Heavy lags in MH-Nagrath

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Heavy lags in MH-Nagrath

Post by Barbie »

I was wondering why the frame rate dropped down to 4 fps even on a fast workstation when you shoot into the sky in some areas of MH-Nagrath (especially the last cave with the WarLord, try pistol or minigun). The reason for it is a trigger with a CollisionCylinder of H10000/R32000:
I think the aim of this trigger was reactivating the SmokeGenerators used at some water falls.
Although its bTriggerOnlyOnce is set and its ReTriggerDelay is astronomic high so that one can think it is not active, it slows down clients and server significantly. In fact it stays active in the sense that code is executed on every touch of its collision cylinder.
  • Solution: use a TimedTrigger that triggers periodically (periode depends on SmokeGenerators settings).
  • Solution for server: use a TimedTrigger that triggers only if players are online.
  • My quick solution: patch CollisionCylinder to (H768/R384) on loading map.
added download link for map
Last edited by Barbie on Tue Aug 23, 2016 4:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Heavy lags in MH-Nagrath

Post by EvilGrins »

On the offchance others aren't so familiar with this map, it might help if you included a download link so they can give it a go and see the issue for themselves.
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Re: Heavy lags in MH-Nagrath

Post by Barbie »

"If Origin not in center it be not in center." --Buggie
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