You have some fake info over there:
Code: Select all
ScriptLog: Actors change DrawScale but use same CollisionRadius and CollisionHeight:
ScriptLog: MyLevel.Cow0
ScriptLog: MyLevel.Cow1
PAWN is NOT a Decoration. Pawn is adjusted itself in run-time - it's a bad practice to mess with Collision for re-scaled pawns. Those cows are NORMAL and they should stay exactly as they are unless you want to see some Behemoth from MH-GXech what funky collision is having. In that map where Pawn is stupidly resized MapChecker doesn't report anything at this point and map is NOT OK but it is reporting actors which are not having any issue.
Code: Select all
ScriptLog: MyLevel.SkaarjLord0
ScriptLog: MyLevel.SkaarjLord1
ScriptLog: MyLevel.SkaarjLord2
ScriptLog: MyLevel.SkaarjLord3
ScriptLog: MyLevel.SkaarjLord4
These Skaarj are NORMAL in game all the way but not Behemoth0 which in game blocks everything - it should not be screwed up EVER, patch file which I was writing for that map it's just putting the dumb setup back in original.
Code: Select all
if ( DrawScale != Default.Drawscale )
SetCollisionSize(CollisionRadius*DrawScale/Default.DrawScale, CollisionHeight*DrawScale/Default.DrawScale);
Health = Health * DrawScale/Default.DrawScale;
Never mess with these cylinders for PAWNS unless you know what you do. MH-GXEch map is demonstrating clearly that Pawns screwed up are not looking normally and this tool doesn't report them but it's reporting those which are not a problem and they should STAY as they are.