The utx file of the badge 512²

Deadline: December 19th 00:00 GMT (or UTC +0)
Rules (just a few, don't worry):
- Must have the badge (contest logo) added somewhere in the map, badge is above!
- Must have NRMC prefix in the final submissions name (for example DOM-NRMC-NameHere)
- Must be an original map started by scratch during the contest, not a clone of an existing one (maps started before the contest are accepted as Bonus Maps for the final mappack, however)
- A readme with credits of the custom texture, music, sound and other things you used)
Not rules, but these should help out:
- Have bot-support and a screenshot for the UT menu.
- Double-check to include all the files needed to run the map.
- Add a few screenshots of your map in your release post, to help draw interest for your map.
- Would be best to not overdo on custom files used, the maps will later be put in a mappack, and it would be better to keep it somewhat small in filesize.
- Upload the map and all it's files in a .zip, .rar or .7z file, in a filehosting site like MediaFire or Google Drive etc.
Voting will be done from December 19th till 25th, as a poll. During that time the mappers can iron out remaining bugs for the mappack.
Please put your submissions in this thread:
Good luck!
Current entries:
DM-NRMC-LongTime by Shrimp
DM-NRMC-Outpost24 by Ghostwheel
CTF-NRMC-Gravitation by fudgonaut
DM-NRMC-BlueBriar][ by Pikko
DM-NRMC-ShardLab3 by Red_Fist
DM-NRMC-WestSideStory by jmartin
DM-NRMC-Vakiton by [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX
DM-NRMC-SuperMarioBros by DavidLightman
AS-NRMC-Rendezvous by Aspide
DM-NRMC-Rocketfight_X by papercoffee
DM-NMRC-Trident by _21
DOM-NRMC-Cathode by PrinceOfFunky
CTF-NRMC-Hightown by Berserker
DM-NRMC-Outreach by Sinnical
Current bonus maps:
DM-NRMC-DeepDream][ by Pikko
DM-NRMC-The-Overlook-Hotel by DavidLightman
Copyright for the inner graphic goes to MicroOne
EDIT2: GRAB THE MAPPACK HERE: https://ut99.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=14973