Computer 7 pro 64 bit.

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Computer 7 pro 64 bit.

Post by Red_Fist »

Not sure if I am being dense or what.

This has to do with GTA SA, but a general question. I managed to salvage my saves, but that demo installshield and DVD.

The shortcut goes to the game exe on D drive, as normal you have to leave the DVD in to play, no problem.
But since I had to uninstall and re-install, I see the demo shield mouse pointer, looks at DVD but just stays on the desktop, no game.

If I click the "install.exe" on the DVD,I get the autorun screen and hit play game, my game loads.
The DVD don't autorun, (I have not tried another disk yet)

Anyway, I wanted to just drag a shortcut of the install on the DVD on the desktop, but it will only copy the file. There is no option to make a shortcut.

So are we able to drag shortcuts from CDs' DVD's or did I foul up windows somehow. I suppose I should try several other disks before I made this thread.

Seems like my DVD is not letting things be read, but it all works as it should.
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Re: Computer 7 pro 64 bit.

Post by TheDane »

hmmm .. should be pretty straight forward? Maybe you have a setting somewhere preventing the DVD drive to do this?

Anyway.... I tried this: ... &seqNum=32 It's for shortcuts in general, but as you see on the below screenshot (sorry for the Danish language!!) it Works fine for me with the DVD drive?:
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Re: Computer 7 pro 64 bit.

Post by Wises »

meh games that require DVD inserted to play are stupid.

try here for patch:

then you can keep the DVD in the draw for safe keeping.

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Re: Computer 7 pro 64 bit.

Post by papercoffee »

This page you linked at is well known for any kind of warez and cheats (yeah the cheap one but that's not the point)...
second warning.

Please spare us here with links to pirate pages or other not so legal content. We are a public forum and Google refer to us if you search for UT... I don't want to be found by the wrong people because the search for disquieting stuff.
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Re: Computer 7 pro 64 bit.

Post by Red_Fist »

I checked my group policy stuff, autorun is working but it won't run the install.exe, it has an autorun.inf.

I need to freshen my win7 install, need to go find out the best way.

As for a no dvd or no cd, I don't want to try it because for GTA it might mess up the game, or my saves.
Anf the no dvd exe file it huge compared to the original file. seems fishy.

Plus in game it reads version 2.00 I can't find a no cd for that, it's all 1 or 1.01 , that also don't install official game patch,

Can someone try and drag a shortcut from a dvd in win7 desktop to see if t gives you the , "create shortcut" try on an exe file.
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Re: Computer 7 pro 64 bit.

Post by Dr.Flay »

Before the boring bit, my tips;

Good modern AV should be blocking autoruns on removable drives. This may be your problem. See if you can allow it for CDs. Leave it disabled for USB drives.
Whenever I use installers on modern windows I always Right-click and run as admin, this often solves strange installation problems.

Always use the right-click to drag icons around the desktop not the left-button.
You will understand why as soon as you do it ;)
It will save you from many accidents over the years.

You can manually make a shortcut on the desktop (Right-click -> New -> Shortcut), then point it at the file.
You can then set the compatibility or admin rights on the shortcut if you need to.

The boring (but also informative bit)
Hmmm, Caught between a rock and a hard-place. Pros and Cons.
Ultimately this site is for the game UT99, and it does not require an extra NoCD patch since we already have it.
There is no reason to ever post links here to GameCopyWorld.
Sorry but it is that simple.

For those that may need the site, I will share my experience with it.
I have safely used GameCopy world for many years, and always patch every game I buy that requires the disc in the drive. My games simply get the same treatment as my music and films, and go into storage (This is is why most of my vinyl music collection still sounds like I bought it yesterday)
I have paid for them and I do not want them to become worn or damaged for no good reason.
The same goes for your optical drive. I know many gamers that Kill their optical drives regularly, even though they hardly use them (even switching your PC on uses some of the life of the laser).
Goods I have paid for will be treated how I see fit within my own home.
You are LEGALLY ALLOWED to make a personal backup of an Original Film, Game or Music CD/DVD as long as you are the owner of the Original CD/DVD.
However Gamecopy World does present us with a problem, even though It does not host or link to pirated games or content, and does not host serials or keygens. Inherently there is nothing illegal about the site, due to the fact the NoCD patches allow very easy piracy if you have a key or keygen etc.
You will find users posting links to external resources, as it is obviously used far more by people that do not own the game.
It is heavily filled with adverts, and depending on who they use there is no way to tell how trustworthy they are.

The main problem with a site like this is the fact that all content is user-created and as such, there are no guarantees with the security of the files.
As always, you should multi-check any downloads from GCW using the VirusTotal service.
Many of the CD patches will ring alarm bells in some AV packages, due to the way they work (same for some security tools I use).
False-positives are common and will show as different virus or trojans in different AV.
Real malware will show the same or similar names and info across different AV.
A service like VirusTotal (there are others) is the only way to be sure.

In short; If you own the game you can use the site legally, however you will be taking a risk if you are not security-aware.
Due to the genuine risks that we cannot control here but are aware of, we cannot allow publicly accessable links.
What you get up to via PMs is your own affair.
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Re: Computer 7 pro 64 bit.

Post by Red_Fist »

Ok I will try a few things for a shortcut, yes I been right clicking to drag files around forever or making shortcuts.

But not old winzip or WinRAR, I have to use left click.

I also manually made a shortcut and it said the file don't exist, the path was correct, and that seems to be the root of the problem. The games shortcut, will go read the dvd, it looks like it's going to work, (it did work like 2 weeks ago so I messed some damn thing up in windows) but I get the disk demoshield mouse pointer, reads the disk, and returns a normal mouse pointer, no game, no errors or complaints.

But yet the game runs once I get the DVD screen to "play" only by directly clicking install off my DVD drive, and my saves are all intact, and settings, had to redo setings..
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