Super-Flexible Inventory Switching Mod

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Super-Flexible Inventory Switching Mod

Post by Peamole »

I always wanted to be able to change which weapons players/bots start with in a map and which would spawn in place of the usual ones but was left with some serious limitations.
Here's a rough example of what I had in mind. I did this in good ol' MS Paint for Windows Vista.
I'm no coder(only a code pirate :what: jk not really :wink:) so I don't know how to separate each weapon: commas, spaces... Leaving it blank spawns nothing.
Maybe if it had a tab with items replacing settings too? That would be :omfg: super af.
Think of it as a change-it-yourself-before-matches ChaosUT-esque Mod. Anyone up for the task?
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Re: Super-Flexible Inventory Switching Mod

Post by OjitroC »

What about StuffSwapper?
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Re: Super-Flexible Inventory Switching Mod

Post by Peamole »

OjitroC wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 8:28 pm What about StuffSwapper?
Thanks, OjitroC! I don't know what I tried before; it wouldn't let me switch starting weapons. I can be a real dufus sometimes... :loool:
I just got StuffSwapper 3.2. At first glimpse, the schematics look like spaghetti (sound familiar? Ha ha!) but it's not that complicated.
Sorry for asking about something that was made ages ago. :oops:
Did you check out the strange weapon replacements I made in the image? I was trying to demonstrate the potential capabilities of such a mod. Some of those are my favorites.
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Re: Super-Flexible Inventory Switching Mod

Post by OjitroC »

Peamole wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 9:53 pm I just got StuffSwapper 3.2. At first glimpse, the schematics look like spaghetti (sound familiar? Ha ha!) but it's not that complicated.

Did you check out the strange weapon replacements I made in the image? I was trying to demonstrate the potential capabilities of such a mod. Some of those are my favorites.
No, it's not very complicated - just time consuming setting up the StuffSwapperItems.ini. As I said somewhere else, you can set up multiple StuffSwapper.ini files and swap them in and out according to what you want to use. I've got four inis with 37 different configurations (probably over the top but well ... why not). Most are themed and based on weapons mods but a few are mixed bringing in single weapons from a variety of u files.
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Re: Super-Flexible Inventory Switching Mod

Post by Peamole »

OjitroC wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 10:56 pm I've got four inis with 37 different configurations (probably over the top but well ... why not). Most are themed and based on weapons mods but a few are mixed bringing in single weapons from a variety of u files.
I like your style; certainly not over the top imo. It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll! :rock:
If only I knew about this mod years ago when I had more time to mess about with UT and play. Now I'm making up for some of the, not hundreds but THOUSANDS of UT-stuff-making hours I lost from advanced hacker attacks, et cetera. BACK UP YOUR WORK, PPL! :tu:
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Re: Super-Flexible Inventory Switching Mod

Post by Peamole »

I tried it and I have many quarrels with it. Here are some:

• It doesn't automatically give you a Translocator slot; you have to work around that by disabling translocator and using an extra slot. Urgh… :x
• Editing the *.ini files is a tremendous boondoggle; you have to give each summonable a name and dig out it's package name?! Why not just make it like in my image? It would be a million times easier to just list summonables—which leads us into the next bullet. :lol2:
• I can't get it to replace 1 gun with many, like in ChaosUT or SWWM... I thought a window showed up in the game, when I first looked at it—when I actually got to play with it the next day, it's not there?! :???: Does the program automatically and permanently hide it if you show signs confusion or inaction? :omfg: If so, that would suck!

Kudos to the maker(s)/designer(s) for their wonderful Configs tab. :thuup: Why not make it have a save-and-load thing with a pull-down list? That way users can come up with their own names for configs, instead of getting lost in config 1, config 2, config 3, config 4, config n?
A user can come up with something easy to remember like "Guanopalooza" or "Showdown at the Hoedown" or "Urban Combat" or "Crazy Clowns Battle" et cetera.
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Re: Super-Flexible Inventory Switching Mod

Post by OjitroC »

Peamole wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 3:23 pm • It doesn't automatically give you a Translocator slot; you have to work around that by disabling translocator and using an extra slot. Urgh… :x
You don't need a slot as it doesn't replace the Translocator.
Peamole wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 3:23 pm • Editing the *.ini files is a tremendous boondoggle; you have to give each summonable a name and dig out it's package name?! Why not just make it like in my image? It would be a million times easier to just list summonables—which leads us into the next bullet. :lol2:
Yes, it takes a long time if you do a lot of configs. You need to give the package name and the class name as .u file packages may contain several items (several weapons, ammo, armor etc). If just the class name were used, then StuffSwapper would have no idea which package (.u file) to look in.
Peamole wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 3:23 pm • I can't get it to replace 1 gun with many, like in ChaosUT or SWWM... I thought a window showed up in the game, when I first looked at it—when I actually got to play with it the next day, it's not there?! :???: Does the program automatically and permanently hide it if you show signs confusion or inaction? :omfg: If so, that would suck!
No, you can't replace one gun in one slot with many guns unless you use the Random opton and give it a number of weapons to choose at random from. I don't remember an in-game window but, then again, it's been a very long time since I first started using it.

The pre-configured StuffSwapperItems.ini does have a lot of stuff in it so if you use some of those things you can copy and paste to a new StuffSwapperItems.ini.
Peamole wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 3:23 pm Kudos to the maker(s)/designer(s) for their wonderful Configs tab. :thuup: Why not make it have a save-and-load thing with a pull-down list? That way users can come up with their own names for configs, instead of getting lost in config 1, config 2, config 3, config 4, config n?
A user can come up with something easy to remember like "Guanopalooza" or "Showdown at the Hoedown" or "Urban Combat" or "Crazy Clowns Battle" et cetera.
You can use your own names for configs (Nali Chronicles, Counter Strike II, Food FIght MH, PSX\UnWeapons, Mixture are some of my descriptive but rather unimaginative names).

I think there is another somewhat similar weapon/pick-up swapper called WORM (or something like that) - I've never used it but perhaps it might suit your needs more?
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Re: Super-Flexible Inventory Switching Mod

Post by Peamole »

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a really awesome mod. My last post wasn’t a full review by any means.
OjitroC wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 5:01 pm You don't need a slot as it doesn't replace the Translocator.
:lol2: But I really want to replace the Translocator sometimes.

Something I forgot to mention is that I have a LOT of weapons classes that aren’t on that prefabricated list and it has many classes that I don’t have. Wouldn’t it be easier for more advanced users to just type in things like “NWRTV3.RT” or “,” maybe in a list format? Maybe, if StuffSwapper would edit the *.ini file from the game, like how typing the command “set input f summon pack6.gravitykiller” adds “summon pack6.gravitykiller” after “F= ” in User.ini.
OjitroC wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 5:01 pm No, you can't replace one gun in one slot with many guns unless you use the Random opton and give it a number of weapons to choose at random from.
I’ll have to look deeper into and play around with that Random function. Does it cycle through the weapons like in ChaosUT? That would be cool.
OjitroC wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 5:01 pm You can use your own names for configs (Nali Chronicles, Counter Strike II, Food FIght MH, PSX\UnWeapons, Mixture are some of my descriptive but rather unimaginative names).
Doh! :facepalm: I'm sorry for wasting your time on that. I should've explored further into it before moaning about a non-existent problem. I just don't like having to expect to learn so mush about how to use something like a mod. There's a reason why the mod "AirFightUT" doesn't come with a manual like ones that come with a real fighter jet. Most people would get bored to death before knowing how to fly one just for the sake of playing a silly computer game.

I'll take a look at that WORM mod too.
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Re: Super-Flexible Inventory Switching Mod

Post by OjitroC »

Peamole wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 3:46 am Something I forgot to mention is that I have a LOT of weapons classes that aren’t on that prefabricated list and it has many classes that I don’t have. Wouldn’t it be easier for more advanced users to just type in things like “NWRTV3.RT” or “,” maybe in a list format? Maybe, if StuffSwapper would edit the *.ini file from the game, like how typing the command “set input f summon pack6.gravitykiller” adds “summon pack6.gravitykiller” after “F= ” in User.ini.
Yes, it is rather tedious to add stuff to the items ini. I've got 300 weapons and over 180 ammo types in my inis and did this over a long period of time, starting with the ones that were my favourite weapons and adding in others as and when. I suppose it could have been done in a different way but then it is over 20 years old and works well enough once one gets used to it.
Peamole wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 3:46 am I’ll have to look deeper into and play around with that Random function. Does it cycle through the weapons like in ChaosUT? That would be cool.
I think it works more like the wildcard pickup base in xpickups - choosing at random rather than systematically cycling through the weapons. TBH I've never tried it. The readme says
StuffSwapper Readme wrote:Instead of setting say the Flak Cannon to be replaced by a particular item you can now set it to be replaced by "Random". This pops up another window that lets you select up to ten weapons that will randomly replace the original item. During the game each weapon spawn point randomly selects items from that list to spawn so you're never sure what's going to appear next.
Different people want different things and play in different ways - personally I find that having too many weapons is not advantageous and so for me, for example, Chaos can become annoying having to cycle through all the variants for the crowbow, shotgun, utility gun, etc, etc. Less is more - so, taking RL weapons, for me a rapid-fire, high clip count SMG; a scoped AR; a grenade and a sniper rifle are enough for most situations - perhaps with another rapid fire non-scoped AR thrown in.
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Re: Super-Flexible Inventory Switching Mod

Post by Peamole »

Wow! There is a random replacer! :twisted: I found it just now.

Under Mod, put N/A; under Item, put Random. Doing that opens up the Random Item Roster with 10 choices.