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Re: XBrowser
Great job man!
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Re: XBrowser
Omg!!! What a comeback Gott!
I just also wanted to say something that I've been finding weird so far wiht Xbrowser (I'm a daily user of 1.2.0) the only thing that is weird is when the server is in tournament mode, it doesn't show up as online until everyone clicked in and the game start. I couldn't join the server because of this (had to type it in manually) but I was wondering if you can fix this? (Or did you with the recent changes?)
MediaFire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/0clk5 ... 0-UMod.rar Umod
http://www.mediafire.com/download/e58x9 ... ser200.rar Rar
CrystalUnreal: http://www.crystalunreal.com/chamberly/ ... 0-UMod.rar Umod
http://www.crystalunreal.com/chamberly/XBrowser200.rar Rar

MediaFire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/0clk5 ... 0-UMod.rar Umod
http://www.mediafire.com/download/e58x9 ... ser200.rar Rar
CrystalUnreal: http://www.crystalunreal.com/chamberly/ ... 0-UMod.rar Umod
http://www.crystalunreal.com/chamberly/XBrowser200.rar Rar
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Re: XBrowser
I dont know about this one. Since v120 i complete rescripted xbrowser. May its fixed automaticly?Chamberly wrote:the only thing that is weird is when the server is in tournament mode, it doesn't show up as online until everyone clicked in and the game start. I couldn't join the server because of this (had to type it in manually) but I was wondering if you can fix this?

Needs to be tested..
EDIT: my vanilla lan server says: looks good so far
EDIT EDIT (damned, i'm not allowed to doublepost, lol): the umod version is the first umod i ever created. If someone used it, give me a feedback, if the installation works or not.
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Re: XBrowser
billybill wrote:Are you still doing "\info\" for that or does it require some additional info? I'm surprised you would make such a large change as removing the closing "\" on queries. Works both ways anyhow... it's the other part the query mod where it's important you parse wellSpoiler
Gott, a few servers do not show up on the initial 'internet' query. They will work if added to favorites.
Odds are it's the server's fault (changing maps, lagging, etc) and not from excessive packets and/or processing. I can't see anything that your mod would need on the initial query except "\info\XServerQuery," unless some filters in place. Country name and flag is still sent from XServerQuery. Is there anything new here? Good job on the gamespy fixSpoiler
Edit: nevermind, showed up after a few refreshes.
Edit: Seems your filters are only gametype and mapname which don't require any additional info
I saw those new columns, score, deaths, health. Nice touch, you can actually get all that from a non XServerQuery server. I'd remove the health one, but there are some columns and info that are not hard to retrieve from regular servers here (if you wanted to)
Sorry, I know your english is bad
Instructions for copying favorites over to XBrowser, and back:
In UT.ini findcopy everything under the section heading, replacing or creating the section into XBrowser.iniCode: Select all
Code: Select all
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Re: XBrowser
I like it much !
great job, my hat goes off for you sir !
great job, my hat goes off for you sir !

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"These are the days that we will return to one day in the future only in memories." (The Midnight)
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Re: XBrowser
XB adds your favorites automatically on first run after installation/update (forgot to write it in the readme).billybill wrote:
Instructions for copying favorites over to XBrowser, and back:
In UT.ini findcopy everything under the section heading, replacing or creating the section into XBrowser.iniCode: Select all
Code: Select all

- Godlike
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Re: XBrowser
1) UMOD installer works well, and updated my existing version correctly.
2) I added more filters (you missed "Domination"), but quickly hit the limit
3) I have possibly found a bug.
A server went offline while it was selected. It changed to red as normal, but then showed in every game type.
Can others test to see if they can reproduce this ?
I compared with the previous config and noticed you could group variations in 1 tab, eg.
That helped to cut down the tabs, but now they will be separated.
The only way I see to get all the CTF games in 1 tab is to use the filter like a big hammer.
Worth doing, so you can see some you did not know about.
2) I added more filters (you missed "Domination"), but quickly hit the limit

Code: Select all
FilterList[0]=UT Servers,bCompatibleServersOnly=True,bHideTOServers=True
FilterList[2]=Team Deathmatch,GameType=TeamGamePlus,bCompatibleServersOnly=True
FilterList[3]=Capture the Flag,GameType=CTFGame,MapName=CTF-*,bCompatibleServersOnly=True
FilterList[6]=Last Man Standing,GameType=LastManStanding,bCompatibleServersOnly=True
FilterList[7]=Jail Break,GameType=Jail,MapName=JB-*,bCompatibleServersOnly=True
FilterList[8]=Monster Hunt,MapName=MH-*,bCompatibleServersOnly=True
FilterList[10]=BunnyTrack CTF,GameType=BTctf,MapName=CTF-BT-*,bCompatibleServersOnly=True
FilterList[11]=Rocket Arena,GameType=RocketArenaGame,MapName=RA-*,bCompatibleServersOnly=True
A server went offline while it was selected. It changed to red as normal, but then showed in every game type.
Can others test to see if they can reproduce this ?
I compared with the previous config and noticed you could group variations in 1 tab, eg.
Code: Select all
ServerListTitle=Capture the Flag
The only way I see to get all the CTF games in 1 tab is to use the filter like a big hammer.
Code: Select all
FilterList[4]=Capture the Flag,GameType=CTF,MapName=CTF*,bCompatibleServersOnly=True

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Re: XBrowser
If you are in the "All Servers" tab, marked a server and use the arrow keys (up/down) it will not scroll through the serverlist but "good luck choose" some server.
The way you sort (name, ping, players etc..) seems to not change that behaviour.
I miss the tabs
they make the gametype easier/quicker to access, but it seems they had to go for all those great new options you provide now, all the filters, and finally .... the BLACKLIST!! Its nice to clean the serverlist from all those fakeshidders; httpzoom, SLV, new noobs, dawn, sx, viral... Yeah it makes the serverlist a bit more empty, but GOOD!
Also fine, the non-epic masterservers
The way you sort (name, ping, players etc..) seems to not change that behaviour.
I miss the tabs

they make the gametype easier/quicker to access, but it seems they had to go for all those great new options you provide now, all the filters, and finally .... the BLACKLIST!! Its nice to clean the serverlist from all those fakeshidders; httpzoom, SLV, new noobs, dawn, sx, viral... Yeah it makes the serverlist a bit more empty, but GOOD!
Also fine, the non-epic masterservers

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Re: XBrowser
I have added only game type in standard filters, where more than 5 servers using it.Dr.Flay wrote:2) I added more filters (you missed "Domination"), but quickly hit the limit![]()
The rest should be listed in the last filter with the keyword :residual:
BunnyTrackGame is more or less a kayword too. In the next version i will rename it to :bunnytrack:Dr.Flay wrote:Code: Select all
FilterList[9]=BunnyTrack,GameType=BunnyTrackGame,MapName=BT-*,bCompatibleServersOnly=True FilterList[10]=BunnyTrack CTF,GameType=BTctf,MapName=CTF-BT-*,bCompatibleServersOnly=True
Code: Select all
How i said a few years ago: Gametypes and Map-Prefixes are too mixed up. It's a war between Gametypes and game specific Mods.
Thats something i dislike and not really like to support it.
I know what you mean. This happens on the history and favorites tab only, because they are marked as bShowFailedServers=True.Dr.Flay wrote: 3) I have possibly found a bug.
A server went offline while it was selected. It changed to red as normal, but then showed in every game type.
Can others test to see if they can reproduce this ?
The problem is, servers, who marked as offline cant be filtered, because there exists no informations about it.
I was unsure whether I should remove on these tabs the filter bar.

It was on todo, however because of the lack of space in the settings window, at first i just added the simplest way.Dr.Flay wrote: I compared with the previous config and noticed you could group variations in 1 tab
In the next version is planned to change it to a scrolling window and adding more adjustable options.
Thank for report. Entered in my bug listnoccer wrote:If you are in the "All Servers" tab, marked a server and use the arrow keys (up/down) it will not scroll through the serverlist but "good luck choose" some server.
The way you sort (name, ping, players etc..) seems to not change that behaviour.

Re: XBrowser
billybill wrote:I've had it running a few days now, so I can give some real feedback
You can get the missing variables for "Deaths", "Health", "Spree" and "Time" from any server, you don't need to send this as special XServerQuery query responses in the first place. I'd suggest starting with "UT PHP Server Query, by Almar Joling" as it covers all of this
I'd suggest disabling the "Health" variable anyway as it is rife for abuse
What happens to a "Black listed" server, you don't cover this anywhere. I see it's in exactly the same place as the old "Add server to favorites" button. Let's hope that BL servers still show in the main list after a refresh
I'd be careful about adding random master servers to your config. As others have stated in the past, one should be careful who they are sending requests to. It could be a server IP that's been apprehended in the past. As far as we know some of those masters obtain the majority of their list from port scanning, and as a community most wouldn't 'endorse' the methods used. you could keep them as a back-up,Spoiler
but most people are not uplinking to them to begin with. We're sort of kept in the dark by changing stories on how our servers get in their master list if we haven't uplinked to them. Once stolen server address has been obtained by scanning, they then scan the obtained server ip itself and continue to robot query it so their script can decide whether the ip is to 'stay' in their database. This goes on every few minutes for a couple weeks whilst the server queries are disguised to look like a legitimate player query
- Adept
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Re: XBrowser
Hmm, abuse by knowing someones health? lolbillybill wrote:I
I'd suggest disabling the "Health" variable anyway as it is rife for abuse
What happens to a "Black listed" server, you don't cover this anywhere. I see it's in exactly the same place as the old "Add server to favorites" button. Let's hope that BL servers still show in the main list after a refresh
Blacklisted servers are hidden (because they are blacklisted), to show them again, you can UNcheck the box "hide blacklisted servers" in the Xbrowser configuration menu, and you can see the blacklisted servers again. Unless you want to remove a server from the blacklist, it would not really make sense

Re: XBrowser
billybill wrote:Haha, well I might find myself telling people how to remove New Noobies from their blacklist when they realize for the 20th time that it does not show fake players. Looks like you already know that though.
@Gott you could do what I did with ZBrowser where bots are no longer counted as players in the number of players. A couple servers need a follow-up query on their query port +1, I have no idea who or what broke their normal query (only responds to individual queries \info\ \status\, but not something custom like \info\numplayers\). Here's a link http://forum.unrealtournament.info/view ... f=35&t=165