Monster Hunt cheats and voice menu fix

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Monster Hunt cheats and voice menu fix

Post by Buggie »

Cheats for play in MonsterHunt more easy.

Voice menu fix integrated into v469b+, so not provided anymore.

1. Unpack into System dir.
2. Change unrealTournament.ini

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

Must work with any UT version.
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old info
As it turned out, you can modify UTMenu.u and the game does not check its integrity.

This allowed to fix the voice menu and add cheats for Monster Hunt.
Voice Menu:
1. Added numbers in front of menu items.
2. The menu displays 10 items, not 8.
3. Down and up arrows shift the current menu by 10 points up / down, not 1.

This allows you to use keyboard shortcuts to access the entire list of commands.
For example, for Female Voice Two:
4 ↓ ↓ 5 "My house!"
The UTConsole class has been modified to display cheats on Monster Hunt:
1. For weapons: the difference in coordinates is displayed, and type (stationary point, drop or carries by a monster).
2. Reedemer out on separate line.
3. Insta out on separate line.
4. The nearest weapon that is not in inventory is displayed.
5. The coordinates and lives of the nearest monster are displayed.

If you are guiding a Reedemer rocket, then all distances are counted from the rocket.

If you wish, you can even make a mini-radar, or display all this information on an existing radar.

Installation - replace the existing UTMenu.u.

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Re: Monster Hunt cheats and voice menu fix

Post by Barbie »

In my next maps I'll use a ThingFactory to produce an Insta, when a player arrives there... :lol2:
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Re: Monster Hunt cheats and voice menu fix

Post by Buggie »

Next version.

1. Added yellow label above player with name and health. Useful for understand who is who and how many hp is has. So you not fire from flak near teammate with 20hp. Or tell him where located health on map.
2. If you carries Health Gun, then on left side appear list of your teammates which you can heal.
3. If you select CoopTranslocator, then on left side listed all players with their hp, score and used weapon. Useful if you not want tele to player with insta and die. Also allow you fast see which players increase score - so they in battle with monsters, so you can help them.
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Re: Monster Hunt cheats and voice menu fix

Post by Barbie »

There are some maps and servers that use the package "HealingGunBeta" for a healing gun, so you may expand the code line to:

Code: Select all

if (Inv.isA('SBHealingGun') || Inv.isA('HealingGun'))
(I'm not sure "isA()" works without respecting the package name? I have published the packages "SBHealingGunV0", "SBHealingGunV1", "SBHealingGunV2", but all contain the class "SBHealingGun"). I don't know how many mappers and server use "SBHealingGun" at all. for example doesn't know it.

Code: Select all

if (player[i].Health >= 550) continue;
The property "SBHealingGun.MaxHealth" is configurable (see SBHealingGunV2-Readme). I set this to a bit more (550) than the healing amount of the HealthPack (500) so that players have a motivation to use the healing gun. So the value 550 is very specific to my server.
We could add your PostRender stuff directly to the weapon instead.

For the other PostRender stuff I recommend using a Mutator instead of hacking UT files. That would also had the advantage that it could be used on a server.
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Re: Monster Hunt cheats and voice menu fix

Post by Buggie »

Hmm. I will try spawn local Mutator on client, but not sure if it is possible.

Usually you can not use Mutator on client which not in server list. In any case it will be hack.

Next version.
1. Fixed some bugs connected with weapon detection if monster carry it.
2. Black outline around yellow label above players. This allow read it even on white background. (will be good if same workaround will be implemented in MonterHunt code which display monsters names with health)
3. Now use MaxHealth property from Heal gun and support "HealingGun" name.
3. If you carry heal gun and can heal this player, then his health surrounded with ">>> " and " <<<".
3. Add proper crosshair (white with black outline) which visible on any surface. Even on white. It is 3*3 px white square with 1 px black stroke around it.
For original crosshair need set black color which mean no crosshair at all.
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Re: Monster Hunt cheats and voice menu fix

Post by papercoffee »

I need this crosshair !!
How accurate is this thing?
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Re: Monster Hunt cheats and voice menu fix

Post by Buggie »

Unfortunately, I don’t know the way to read the class field without requiring loading this class.
GetPropertyText works locally, but returns an empty string on the server. Therefore, if there is zero, I will set 550.

Code: Select all

if (Inv.isA('SBHealingGun') || Inv.isA('HealingGun')) {
heal = int(Inv.GetPropertyText("MaxHealth"));
if (heal == 0) heal = 550;
I try watch value via editactor and there default "500" (but GetPropertyText return empty string). So I think this value not replicate to client so can not be accessed from client side.

Crosshair code very simple:

Code: Select all

				C.Font = C.SmallFont; // C is Canvas

				C.DrawColor.R = 0; C.DrawColor.G = 0; C.DrawColor.B = 0;

				C.SetPos(C.ClipX/2 - 2, C.ClipY/2 - 4);
				C.DrawText("o"); // black outline

				C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 255;

				C.SetPos(C.ClipX/2 - 2, C.ClipY/2 - 4);
				C.DrawText("+"); // draw white '+'
				C.SetPos(C.ClipX/2 - 2, C.ClipY/2 - 4); C.DrawText(chr(215)); // make white square 3x3 px
You can comment last line and get "+" crosshair 3*3 px, inside black circle. IDK maybe it is better for you.

Here examples for labels above players.
scr_1593361146.png (64.4 KiB) Viewed 2459 times
On bad background:
scr_1593367752.png (33.19 KiB) Viewed 2449 times
New version.
1. Fix for heal gun on network play.
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papercoffee wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 5:04 pm I need this crosshair !!
Install file as described on first post in the topic.

But I'm afraid any anti-cheat will detect a change in system files and will not let you into the server where this anti-cheat exists. This is not true for monsterHunt, but true for detamatch servers.

This problem cannot be solved. The only exception is that this code will be embedded in UTPure or something similar and will be installed on each server. Something like special settings - to replace the crosshair of the client, which can be turned on.

Or use third-party software that will draw a picture in the center of the screen, on top of the game output.
No anti-cheat can track this.
papercoffee wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 5:04 pm How accurate is this thing?
Maximum accuracy. The sight is strictly in the pixel grid and does not go anywhere.
Like the original.

But weapons can shoot anywhere and anyhow. It does not depend on crosshair. With the original crosshair the same story.

PulseGun and ripper shoot from a weapon to the endless point that the center of the screen points to. Therefore, projectiles fly near the player, to the right and below the crosshair.

You can not make the original crosshair transparent, but make it a large cross or a large dot and compare.
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Re: Monster Hunt cheats and voice menu fix

Post by Buggie »

New version.
1. If selected coop translocator you see miniscreen for each teammate, labeled with hp, score and carried gun. First tile left empty for you see selection on translocator. This useful for spy for teammates. And see where you teleport to.
2. Near mover (close to distance 200) draw red line from mover to trigger which can activate this mover. This useful for understand what action need do for open door where you stuck. Just small hint.
3. If no ScriptedPawn found then search MonsterEnd. It is useful on some maps where hard to find mh end after kill all monsters.
4. Label for closest ScriptedPawn draw even if it is not visible. Useful for find last monsters.
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Re: Monster Hunt cheats and voice menu fix

Post by Buggie »

New version.

1. Red border around tile with selected teammate for translocate.
Order of tiles different from order of teammate select because CoopTranslocator use very chaotic way for find next teammate. It is good for find next player but bad for list all players.
So it is "feature" not a bug. Can not be fixed.
2. Better outline for labels.
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Re: Monster Hunt cheats and voice menu fix

Post by Buggie »

New version.

- Some bug fixes.
- Red line from movers disabled because create lags on some cases.
- if you view some players then all on screen calculated from this player. Work only for humans, not for bots. So you can get advice for your teammates how find last monsters.
- Added preview for teleporters for recognize teleport traps/secrets in MH.
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Re: Monster Hunt cheats and voice menu fix

Post by Buggie »

New version.

- Improved support small resolution for preview CoopTranslocator.
- Now you can see self on CoopTranslocator preview.
- Added console commands:

Code: Select all

ActorsByEvent <name>
ActorsByTag <name>
CountMonsters say
First two list Actors fit specified param. Useful for find which toggle door and other debug stuff.
Second two calculate monsters and print count of each type.
With "say" param send this info to chat.

Of course if some actors do not exists on client side (not relevant) then they can not be counted or found.
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Re: Monster Hunt cheats and voice menu fix

Post by Barbie »

Oh well, I stay with the *nx philosophy: one tool, one task. What does a CoopTranslocator have to do with Actor events and amount of monsters? I suggest to put this into a separate mutator.
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Re: Monster Hunt cheats and voice menu fix

Post by Buggie »

It is not a mutator at all.
Honestly speaking it is my test place for test some things.
But I am also share this stuff with community.

Maybe you messed with topics and think here topic about CoopTranslocator mutator - it is not. It is different topic.

About CountMonsters - I can make this as separate mutator if you interested on it.
Same about search actors by tag or event.

But I am not sure if this will be useful for someone.
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Re: Monster Hunt cheats and voice menu fix

Post by Barbie »

Oh, yes, sorry, I mixed it up. :oops:
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Re: Monster Hunt cheats and voice menu fix

Post by Buggie »

Fix crashes on Preview Teleports.
Add console command
PreviewTele 0
for disable PreviewTele. For enable back:
PreviewTele 1
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