Edifice MapPack

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Edifice MapPack

Post by ExpEM »

Six Maps:
DM-EdificeDrift, DM-EdificeDrift-I, DM-EdificeLost, DM-EdificeLost-I, DM-EdificeRelay, DOM-EdificeDrift-I

From the ReadMe:
After my partner fell pregnant (who isn't supposed to be able to have children) I was spending a lot of time in the hospital to support her.
Naturally, in my boredom of sitting around I got to thinking about UT. One Idea that crossed my mind was if I could take DM-EdificeDrift (That I relesed for the UT99.Org,
2018 'Awesome Mapping Contest) and invert it? What if I could take the entire map and flip it upsidedown?

Turns out I could and it still worked quite well. I thought to myself, can I make more maps like this? Maps designed to play upsidedown as well?

DM-EdificeRelay was the first one I drew on paper, however, not all 'paper' maps work in 3D, this design being one of them...
In the end this map was the last I finished building and I'm still not entirely happy with it, I haven't bothered to invert it and I don't think I ever will.

In the mean time I drew out and built DM-EdificeLost while my partner was kept in hospital due to complications.
This map worked particularly well when it came to inverting it and I am happy with how it turned out.

In all I have 6 Maps in this map pack and a new baby at home who is doing well! My partner also made a full recovery.

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Re: Edifice MapPack

Post by papercoffee »

Screenshots ...it would make the post look so much nicer :mrgreen:
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Re: Edifice MapPack

Post by EvilGrins »

Mahzel Tof.

How's the bot-pathing?
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Re: Edifice MapPack

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Congratulations on your new family member :)

And yes some map screenshots would be nice.
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