Periodically check all bots movement and correct it if possible.
As result:
- bots move on paths more "humanly" - less "as train".
- bots less predictable.
- bots faster reach goals.
- bots less stuck on obstacles.
- bots can skip some PathNodes - usually this not matter.
Correction work only when travel on exactly Botpack.PathNode (not subclass).
Mutator targeted only to stock UT bots.
Add to mutator list FixBots.FixBots (or to ServerActors - preferred way)
Not need add it into ServerPackages.
CheckInterval - time in seconds for check all bots and fix movement. Too low can cause lags.
On screenshot you can see what it do: Bot instead of follow weird messy way, simple run to someone point inside, with skip 5 PathNodes.
In fact bot always travel to latest reachable point if able skip some PathNodes.
Bot not skip any other NavigationPoint, so this change must be safe.
Outdated. Use SmartStockBots mutator instead.
Automatically merged
New option:
; allow use jump ways for shortcuts. Sometimes cause miss jumps, sometimes create very awesome shortcuts.
reupload at first post: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=15052