I tried it and I have many quarrels with it. Here are some:
• It doesn't automatically give you a Translocator slot; you have to work around that by disabling translocator and using an extra slot. Urgh…
• Editing the *.ini files is a tremendous boondoggle; you have to give each summonable a name and dig out it's package name?! Why not just make it like in my image? It would be a million times easier to just list summonables—which leads us into the next bullet.
• I can't get it to replace 1 gun with many, like in ChaosUT or SWWM... I thought a window showed up in the game, when I first looked at it—when I actually got to play with it the next day, it's not there?!

Does the program automatically and permanently hide it if you show signs confusion or inaction?

If so, that would suck!
Kudos to the maker(s)/designer(s) for their wonderful Configs tab.

Why not make it have a save-and-load thing with a pull-down list? That way users can come up with their own names for configs, instead of getting lost in config 1, config 2, config 3, config 4, config
A user can come up with something easy to remember like "Guanopalooza" or "Showdown at the Hoedown" or "Urban Combat" or "Crazy Clowns Battle" et cetera.