Special Entry & Exit Trigger. Does something like this alrea
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Re: Special Entry & Exit Trigger. Does something like this a
And for sure you can chain together 3 Dispatchers each of them firing 8 Events × 3 = 24 Events if are needed and won't iterate Engine to the death.
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Re: Special Entry & Exit Trigger. Does something like this a
You missed the point. Download the above test map and try to do that with stock movers. Impossible. (And AFAIK a GradualMover does not support the state "TriggerControl".)sektor2111 wrote:Do more Events are required for a Mover ? Reinventing wheel is probably USELESS.
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Re: Special Entry & Exit Trigger. Does something like this a
Ok, after some 6 hours (I guess?), I finally have it working on red base's spawn hall,.. walk in, white effects show, sound A plays; walk in a little further, red effect joins the party, an extra sound plays. Step away, red effect vanishes, a second extra sound plays. Step away further again and white effect leaves the building and sound B plays. The last two sounds had to be set to so all players in the spawn hall can hear because if I set it to PlayersPlaySoundEffect, they'd hear the "Access Denied!" sound after they'd arrived in the main play area of the map - can anything be done to prevent the players left in the spawn hall from hearing the "Access Denied!" sound that should really be CANCELLED given that the player who instigated it, has left via the means the teleportation tube was 'designed' for? *That's assuming no one is inside the radius of the trigger in the spawn hall, which would mean the red effects weres till active and subsequently meaning that the teleporter tube was still in activated mode. That'd cause confusion and make me look,.. well, bad.
Only got to do bot-pathing next (I ALWAYS HATED doing bot-pathing, mainly because there seem to be no comprehensive video tutorials on it - that is, unless I'm looking in the wrong places) but before that, I just have to get the BLUE spawn hall set up like red.
Then I should test it online to see if it works,. if not, I'll be back again to ask for a final tweak if that'd be ok? I HOPE I don't need to, but hey. Oh, one other thing Barbie, the mover I've added to the map, how is it stored in the map? If I send it to people, how do they have it? Also, will it need to be added to any server packages by server hosts? *My gut instinct tells me "No, no need", but I can't quite work out how - like, how did opening your demo map put the 'menu' option into the editor without me having to install anything.
Very clever stuff! 

I agree, I was thinking about this earlier today - how it was such a pity that no one at Epic had thought about what a mover could still effectively do after it had closed, but then, in complete fairness, after 18 years of playing UT99 and appx 16 years of mapping in it, I only thought of that today myself lol. So, yeah. Hehe.Barbie wrote:What I have experienced concerning event driven programs: each action should have four events, ActionStarting (before actions starts), ActionStarted (just after action has started), ActionEnding (before action ends) and ActionEnded (after action has ended. The stock Mover in Unreal supports only one of these ("MoverOpened").
Only got to do bot-pathing next (I ALWAYS HATED doing bot-pathing, mainly because there seem to be no comprehensive video tutorials on it - that is, unless I'm looking in the wrong places) but before that, I just have to get the BLUE spawn hall set up like red.

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Re: Special Entry & Exit Trigger. Does something like this a
MyLevel is the magic word.R3plicant wrote:Oh, one other thing Barbie, the mover I've added to the map, how is it stored in the map? If I send it to people, how do they have it? Also, will it need to be added to any server packages by server hosts? *My gut instinct tells me "No, no need", but I can't quite work out how - like, how did opening your demo map put the 'menu' option into the editor without me having to install anything.Very clever stuff!
You usually import exotic (non stock) content into the MyLevel pack ...textures, music, sounds, meshes or actors or all of them.
This is a package stored into the map file itself. And it can be inherited from one map to another.
Open a map with a MyLevel package then just open another map and the package is inherited. But you have to use the content in the map and save the map or else all unused stuff will be discarded. Say you have a huge custom texture pack but want to use only three textures from it. Load it via MyLevel import into the editor. Use the textures, save and close the editor. when you reopen it again and load the map is in the texture browser in MyLevel only those three textures available.
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Re: Special Entry & Exit Trigger. Does something like this a
Ooohhhh I did wonder if it might have been that, (I do know about MyLevel, I just dismissed it because you had incorporated the new mover into the menu,.. How silly of me!)papercoffee wrote:MyLevel is the magic word.R3plicant wrote:Oh, one other thing Barbie, the mover I've added to the map, how is it stored in the map? If I send it to people, how do they have it? Also, will it need to be added to any server packages by server hosts? *My gut instinct tells me "No, no need", but I can't quite work out how - like, how did opening your demo map put the 'menu' option into the editor without me having to install anything.Very clever stuff!
You usually import exotic (non stock) content into the MyLevel pack ...textures, music, sounds, meshes or actors or all of them.
This is a package stored into the map file itself. And it can be inherited from one map to another.
Open a map with a MyLevel package then just open another map and the package is inherited. But you have to use the content in the map and save the map or else all unused stuff will be discarded. Say you have a huge custom texture pack but want to use only three textures from it. Load it via MyLevel import into the editor. Use the textures, save and close the editor. when you reopen it again and load the map is in the texture browser in MyLevel only those three textures available.

Ok, so Blue side now working like Red. I still need a way to prevent the "Access Denied!" from playing to those players in the spawn halls when the last player to be successfully teleported is no longer in the radius of the trigger that activated the mover and SpecialEvent sounds. I went from: PlayersPlaySoundEffect (play sound to only instigator) to PlaySoundEffect (plays sound to all in vicinity), but I need a crafty way to 'Kill' the sound so it can't play at all if a (the last) player has been teleported out of the radius of the (mover's own) trigger - any ideas please? You'll get a due mention in the final map, Barbie, I couldn't have got this far without your time and input, so thank you!

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Re: Special Entry & Exit Trigger. Does something like this a
Not my laurels. I guess that UnrealEd iterates the subclasses of class'Mover' and builds the context menu in the moment you press the button.R3plicant wrote:how did opening your demo map put the 'menu' option into the editor without me having to install anything
Maybe an extended SpecialEvent helps:R3plicant wrote:I still need a way to prevent the "Access Denied!" from playing to those players in the spawn halls
Code: Select all
class SpecialEventEx expands SpecialEvent;
state() PlaySoundForInstigatorOnly
function Trigger( actor Other, pawn EventInstigator )
Global.Trigger( Self, EventInstigator );
if (PlayerPawn(EventInstigator) != None)
Testmap attached (net play untested).
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"If Origin not in center it be not in center." --Buggie
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Re: Special Entry & Exit Trigger. Does something like this a
This new SpecialEvent actor will kill the "Access Denied!" sound so it doesn't get played at all to anyone, including the instigator if they have been teleported out of the trigger's radius instead of stepping out (assuming no one else is still inside it)? I currently have the sound being sent out by the SpecialEvent tied to the ClosedEventMover's ClosedEvent, (SoundB), so do I just replace the existing SpecialEvent with the new one, keeping the Events and Tags the same as before? I think I've just answered my own question, but still, better be sure.Maybe an extended SpecialEvent helps:R3plicant wrote:I still need a way to prevent the "Access Denied!" from playing to those players in the spawn hallsThis plays the sound for the EventInstigator only. (AFAIR a Dispatcher does NOT pass the EventInstigator to its Events, so this SpecialEventEx has to be triggered directly by Trigger or Mover.) Don't forget to set the proper InitialState.Code: Select all
class SpecialEventEx expands SpecialEvent; state() PlaySoundForInstigatorOnly { function Trigger( actor Other, pawn EventInstigator ) { Global.Trigger( Self, EventInstigator ); if (PlayerPawn(EventInstigator) != None) PlayerPawn(EventInstigator).ClientPlaySound(Sound); } }
Testmap attached (net play untested).

*EDIT*,. After some testing, (not complete), I have unfortunately found a messy set of errors,. not sure what's causing it, me or the actors,.. Sounds are being played at the wrong times, trigger lights aren't working as they should and the effects are messed up. I need to investigate to see what's causing these errors. Stay tuned.

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Re: Special Entry & Exit Trigger. Does something like this a
Another fact.
Depending on usage, if we speak about whatever door by example not really supporting "triggercontrol" (or setup is not for such method) but other re-triggering needs even if player is not moving around, Trigger is offering you another options ReTriggerDelay and RepeatTriggerTime which have some advantages like preventing spamming multiple events in the same moment and re-triggering a door without the need to move around exiting from its radius and re-entering again - combined with sounds and all that stuff. I used to hack such triggers in run-time in order to improve Bot's A.I. blabbering at doors initially without trying to re-trigger them - you can simply make trigger to be more smart if the rest of setup is not.
Depending on usage, if we speak about whatever door by example not really supporting "triggercontrol" (or setup is not for such method) but other re-triggering needs even if player is not moving around, Trigger is offering you another options ReTriggerDelay and RepeatTriggerTime which have some advantages like preventing spamming multiple events in the same moment and re-triggering a door without the need to move around exiting from its radius and re-entering again - combined with sounds and all that stuff. I used to hack such triggers in run-time in order to improve Bot's A.I. blabbering at doors initially without trying to re-trigger them - you can simply make trigger to be more smart if the rest of setup is not.
That's more easy than you can imagine. I know, tutorials sometimes aren't written by the right people, I found on YouTube some FAKE information about movers and I even replied to that genius to stop mooing with things which are not True or else I will report his content as a bad and inadequate.R3plicant wrote:Only got to do bot-pathing next (I ALWAYS HATED doing bot-pathing, mainly because there seem to be no comprehensive video tutorials on it
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Re: Special Entry & Exit Trigger. Does something like this a
I'm getting more than one instance of the sounds playing (access and/or beeps when I step onto the kicker to be kicked up into the teleporter tube. Since discovering it in the early hours of this morning, I've set the two triggers with a ReTriggerDelay and still I get these errors - I don't know if it's me setting it up wrong or if it's something else.
Right now it's just being horrible and I can't work it out. I even tried it on a dedicated server, it still happened. So just as I'm being kicked up the teleporter tube, I get "Access denied!" and or 'beep 60' sound playing or "Access permitted!" again,. it's making no sense.
As I said in my edit on the previous post I posted, I don't know if it's something I've done or if it's something else.
Me now =

On each of the 2 spawn rooms, there are:
1 x trigger to control the 2 x trigger lights, (at the base of the teleporter tube).
2 x triggers (up inside the tubes) with a very tall collision height, each with a different radius (white effect on,.. wait,.. red effect also on) to control the 2 x CEMs (deep down under the centre of the spawn halls).
2 x 2 special events for the 'Happy Beep 10, "Access Permitted!", 'End/Error Beep 60', "Access Denied!" sounds.
I'm so confused by it all, I'm not even sure my knowledge goes far enough to be able to rework it if I had to, my knowledge of the finer aspects of the editor are, I admit, limited.

Me now =

On each of the 2 spawn rooms, there are:
1 x trigger to control the 2 x trigger lights, (at the base of the teleporter tube).
2 x triggers (up inside the tubes) with a very tall collision height, each with a different radius (white effect on,.. wait,.. red effect also on) to control the 2 x CEMs (deep down under the centre of the spawn halls).
2 x 2 special events for the 'Happy Beep 10, "Access Permitted!", 'End/Error Beep 60', "Access Denied!" sounds.
I'm so confused by it all, I'm not even sure my knowledge goes far enough to be able to rework it if I had to, my knowledge of the finer aspects of the editor are, I admit, limited.
If only there was a better way to auto complete a map with bot-pathing, a script perhaps that'd read the other actors, BSP, voids/drops, zones and movers etc to add in a bot-path network which told the bots what to do, when to do it, where to go, where to avoid,.. I mean, there IS the 'Create New Path Network' button in the editor, but, well, that's just not good enough, (I mean, *I* couldn't create it, let alone a better one, but the coders at Epic could have, I reckon; they were then and are now a talented bunch). Though that's all somewhat off-[thread]-topic. Back to my main topic - this very confusing, complex set-up I have with my spawn halls' teleporter tubes.sektor2111 wrote:Another fact.
Depending on usage, if we speak about whatever door by example not really supporting "triggercontrol" (or setup is not for such method) but other re-triggering needs even if player is not moving around, Trigger is offering you another options ReTriggerDelay and RepeatTriggerTime which have some advantages like preventing spamming multiple events in the same moment and re-triggering a door without the need to move around exiting from its radius and re-entering again - combined with sounds and all that stuff. I used to hack such triggers in run-time in order to improve Bot's A.I. blabbering at doors initially without trying to re-trigger them - you can simply make trigger to be more smart if the rest of setup is not.That's more easy than you can imagine. I know, tutorials sometimes aren't written by the right people, I found on YouTube some FAKE information about movers and I even replied to that genius to stop mooing with things which are not True or else I will report his content as a bad and inadequate.R3plicant wrote:Only got to do bot-pathing next (I ALWAYS HATED doing bot-pathing, mainly because there seem to be no comprehensive video tutorials on it

Last edited by papercoffee on Wed Jul 25, 2018 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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- Godlike
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Re: Special Entry & Exit Trigger. Does something like this a
I merged your two posts. Please avoid double posts within a 24 hours time limit. Thank you.
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Re: Special Entry & Exit Trigger. Does something like this a
My apologies, it's too easy to do it without noticing you've done it.papercoffee wrote:I merged your two posts. Please avoid double posts within a 24 hours time limit. Thank you.
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Re: Special Entry & Exit Trigger. Does something like this a
No problem.R3plicant wrote:My apologies, it's too easy to do it without noticing you've done it.papercoffee wrote:I merged your two posts. Please avoid double posts within a 24 hours time limit. Thank you.