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Post by Buggie »

Conversion for MonsterHunt this map: ... a9a73.html
This map need XVehicles at least v18 for load:
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Last edited by Buggie on Mon May 16, 2022 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MH-XV-Laser

Post by OjitroC »

Very enjoyable map this - several hours of fun - I was doubtful at first whether it was suitable for XVehicles but as I progressed my doubts disappeared :gj:

My only slight annoyance was the turbo lift as it didn't react to vehicles - I had to get out of the tank and then get back in as the lift move downwards - the lift didn't stay down long enough for me to work out where I was and to move the tank so it went back up (twice). I suppose having played the map one is now familiar with that so it won't be so troublesome on another play.
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Re: MH-XV-Laser

Post by Barbie »

Any reason for them to be bGameRelevant?
MH-XV-LaserV0.MapPatcherSvr0.FixbGameRelevantWiredActors LOG_Verbose: set default bGameRelevant=False for MH-XV-LaserV0.WoodenBox0
MH-XV-LaserV0.MapPatcherSvr0.FixbGameRelevantWiredActors LOG_Verbose: set default bGameRelevant=False for MH-XV-LaserV0.WoodenBox1
MH-XV-LaserV0.MapPatcherSvr0.FixbGameRelevantWiredActors LOG_Verbose: set default bGameRelevant=False for MH-XV-LaserV0.WoodenBox2
MH-XV-LaserV0.MapPatcherSvr0.FixbGameRelevantWiredActors LOG_Verbose: set default bGameRelevant=False for MH-XV-LaserV0.ThingFactory1
"If Origin not in center it be not in center." --Buggie
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Re: MH-XV-Laser

Post by Buggie »

Idk. Mapper choice.
Look like Boxes contain goodies, and Factory used for spawn shock orbs.
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Re: MH-XV-Laser

Post by Man_With_No_Body »

At start a trees near Porsche car wreck. Any tree could quickly damage a vehicle (especially jeep), each touch = minus 100HP even at slow speed. Sometimes damage occurred far from tree, without a bump (comment: because of online game ??).
MH-XV-Laser_tree_dmg.jpg (28.82 KiB) Viewed 527 times

At very end of the game 4x vehicle spawn places (nr. # 1,2,3,4), one close to the other. From nr. # 1 tank could use a lift to get quickly below or simply jump off balcony.
Suggestion: preserved nr. # 1 only.
MH-XV-Laser_spawn.jpg (44.72 KiB) Viewed 527 times

P.S. don't shoot Lucky Luke)
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Re: MH-XV-Laser

Post by OjitroC »

Man_With_No_Body wrote: Sun May 15, 2022 8:41 pm At start a trees near Porsche car wreck. Any tree could quickly damage a vehicle (especially jeep), each touch = minus 100HP even at slow speed. Sometimes damage occurred far from tree, without a bump (comment: because of online game ??).
I can confirm that this happens off-line as well - I forgot to 'report' it at the time I played the map. I recall looking in the Editor and I'm pretty sure there are 'invisible' trees there - that is, they have no mesh - and it is these that cause the damage. I think I deleted them from the map after noticing the damage happening.
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Re: MH-XV-Laser

Post by Buggie »

Well-known bug with invisible trees. I will remove it on next map update.

Spawn points of tanks not duplicate, because later shortcut move to buildings down.

Automatically merged


- remove hidden trees.
- remove bGameRelevant from some actors.
- rebuilt lights and paths.

Updated in first post: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15156
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Re: MH-XV-Laser

Post by Man_With_No_Body »

Minor graphical glitch, missing upper part of the tree.
(e.g. tree in the front of copter)
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Re: MH-XV-Laser

Post by Neon_Knight »

Since you edited the map, you should add yourself to the credits.
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ProTip 2: anybody who uses the "Royal We" when making a demand wants to pass their own opinion as everyone else's.
ProTip 3: Only the people that do nothing but criticize don't make mistakes. Do things. Make mistakes. Learn from them. And screw those who do nothing but throw poison and criticize.
ProTip 4: If the Duke Nukem Forever fiasco wasn't enough of a lesson, perfectionism leads to nothing positive. Don't be afraid of releasing a buggy product. Even the most polished product has its flaws.
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