MAPS - the best maps made by community

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Re: MAPS - the best maps made by community

Post by EvilGrins »

Terraniux wrote: Sun Jul 26, 2020 8:07 pmI could be blind but this is the UT99 community?
No, you're right about that, but the first post in this entire thread specifies maps made by this community, ie: members of this forum.

Or am I wrong about that?
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Re: MAPS - the best maps made by community

Post by OjitroC »

EvilGrins wrote: Sun Jul 26, 2020 8:25 pm No, you're right about that, but the first post in this entire thread specifies maps made by this community, ie: members of this forum.

Or am I wrong about that?
It isn't clear - "As topic implies, it is going to be a list of the best maps made by UT99 community" could mean members of this forum or it could mean the UT99 community in general but " We want to make a list of truly best maps out there" suggests it could be the latter - the first two maps named were made by members of this forum (no idea who made Chronic-Zen) - after that, it seems to have broadened out.

I would take it to be maps made by the UT99 community in general, that is any non default/stock maps.

Re: MAPS - the best maps made by community

Post by JimmyCognitti »

DOM-CasaDelPeligro (by Los Pescados)
For some reason I think it works better as a DM map than a DOM one, still a fun map:
Image ... DelPeligro

DM-TimeCrash (by Willy "Mr.Prophet" Drekker)
A big map that happens to be quite enjoyable:
Image ... -TimeCrash
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Re: MAPS - the best maps made by community

Post by sektor2111 »

Not sure how goes with term "best maps" and what exactly is about. That DOM map has a single ControlPoint - you lost me at term "Best Maps by Community". This is a GAME-GOAL which usually should have multiple targets, this is what Domination means instead of fighting in a single room :lol2: Did it pay for ControPoints ?
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Re: MAPS - the best maps made by community

Post by OjitroC »

sektor2111 wrote: Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:23 am Not sure how goes with term "best maps" and what exactly is about. That DOM map has a single ControlPoint - you lost me at term "Best Maps by Community". This is a GAME-GOAL which usually should have multiple targets, this is what Domination means instead of fighting in a single room :lol2: Did it pay for ControPoints ?
The gametype Domination is, indeed, a battle for the control of ControlPoints - however there is no intrinsic reason why there should be multiple points - true, that is the norm but it doesn't have to always be like that.

The use of a single ControlPoint in this map was deliberate, designed to achieve a particular form of game play (whether or not it works is another matter of course and it can be argued that it doesn't really with the map being better played as a DM map). As with a number of other maps, I have the impression that the faithful reproduction of 'real world' built forms was as important as gameplay considerations - here's what the readme says about the map
This map is just of a house that I saw and wanted to make into a map. I've found
that in quite a few house-based maps, furniture tends to get in the way of game
flow. Sure, it looks nice, but you still want to have fun playing the map, right?
So, I decided I didn't want to put any furniture in this map, and in the spirit
of keeping it real, the idea is that the family who owns this house is just
moving in.

Bots tend not to go upstairs in the house. This isn't really a big deal since all
that is up there is a Health Pack.

Wondering why there's only one Domination checkpoint? That's because this map
is TINY. One is all that was necessary, and encourages bloodthirsty battles for
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Re: MAPS - the best maps made by community

Post by Swanky »

I've always considered the term community as the UT99 community as a whole. Wouldn't be right to not include all those really great maps by mappers just because they don't happen to be on this forum.

Since Alexxxander isn't really active anymore however, it might be a good idea to reset this thread and then make a clear and new list. Should that be the case, I'm happy to sift through my folder and point out a few highlights.

Regarding that last map post. A small map by itself is not an issue. One CP in the middle of the map leads to a very specific gameplay, usually a fragfest. That by itself can be tolerable if the community thinks it's still a great map. From a technical standpoint I have to point out that bots should still be able to use the upper areas however cramped they may be. Urban maps usually have a different scale that doesn't typically blend well with the frantic action of UT. Not saying it will never work, but it doesn't most of the time. Haven't played the map so I have to rely on the voice of people who did.
2nd Map is done by Mr. Prophet who is / was a very solid mapper. Haven't played this one either but I'm inclined to check it out and see if it is indeed "one of the best of the community".
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Re: MAPS - the best maps made by community

Post by sektor2111 »

To not forget that now days with editing options, some "best maps" can be better than best level - more optimized, more clean :agree1: .
As for the next one, let me see... 4258 reachSpecs and PathNodes near inventories causing a pointless processing ? That was about "modern technology" required ? Lifts not connected with their combos which in fact are buttons/doors rather than lifts ?
Last edited by sektor2111 on Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MAPS - the best maps made by community

Post by Swanky »

That is, of course, if you mess with the original author's work. But that should only be for personal collection and fixing and not for redistribution UNLESS the author has personally given the okay.
For the purposes of this thread I feel like sticking to the original works is the most respectful way to deal with the author's work and is easier than to keep track of countless "fix" versions.
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Re: MAPS - the best maps made by community

Post by Xalian71 »

S'pose I'm way too late to this party. Like by... let's see... 14 years? I was hoping to contribute some maps.
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Re: MAPS - the best maps made by community

Post by EvilGrins »

Xalian71 wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:36 pm S'pose I'm way too late to this party. Like by... let's see... 14 years? I was hoping to contribute some maps.
2 years, actually. The last post made before yours was 2 years ago.

You want to contribute maps, do what I do · viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15514 · goto the mapping thread and make a new post about your map/maps.
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Re: MAPS - the best maps made by community

Post by Xalian71 »

EvilGrins wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:48 pm
Xalian71 wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:36 pm S'pose I'm way too late to this party. Like by... let's see... 14 years? I was hoping to contribute some maps.
2 years, actually. The last post made before yours was 2 years ago.

You want to contribute maps, do what I do · viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15514 · goto the mapping thread and make a new post about your map/maps.
Thanks for that EvilGrins. I'll check out that link.
Last edited by Xalian71 on Tue Nov 29, 2022 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MAPS - the best maps made by community

Post by EvilGrins »

Xalian71 wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 3:40 amSorry to sound link such a noob but is there any kind of repository on that maps can be uploaded to, or do you have upload them somewhere else and simply post the link
Yeah, you need your own account elsewhere to host.

Which is to say, you can upload to the post you make here with the "attachments" tab, but it has an upper limit (which admittedly I'm not sure what it is) so hosting elsewhere is best.

I use for all of mine.
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Re: MAPS - the best maps made by community

Post by sektor2111 »

So, a topic was bumped after two years for sharing another MyLevel.utx file ? :wth:
Topic is called "... the best maps ...". Best maps are just best maps, not a collection of mismatches for a soup, using identical named files "MyLevel" which are map itself (Pseudo Packages) not external packages and these should never be saved - we already have such a collection of crap at - Shrimp has pointed out X such files shared this way.
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Re: MAPS - the best maps made by community

Post by fudgonaut »

Xalian71 wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:36 pmI was hoping to contribute some maps.
Hello Xalian71 and welcome to the forum! Please review the forum rules -- necrobumping is considered bad form.

Despite sektor's unfortunate tone, he is correct that your map Lava Run has a texture file called MyLevel.utx which is a big no-no for mapping.

You should name your texture packages anything other than MyLevel. There's more info on MyLevel here, and here's just one of many turtorials on how to make custom texture packages. Avoid naming your package something generic, because it may conflict with a texture package that already exists. So recreate the package and name it something like LavaRun.utx

You should start a thread of your own in the Mapping forum, where you can share your work and get feedback. This forum has a lot of great resources (I can say from personal experience my mapping has improved greatly since joining). Cheers
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Re: MAPS - the best maps made by community

Post by TankBeef »

I would only add...please post screenshots :)