UED Add ons

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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

A few times was asked in forum how to connect Nodes in certain cases (bridges, boxes, small ledges, etc.) when Editor doesn't do connections but spot is navigable.
Solution is now available - you can create what Paths you want, even trash paths through impossible spots - they are all your options.
Link described with UT Builders has been updated with another tool capable to handle Paths/ReachSpecs - XC_PathsWorker.
This builder requires at least XC_Engine v24 added for Editor because it uses XC_Functions. Plain UT it's working with Paths only in automatic mode.

Ah, I was about to forget... ScreenShot below - a sample for figuring how does it work in a high load.
A real tutorial about Paths and how to manipulate these assets it's OFF-Topic to discuss here. Whoever know what are those lines between Navigation points in Editor will have a clue what can do with this builder - it's a sort of Beta.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

PathsWorker plugin builder has been updated ( August 2021 ) with logging and other calculations for InventorySpots when a navigation network is defined.
This will help for figuring if original UT Editor does bugs or not, exactly, there are maps which are not having these lost ReachSpecs because paths are following rules and then pathing routines won't create flaws.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

A newer MapGarbage version for September is out and an updated XC_PathsWorker.
- testing and embedding animations in Editor - in RealTime Preview they can be seen and even held there if map is saved in that stage;
- a sort of fix for maps where actors are reported in void but they are not in void;
- added method 2 for Solving duplicates recommended by Buggie;
- UnHiding Sprite Actors code is a bit loved - it will reveal hidden navigation from CTF-Command and similar "strategy" in hiding actors.

- won't take in account navigation nodes bHiddenEd allowing multiple steps in creating separate routes;
- Keeping an old navigation network if user wants a combination of long-short range;
- An option for preventing PlayerStart actors from having paths if map needs this option;
- Scan code for creating paths in MonsterMode will have the last word in Bot Format or else a bad Path for Bot is not created just because monster can step there, so to speak here "PointReachable" is checked twice;
- a tracer checker for navigation nodes - at a moment you might not want two nodes to have a direct trace line between them for being in account in paths creating process. You can check this trace repeatedly until you get what you want. Either way hide problematic nodes and link them later post-pathing.

This builder helped with MapGarbage allows creating all Paths in simple maps exclusively by User if the boy is understanding what navigation means.

Cave-At: We cannot delete ReachSpecs unless you will use 227 and hoping that map won't get messed up.

How to deliver user-made paths instead of automated scripts is a subject for a tutorial a la 2021 and forgetting some of old myths about paths.
Whoever is interested about some manual pathing I'll describe stages elsewhere for not derailing topic.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Into first post concerning various builder extensions for Editor located here:
https://hofgamingclan.com/forums/viewto ... 3365#p3365
Has been added XC_PathWorker for October 2021.
Changes and adds summary:
- ReachSpec Node reporting was a bit adjusted - code for PrunedPaths;
- Path AutoMoving (remapping a ReachSpec) using variables C D A B. Old Path going from C to D is moved, de-referenced and referenced at Nodes A and B - capturing nodes by selecting them one by one is available as well - no deal with PrunedPaths unless they go turned in normal visible paths (perhaps not even a future code add-on);
- dual step in making paths: using half of range first and if lists configured load is not reached will go for full desired range;
- dual testing: Bot Size as first mandatory condition, and then dealing with Big Boys if Bot signs agreement for a new path - in more ramps, buggers are going to be shown and not the story with 300 - 400 UU distance, the node height is the problem not the distance. Lowered nodes in ramps will work normally flawless.
- wrapping a bit variables for a bit of handling ergonomics.

For various issues at Inventories due to their placement in "special" maps, strategy in keeping old paths (old "NavigationPointlist" from LevelInfo) allows user to create InventorySpot actors in advance before making paths using MapGarbage and also creating NavigationPointList. After linking nodes XC_PathsWorker can produce paths using current content and placements. Result is perfect or more or less trashed depending on user's experience.

Future MapGarbage version will have some news (yet under testing):
- converting un-existent TranslatorEvent (inside MH maps for On-Line) actors into Trigger + SpecialEvent mapped in anti-spam style;
- fixing zone for actors having wrong zoning data after moving them with mouse and which are not updated - might be needed for custom pathing works;
- various codes and small syntax corrections;
- pre-Pathing tweaks will include WarpZoneMarker to be visible in order to be selected and handled with regard to paths data after creating paths if corrections are needed.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Builders thread has been completed: MapGarbage November 2021 and XC_PathsWorker November 2021.

MapGarbage changes and adds:
- scaled collisions will revert Pawns without discrimination - recommend adding scaled Forts AFTER this check or else they go to default cylinder;
- removed some check concerning ScriptedPawn;
- added option for Mapping TranslatorEvent normally as Trigger and SpecialEvent;
- more CleanUp by deleting Tags from Brush Actors - except Movers.

XC_PathsWorker changes and adds:
- A separate task for adding WarpZoneMarkers to warps with option to define another desired class but here can be used original incomplete and bugged one if you don't have a better one. Quote from stock 436 as evidence:

Code: Select all

/* SpecialHandling is called by the navigation code when the next path has been found.  
It gives that path an opportunity to modify the result based on any special considerations

/* FIXME - how to figure out if other side actor is OK and use intelligently for all dests? 
2021 > Sektor: How do you want to find where Pawn wants to go first ? Where is SpecialCost for denial if things are messed up, geniuses ?
if ( MarkedWarpZone == NONE ) - return NONE > return 100000000 - destroy path by unreferencing it/them and storing it/them
in your own variable/s until zone is recovered if this will ever happen... It's "fascinating" what does it do triggering a WarpZone...
function Actor SpecialHandling(Pawn Other)
	if (Other.Region.Zone == markedWarpZone)
	return self;
/*	if ( markedWarpZone.numDestinations <= 1 )
		return self;
	if ( markedWarpZone.OtherSideActor is OK )
		return self;
	if (TriggerActor == None)
		if (TriggerActor == None)
			return None;
	return TriggerActor;			
Stages will need to have Navigation Chain and then events are going as follows:
#1 Adding defined WarpZoneMarkers around WarpZoneInfo actors properly set - recommend placement not on walls or ceilings;
#2 Paths Definition using Builder - will generate Navigation Chain using all available actors;
#3 Generating paths for Warps post-pathing.

Info-Note: Editor internals in the process of paths definition task will remove custom InventorySpot actors and WarpZoneMarkers adding new ones from STOCK. Even if we do have a better class we cannot use it because these devs are "smart". Another pathing dev having OPTIONS it's always a plus in front of plain devs - Good Luck with plain devs and have a nice day ! When things are containing "//fixme" they should have an alternate method which here is nowhere :omfg: , and yes, InventorySpots and WarpZoneMarkers are defaulted to be hidden in Editor for making pathetic life more harder than was needed.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Builders placed here
https://hofgamingclan.com/forums/viewto ... 3365#p3365
have been updated for January 2022.
Tiny Descriptions:
MapGarbage will report for no incoming paths for InventorySpot even connected inventories, pointing evils based on their name. I see this is needed because some people are really don't understand what's going on if paths are rebuild without fixing anything. MapGarbage also has a tester concerning ClassFlags and it even shows uncompiled wreck actors from MyLevel which mappers were happily spreading.
Note: "Level Validate" partially cloned command into UScript (natively it doesn't work not even in 469b) will report un-compiled junks as well.
XC_PathsWorker doesn't include major changes but it does a check concerning jumper combos trying to prevent an impossible return from a JumpSpot to a LiftExit in automatic pathing mode - people are really don't understand using combos, these in original devs are TWO WAY paths not ONE WAY, unless you know how to trick Editor's devs.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

In location described above two builders have been updated for May 2022 - both of them:
Updates Info
- adding option bClientNav - non-static nodes that are ruined in clients playing On-Line are set bNoDelete - such as VisibleTeleporter;
- rewriting codes for preventing dependencies with BotPack - BotPack is not needed in every single game-type / Map after all, so we don't trigger loading it if map doesn't need it. Here I will want to know if something goes crazy toward those checks, for the moment all options look operational including those concerning assets from BotPack.

- removing BotPack dependencies but keeping features ON;
- rewriting codes for less iterations at C++ stage - I hope so;
- reducing log during Paths Testing-Fixing stage - it will report only errors since a complete paths report is already available.

Miscellaneous Info
XC_PathsWorker in decent loaded maps used for creating paths, it works faster or slower depending on machine used.
- On a DELL old system PIV HT at 1400 MHz and having an old on-board Video Card does around 70-100 ReachSpecs/Second;
- On a HP PIV HT at 3000 MHz with on-board Video Card a similar stage works at 200-270 ReachSpecs/Second;
- On a very modern machine I have no data and no plans for buying one for getting such data - discussion here is longer and OFF-TOPIC.
Execution speed depends on ViewPort settings as long as map's image in Editor is updated during pathing process - this was my choice for figuring if something did not get stuck and builder it's in working stage.
I'm using this "ReachSpec Handler" or "Paths Configurator" aka XC_PathsWorker in my Editor with switch "-norunaway" for Editor's command-line.
The same builder in UT469b will enter "Zombie Mode", it will reconstruct paths using 233 nodes at 31-35 ReachSpecs/Second during 22 Seconds using 3000 MHz machine... Either way in very simple cubes it works under a second...
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by OjitroC »

sektor2111 wrote: Wed May 18, 2022 6:50 pm - rewriting codes for preventing dependencies with BotPack - BotPack is not needed in every single game-type / Map after all, so we don't trigger loading it if map doesn't need it. Here I will want to know if something goes crazy toward those checks, for the moment all options look operational including those concerning assets from BotPack.
The only difference I have noted when carrying a series of basic checks on the same map is that, when checking duplicate actors, the latest version doesn't report the number of actors checked
The previous version wrote:DupesScanResult: Checked 1770 actors. Found 0 duplicates.
OFC this isn't particularly important.

I can't check what the results are without Botpack as my 469b Editor loads Botpack whether or not it is included under [Editor.EditorEngine] as an EditPackage (that is, when removing the line EditPackage=Botpack rather than just commenting it out). I suspect that most people have their Editor load Botpack anyway so it won't matter to them whether MapGarbage triggers its loading or not?
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Yes, there are small changes but... I want to not be dependent on BotPack creating new links. Sometimes when I fix things, BotPack is not helping and then for me is not mandatory in Editor. In this case I don't need any "Builder" loading it.

For duplicates there are two methods: my old "bugged" one and the "fixed" one by Buggie. Option bCheckDuplicates2 does the count. Either way the third is left there for who wants to try various methods. In very messed up maps NONE of them works, for those it's needed applying another solution - more manual work.

These two might be a little bit slower but... they are no longer depending on BotPack.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

https://hofgamingclan.com/forums/viewto ... f=34&t=502
first post has been updated with July 2022 version of the builder XC_PathsWorker.
Quoting "what's new" - aiming various test-works during mapping stage:
- added sub-option for fixing ReachSpecs - if used, lost specs are NOT loaded into chain but nullified - cannot be completely deleted with current XC assets;
- added a re-indexing option for remapping ReachSpecs and leaving nullified ones at last positions in their array. Here we can have the image about what paths are done and what is truly calculated in routing process during map's run-time.
- autoconnector based on probing will be able to connect two related combo specific points (LiftCenter-LiftExit) in original style by just linking them without tests. It will test only normal paths.
Details are explained in PDF document included in archive.

Extra Info:
PathsLinker concerning 227 assets has been removed as long as that Editor might do ugly damage to UT maps. The other reason is that I cannot see if it works or not in latest 227j because that thing doesn't work for me. Without checking what is there and if builder doesn't do funky reactions I won't release any update. Shortly, the work in this stage is cancelled for the moment.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Next stuff which I wrote for Editor and I'm testing all sort of situations is a PathsChecker - a more complete one concerning CTF/DM/DOM/MH maps - without those dependent packages - not every mapper wants to install packages for probing a DM map after all. Mainly is done, perhaps it will need a bit of polishing where is needed... We can be aware if the map will work normally without wasting a lot of time spectating Bots (only concerning special jumps).
What it does this "Builder" ?
Builder does a navigation test through map starting from PlayerStarts (or nearby points where is the case) to all sort of goals:
- Inventories;
- FlagBases;
- AmbushPoints;
- AlternatePaths;
- ControlPoints;
- MonsterWaypoints; (perhaps my last touch in this stage)
- MonsterEnd.
We won't paint screen with anything, but reporting number of failures and achievements. Here is not needed XC_Engine or anything else than original UT and its Editor.
To mention that this is not a tutorial, but it can be helpful in learning something. It will be published after passing an initial set of tests (in this room).
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Done !
An initial version of PathsChecker has been released stored in previous posted place. Since purpose has been described already, other sentences are useless.
For creating missing paths builder won't deliver explanations because this builder is not a tutorial - perhaps a minimal tutorial right in Editor is another chapter to discuss because lazy boys are not reading original tutorials or they don't understand Polge's english language and they cannot use translators for some reasons.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

MapGarbage and XC_PathsWorker for August have been added in fore mentioned place.
- listing actors from a named group - some maps were hosting empty groups.

- total paths removal AFTER nulling them;
- Show/Hide PrunedPaths - it will have a small external package (PwStore) for mirroring these ReachSpecs in order to restore them in original state after inspecting them - navigation chain will remain untouched after such inspection. Said Package doesn't need to be placed in EditPackages, it's called by Builder.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Updates for September
https://hofgamingclan.com/forums/viewto ... f=34&t=502
- a few ergonomic modifications and "Level Validate" completion.

- feature for figuring ALL paths and reverting view back;
- new in UT - deleting NULL paths - dodgy solution but operational. Paths that are out of network can be nullified and then deleted. Builder doesn't remove valid paths... The "How To" will be explained if it's requested.

- after scanning routes, all debris data from routing process will be eliminated. This will return not only a map tested but cleaned up as well.

All devs are using minimal links with UT - none of them with BotPack.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

At this moment PathsChecker builder for UT Editor is being updated October 2022 and it can be found in prior posted location.
Update purpose: My generic curiosity about navigation network from random checked maps.
What's up then ? A New sub-option added will do a full network scan. It will check if map has logic paths in Engine deals for all Navigation Points from any other Navigation Point. Yes, we speak about iterations - a lot of them in maps with more PathNodes, which means that command-line for Editor will need -norunaway switch added - is sampled in document. Maps that are having one-way paths more or less on purpose will return flaws - but this is normal - and for other special situations is the same story. Editor.log will be huge, it might be needed closing Editor and renaming file as a txt file and examining it externally in case of a debugging task. Technically this way we are helped to find lousy nodes more quickly than surfing map for a long time and looking at lines ( some of them being fake paths - not used in network ).
See ya later for next ones...