Is there a way (non-programming, I mean) to create your own single player ladder campaigns?

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Kerr Avon
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Is there a way (non-programming, I mean) to create your own single player ladder campaigns?

Post by Kerr Avon »

I've been looking for a way to define my own 'single player' campaign for UT - by which I mean a way to create a whole new match ladder for the game. You know how the single player game is a serious of bot matches in preset configurations (the map, the number of bots, etc), well I'd love to be able to create a new tournament using the levels and bots and whatever of my own choosing. I would imagine that someone might have written a program to do this, but if so, I am unable to locate find it (though I'm not too familiar with UT sites, so I'm probably just not looking in the right places).

I'm not looking for a deep, complex program; preferably a more simple one that allows the user to define which maps and settings to use, and preferably be able to store several different tournament ladders and their game-saves, all for offline play for a single player. And if it can allow you to choose which game-modes to use, and which to avoid then all the better, as I'd love to leave out Domination matches, as to me they're not much fun, at least not in single player.

Over the years, I have collected *many* great, fan-made maps from many sources, and I'd love to be able to play then in the single player campaign ladder, if possible.

I'd be happy if such a mod came out for Unreal Tournament 2004, but personally I prefer UT99 over UT2004.

Thanks for reading, and for any answers.
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Re: Is there a way (non-programming, I mean) to create your own single player ladder campaigns?

Post by OjitroC »

Kerr Avon wrote: Wed Sep 09, 2020 2:47 pm I've been looking for a way to define my own 'single player' campaign for UT - by which I mean a way to create a whole new match ladder for the game.
As far as I know, there is no simple way to do that. There are one or two new 'ladders' that people have made out there - I can only suggest that you search this forum (as this topic has been discussed before) and also have a look on ModDB as I think there is at least one custom ladder on there. All these ladders, though, have a list of specific maps and I think they would probably need to be recoded to alter that.
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Re: Is there a way (non-programming, I mean) to create your own single player ladder campaigns?

Post by Neon_Knight »

There is, but you need to duplicate a lot of existing code just to make it work.

Unreal Playground's Community Tribute Classic Mappack Volume 2 includes a (separate) ladder for its maps.

Last, but not least, I've tried my hand at one of those in the past years. ...
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Kerr Avon
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Re: Is there a way (non-programming, I mean) to create your own single player ladder campaigns?

Post by Kerr Avon »

That's great, thanks mate!
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