Koolflux wrote: ↑Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:40 pm
If you run the latest renderers on UT, such as OpenGL or Direct3D 10 or 11, you should get pretty good graphics quality.
Nice looking map, btw. Looks like it'd be good for games using the Instagib mutator or even the Shock Rifle Arena mutator.
definitely one of the two. Laser-tag == InstaGib in my mind - you get hit your dead, lol! bit hard to guess at the scale of the layout though.
If it is actually true to realism (16uu ~= 1 foot) iirc, might be a bit tight for proper ut movement. 1.5 or 2 x reality is about right for best movement imo
(as if you are a 3 foot guy, lol!)
You should post the map or some editor shots with an intro dude or two placed - this gives a good idea of scale - intro dude is about 6 FT guy.
Anyways, if it is too tight, you can scale the map up to 1.5 or whatever you like using MapScale - a tool that resizes the brushes, etc., once enlarged
then some editing is required to fix placements and lighting etc. but is often worth it if an optimal size is desired.
Should post the map? There are players and a server here..