Who runs the NW3-DM server?

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Who runs the NW3-DM server?

Post by Onimusha »

Wondering who runs the NW3-DM server using FNN?

Some guy named LuckyLuke banned me for absolutely no reason claiming I was cheating... uh I wasn't? You can look at my gamefiles if you want. You put a one-shot sniper rifle on your server with night vision, and I've probably got 10k hours in this game over my lifetime.. so thats cheating?

Anyway, whoever owns it, I'd like to petition my forever ban because someone got sick of being headshot.
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Re: Who runs the NW3-DM server?

Post by EvilGrins »

Onimusha wrote: Sat Oct 08, 2022 1:08 amYou put a one-shot sniper rifle on your server with night vision, and I've probably got 10k hours in this game over my lifetime.. so thats cheating?
Yes, how dare you successfully shoot people!
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Re: Who runs the NW3-DM server?

Post by Onimusha »

You’re gaming with me now I think, I’m clearly not great hahahaha.
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Re: Who runs the NW3-DM server?

Post by The_Drizzle »

I had this happen to me the other day as well. Just started to play the NW3-DM server and was having a serious blast playing and slaughtering but then to My discovery, I was rejected from the server. I was bummed because my score was in the thousands and everyone else was like in hundreds still. I assume someone thought I was cheating? I mean same deal here, You put a one shot sniper with night vision on the server, I have mad hours in experience and getting my ass kicked by people way better than me, and I get kicked out for slaying too hard or something? Thats weak.
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Re: Who runs the NW3-DM server?

Post by TankBeef »

You can probably tell by the "count", that those FNN servers are more FAKE PLAYER servers, most likely from the makers of Arena of Death...coming soon to a theater near you... :noidea. The real question is the one you asked though. Who runs them? :what:
(Do not confuse with the people behind FragNewNet. In fact, It seem like he named the servers FNN on purpose to troll, or damage some reputation, who knows.)
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Re: Who runs the NW3-DM server?

Post by OjitroC »

At the moment none of the [FNN] servers, although seemingly well populated with 20+ 'players' each, are actually populated by Players - in fact of the 10 most populated servers (and this includes all the [FNN] servers), 9 have no Players (though they do, of course, have loads of bots).

It is perhaps telling that none of the [FNN] servers give an Admin Name or Admin Email address? Make of that what you will.
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Re: Who runs the NW3-DM server?

Post by Onimusha »

Glad to see it wasn’t just me.

I didn’t want to suggest that it was bots because I feel like that comes off douche-y “lolz it was like playing bots!” but yeah I had the same experience, like 123/5 most matches. Meanwhile I could join a Pure server and get my ass handed to me on a silver platter so, I am not THAT good hahaha.

Ah well, it was kinda fun even if I was playing bots. Since there’s only like 5-6 active servers at any time it just sucks to have less options.
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Re: Who runs the NW3-DM server?

Post by asosed »

TankBeef wrote: Fri Oct 14, 2022 1:08 pm You can probably tell by the "count", that those FNN servers are more FAKE PLAYER servers, most likely from the makers of Arena of Death...coming soon to a theater near you... :noidea. The real question is the one you asked though. Who runs them? :what:
(Do not confuse with the people behind FragNewNet. In fact, It seem like he named the servers FNN on purpose to troll, or damage some reputation, who knows.)
Hese servers are run by a cheater from Germany. He frequently attacks other servers. He uses Linux or Mac to bypass ace security.
Here is his intellectual speech, which he sent me by mail:
i have no interests into playing on a gay cheater server ,i have plenty legit others private where i play i have no need to playing retards who suck into a 22 years old game, you very wrong into that, discovery is a known noob and aimbot gay like many and your server, i saw not one non cheater there even if i specced and saw discovery noob ban better ones, seems hard to be a loser with a aimbot or payed private cheat :D so the only way is to ban better ones to feel important and can win a game lol thast very retarded and your server is only full of them and you know that exactly, and in case you protect and offer cheaters ways to act , iam now very sure you are also one of them ,i saw you also playing without and with cheat u have no clue from this game even you have no movement and kill your self more then others do :D, so you need that to force your ego, but at last you all stay losers thats a fact no cheats no skillz , last but not least you provide a fnn which iam not really sure you are able to do that, seems more any other make it and you wanna earn glory for it, even you not even provide a .int file which is needed to add mutators on web admin on ut, but seems you not even know that also more as the half settings into fragnet.ini doeesnt work, also so your knowledge ad skillz seems also very limited on this.....so ,y question seems answered you stay into offering a retarded server for losers in life ....to me you look now like a brain limited tagles malsto who has a developement server and no idea what a programming language is but even talk big about all and everything and provide a self adjusted ut99 to download even he not even now how a liux server works or has any idea or knowledge from anything only has a cheat and is a noob like 85 percent on ut99 which come to that game because theere is no anticheat and they cant be detected lol every real expierienced ut admin can tell a triggerbot or a cheat into a few minuteswitout using anything also ut provides many ways to proof cheaters even triggerbos with demo and low sequenze and much much more, there is no way to hide with blah blah blah or cheating and then start calling other cheaters because they suck even with a aimbot or hack lol..i tough you be more clever but iam wrong a loser stays a loser forever......useless you never learn
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Re: Who runs the NW3-DM server?

Post by papercoffee »

Keep the drama out of our forum.
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