry for any confusion. No I am not trying to port new functionality between the 2. Just port old maps back and forth.
Many maps I have edited, have no extra SDK or 227 functions (The SDK just happens to be installed in UEd2).
I don't need any SDK or 227 coolness when removing all weapons and pickups. I'm actually doing the opposite, so I can make these old maps work in both worlds, but because I also play with the SDK, I now just enable and disable it in UEd as I need.
:mrgreen: It works just fine now, I am happily porting backwards and forwards.

...Back to the news.
A new texture browser GUI !!!! :shock: :omfg:
Can you possibly add the post compression options like 2K4 has?
Ah ok, I understand now.

Yes a new texture browser, mostly because the new Materials aren't displayed correctly. The old browser just shows plain one colored tiles instead of the actual material. Hm compression, there is already DXT1/DXT3 compression support (S3TC) my other main goal is to really support 32 bit textures.

//edit: with the materials in the old browser it looks like this:

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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Dr.Flay »

Sorry I should have been more precise.
If you read this post, it should be clear.
http://www.ut99.org/viewtopic.php?f=34& ... =15#p39193
UEd3 can compress the textures after they have been imported, not just during import.
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Shadow »

Ah hm okay, I see. Yeah this could be possible.. yeah it should be possible but again I will need to code a new texture browser.

UTSDK March Beta Update

I know delays seem to become a trademark for me^^ But I really want the bounding volume system to be working. While I was working on that and while I was trying to work with static meshes I tumbled upon so many flaws of the static mesh system that I decided to give it a complete overhaule. That overhaule has been already done and consumed alone over 3 weeks. The work on the bounding volume system might need another week of work, it needs integration into pawn/player code which is a bit complicated to explain right now. To sum it up: the old pawn class uses the old trace function.. and that trace function doesn't support volumes as you could imagine.. which leads to the fact that I have to recode whole pawn physics/movement codebase from my guessings xD -.-

Results of the Static Mesh Overhaule:
  • tremendously increased performance depending on usage of static meshes in your maps
  • map file size reduction depending on usage of static meshes
  • more than 10 (!) bugs and errors fixed
  • improved memory, skin and lighting systems
  • U/VMapping, Lighting, Texture Blending can be changed per Skin rather than for the whole mesh only
  • Static Mesh LOD Support (yes, pain in the ass, but got it working)
  • improved visibility checks (visibility depending on FOV, Line Check, Radius Check, Zone, Volume)
  • new lighting options (like using only a single light actor ignoring all others, light activity radius, tagged light actors etc.)
  • poly color of the Static Meshes supports: Unlit/Textured, Dynamic Light/Textured, Texture Usage, Zone Colors (yes Static Meshes can be integrated into a Zone)
  • Axis Mirroring Support (you know Mirror about X..)
So in the showcase maps for example the performance increased about 60 % for me, because the polycount caused by complex brushwork heavily decreased due to exchanging brushes with Static Meshes. The file size of these maps reduced by 25-30 %.
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Torax »

That's great Shad :gj:
Only one thing confuses me...sdkLevelIinfo

As i understand SDK features impossible without it...
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Higor »

Add the PawnActors and NavigationActors iterators too while you're at it, my FerBotZ implementations aren't even static (only the BotZ uses them).
BTW, did you fix the inventory iterators?
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