[Auto-Guiding Rockets] -- Beta 1

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Re: Auto-Guiding Rockets -- [WIP]

Post by UnrealGGecko »

[Wall of offtopic text warning!]

@Gustavo: gotta admit, your english is improving and that attitude you had a while ago is gone... I think. Glad to see you are fixing the errors. I know you wanna try out everything you can, but try to not do like 5-6 projects all at once, concentrate on 1-2 and once you finish those you can start something new or resume something you stopped working on before. Hey at least your music is improving :tongue:

@Sektor: what DrFlay said. Just have some patience with people, as you (or that translator you use, not sure yet :ironic: are often quite harsh regarding UT map or mod releases. Don't misunderstand, your feedback is really appreciated, but don't forget to say what you liked about the map or mod or say a good job on the release. Alright?

@Jack: Damnit I thought we went through that already? :omfg: Also didn't think I'd see the day of a Wayne's World GIF. Radical! :tongue:

Thread not locked, so lets please stay on topic and play... err... write nice, ok? :highfive:

[End of offtopic wall of text]

Actually kinda interested in how this will function. Good luck in finishing it Gustavo ;)
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Re: Auto-Guiding Rockets -- [WIP]

Post by sektor2111 »

UnrealGecko wrote:@Sektor: what DrFlay said. Just have some patience with people, as you (or that translator you use, not sure yet :ironic: are often quite harsh regarding UT map or mod releases. Don't misunderstand, your feedback is really appreciated, but don't forget to say what you liked about the map or mod or say a good job on the release. Alright?
I did not forget to say GOOD for something which exist, which is finished, but right now is not the case to speak GOOD about void, things which aren't ready, or if are broken when they "are ready", heh :?: ?
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Re: Auto-Guiding Rockets -- [WIP]

Post by papercoffee »

sektor2111 wrote:
Dr.Flay wrote:I know Gustavo can be very annoying Sektor, but can you please do me a favour, and repost here the item Number 1 from this page
There is a reason it is Number 1.
Me, one, probably I'm gonna leave his "awesome" posts away, more than that I thought that rules have been changed while I was reading what was replying Darksonny which doesn't looks like is reading ALL things.
JackGriffin wrote:Oh the irony of Flay invoking the "rules". Are they only important when you need to enforce them on others? You deftly avoid any public discussion on the matter.... Fuck it, from now on you'll be KingFlay.
This was my fault. I pointed Dr.Flay to this thread and meant that some staff member should talk with Nelsona/Sekor because his behaviour was heating the climate and made discussing Gustavo's wrong doing very complicated and enervating.
So, if you want to mob someone, mob me.

I can see two things here, Kelly has a beef with Flay, and Sektor want to pick a bone with Gustavo.

"Kelly and Flay" is out of my reach ...I don't know what exactly happened and I don't care. Hate each other or ignore each other it's not my fucking business. You are both grown-ups.

"Nelsona and Gustavo" is different ...Gustavo made a huge mistake by bragging about his coding skills with a "UT-Bonus-pack" witch was a pile of garbage and he annoyed everyone with broken content, me included. He asked for tester because he couldn't test his own stuff, he edited the Unreal wiki with garbage and didn't see why he was wrong.
But Sektor's/Nelsona's behaviour wasn't really de-escalating the whole situation (I don't know what was written in PM). Yes, I know that Nelsona is right regarding coding, coding standards and bot-pathing. He has my fullest respect! But his rough tone in most of his posts isn't really constructive.

I really just ask You (Nels) to tone it down a little. You don't have to stoop low (it wouldn't fit you anyway), but please don't be so aggressive toward people who failed your standards.

And Gustavo ...stop this shenanigans, your former thread title aimed at Sektor and provoked him and led to this unpleasant situation. Show us what you have made and ask for help and advices... no side blows or cutting remarks.
UnrealGecko wrote:@Gustavo: gotta admit, your english is improving and that attitude you had a while ago is gone... I think.
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Re: Auto-Guiding Rockets -- [WIP]

Post by Gustavo6046 »

papercoffee wrote:your former thread title aimed at Sektor and provoked him and led to this unpleasant situation.
Ok, my thread title is actually an allusion to the many mistakes I made in the past. But hey, I found my rockets super funny, and what matters is that I have fun modding. I think this and this files (early access to GusPack II with so-called "breadcrumbs" and the Seeking Rocket mutators) are for those that asked for mutators. Now, can anyone resume my mistakes -- that is, not the way Nelsona did, but calmly, and most importantly constructively?

P.S.: I got a century fixing my netcode by changing random functions to simulated or non-simulated, and changing replication. I read the Wiki article about those, but despite a simple tutorial, it has no specific UT99 info on how would I fix some simple, and then, some not-so-simple example classes (in unsync in Multiplayer) using netcode. :P
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Re: Auto-Guiding Rockets -- [WIP]

Post by Dr.Flay »

Gustavo, you need to use caution when releasing code.
Your errors will crash servers and make people unhappy and shout at you. Until someone else says your code is ready or finished, it is not.
Look at Higors or Loathsomes release threads. They always use caution and clearly label test files as Alpha. Beta or RC.
Until they get positive feedback, even these experienced coders do not say their work is done. They will warn users about odd behaviour.
You post some stuff and say "Look what I did".
When you arrived here you complained that you are not welcome in some other sites. This is exactly why some sites ban you.
Here we favour giving you a chance to learn first, and you are lucky I am a person.

Nelsona, at no point have I disagreed with you, but this is a public forum where everyone is allowed to post good or bad stuff :noidea
We do not have a rule about crappy broken code. We rely on comments from knowledgeable users so that others know to avoid something.
(Sort of like looking at the app reviews on google play). Would you complain to Google about hosting badly coded apps, or leave a bad review ?
Locking or deleting stuff because it is of poor quality is just disrespectful (however useful it may be).
We would have to add a new rule to cover bad coders.
I agree, the swearing in here is getting out of hand, but notably it usually comes from members that know better.
We ask for people to re-edit their own words, not censor them ourselves. Some get round to it, others don't.
Any time we edit or delete someone's post we are criticised for being heavy-handed and power-crazed.
Would users prefer it if we went through all members posts and delete anything we object to ?

Reading Gustavos posts makes you angry, so your choice to avoid them makes perfect sense to me.
His and your bad English do not help.
I am trying to improve his English, and teach him some manners and respect for those that came before him and their knowledge.
I don't expect miracles, but he is a 12 year old with an attention deficiency, so any improvement is a bonus.
Kids simply don't understand long-term consequences, and that only comes with time and hitting brick walls.
Getting angry at him will not make him change.
He does not know about such things as "Internal Release" or "Release Candidate", or that in our day, Alphas were only for internal use, and only working Betas are public.
We now live in a stupid world that thinks public Alphas are a good idea, so he has no useful template.

I am not sure why the accusations about the site rules being changed (See for yourself, last change was in 2015),
Rule No.1 of this site is a long-standing rule, and has not been added for the sake of this thread.
As for this nonsense about girls, joints and paedophiles (WTF !?) I don't recall any conversations like that in here.....until now.
Rule 1 is a general rule for life, and if you stick to it, all the other rules look after them selves.

Off-topic text-wall
No, I don't avoid "discussions" Kelly. I avoid one-sided character assassinations, lest I resort to it also (that and "water off a ducks back").
I knew you would leap on this like a dog on a bone, but unless you intend to contribute to this thread, you are just aiding it's derailment.

No Irony in me referring users to the rules, they are still there and still valid. If you don't agree with them, that is another matter.
If you do not agree with Rule No.1 say it now, and say it clearly. However if you agree with rule no.1, why not act upon it, rather than going against it ad nauseam ?
As you seem to still want to rag that old chew-toy, lets clear up that BS now.
When I posted "that post", I was not inviting political discussion as I am the only active UK member here, and clearly stated so. Only another UK resident had the right or need to get offended at an apology to the EU.
What happened goes beyond politics and anything ever planned for in any book of rules, on any site. It was an exceptional circumstance, never to be repeated.
My apology to my EU neighbours had nothing to do with support of any political party. Nothing to do with voting 1 way or another, Nothing to do with the shift of power. You made it into that, not me.
It was a heart-felt apology for the growing storm we have unleashed because of Xenophobia and fear.
You obviously feel otherwise, but Xenophobia as far as I am aware is not a valid basis for genuine politics, same as punching someone to the floor to show your superiority is not.
However both are a basis for a power-shift, so therefore are politics by the literal dictionary definition. Yes contrary to popular opinion I do know what it means and the etymology (note: I prefer the Cambridge dictionary to the Oxford dictionary). "Shifting of power from one place to another" and as such, charging batteries is also politics, so is sport, playing a match of UT, and so is appointing moderators in a forum.
It was originally a word used to describe the running of a city or community, but now refers to alignment and status. Left vs Right, Up vs Down, Positive vs Negative, it becomes arbitrary once a word no longer means what it did, and it is a word commonly used outside of "Partisan Politics".
People exercise personal and social group politics all the time, and that also has no connection to which way a person votes in an election, because we filter things into context.

Each time you put so much effort into making me look small, you by definition are exercising a modern political act, but as the context does not relate to the intent behind the no-politics rule, I don't make that connection.
Context is everything,
You have repeatedly gone out of your way to stick the boot in at anything I say you don't like (which seems to be everything).
You chose to kick my apology in the groin so you could win a round in your thing you have going on.
My post did not affect anyone except you it seems, as no one else felt the need to turn it into a conversation, only commiserating or congratulating.
The rule is there about Politics to stop people from sticking the boot in or becoming argumentative.
No-one felt any reason to argue with my post (because I gave none), or to tell me I was right or wrong. Everyone behaved like a Gentleman or Lady, everyone behaved like grown-ups, just as I expected.
All but 1. You
You felt the need to drag it into the ditch, not me.
You felt the need to make it about taking a political stance, not me.
You felt the need to devalue another humans sorrow for their fellow Europeans future, not me.

What did I do ? I bent a rule written in a web site that does not affect any of our day to day lives.
Enjoy your gloating and jibes. Keep it up, they mark you out as an aggressive and troubled man.
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Re: Auto-Guiding Rockets -- [WIP]

Post by Wormbo »

Gustavo6046 wrote:P.S.: I got a century fixing my netcode by changing random functions to simulated or non-simulated, and changing replication. I read the Wiki article about those, but despite a simple tutorial, it has no specific UT99 info on how would I fix some simple, and then, some not-so-simple example classes (in unsync in Multiplayer) using netcode. :P
I know exactly how you feel, because some of my first UT mods were really broken in online play and I had no real idea how to fix them. I went a long way since then, as far as understanding the network stuff in the Unreal Engine goes. That's why I wrote that long replication article linked in my signature.

However, I do have to admit, it's written in a very compact way. Hopefully I didn't leave out anything important, but I guess it's tough to unpack for beginners like you that still don't know a couple of connections between concepts that I may have implied. The article actually covers UT as well, even though it is primarily written for UT2004.

The main thing you need to wrap your head around is that there's no "magic" involved. The server and the client run two independent copies of the game that are not synchronized. They exchange data (variable updates) and messages (spawn/destroy replicated actors, call replicated functions), and pretty much everything starts from there. That "simulated" keyword only tells the engine that the client may execute a function that was called there, but the call itself needs to originate from somewhere first. That's usually the tricky part to get right and really depends on the kind of event it originates from.
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Re: Auto-Guiding Rockets -- [WIP]

Post by sektor2111 »

Wormbo wrote:The server and the client run two independent copies of the game
I believe you mean Level, because as I could figure so far Level.Game resides only in server. Calling Level.Game simulated with no wrapper = errors in client. Client is not an authority (in default config). As for NewNet might be a different story but... I could figure only codes which made me to increase cooler rotation from my head:

Code: Select all

if (Other != None || .... )
   if ( Other == None )
Such a sequence was changing my direction when I had an attempt to fix things there. If simple codes were messed up like this, the rest... LOL. Because if something exist, the test-condition <if Not exist> doesn't make sense.
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Re: Auto-Guiding Rockets -- [WIP]

Post by Barbie »

sektor2111 wrote:

Code: Select all

if (Other != None || .... )
   if ( Other == None )
I didn't follow this thread with attention nor studied the code that might exist in previous posts, but in that fragment you posted I cannot see any problem.
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Re: Auto-Guiding Rockets -- [WIP]

Post by Gustavo6046 »

Thanks Wormbo for your clarification.

I have been lately exercising with UnrealScript. So I decided to make 3 classes to check if "my UnrealScript knowledge was up-to-date":

Code: Select all

// OldVolume.
class OldVolume expands Brush;

var()	VolumeModifier	Modifiers;
var		VolumeActors	ActorsInside;
var()	float			ModifierClocking;

function Touch(Actor Other)
	local VolumeModifier VM;
	local VolumeActors AI;

	Log("Volume"@self@"is being occupied by"@Other);

	for ( VM = Modifiers; VM != None; VM = VM.Next )
		VM.VolumeTouch(Other, self, ActorsInside);

	for ( AI = ActorsInside; AI != None; AI = AI.Next )
		if ( AI.ThisActor == Other )

	AI.Next = Spawn(class'VolumeActors', self);
	AI.Next.Previous = AI;
	AI.Next.ThisActor = Other;

function UnTouch(Actor Other)
	local VolumeModifier VM;
	local VolumeActors AI;

	Log(Other@"unnocupied Volume"@self);

	for ( VM = Modifiers; VM != None; VM = VM.Next )
		VM.VolumeUntouch(Other, self, ActorsInside);

	for ( AI = ActorsInside; AI != None; AI = AI.Next )
		if ( AI.ThisActor == Other )
			AI.Next.Previous = AI.Previous;
			AI.Previous.Next = AI.Next;



function Timer()
	local VolumeModifier VM;

	for ( VM = Modifiers; VM != None; VM = VM.Next )
		VM.VolumeClock(ModifierClocking, self, ActorsInside);

function PostBeginPlay()
	SetCollision(false, false, false);

	SetTimer(ModifierClocking, True);

Code: Select all

// VolumeModifier.
class VolumeModifier expands Actor;

var()	VolumeModifier	Next;

function VolumeTouch(Actor Other, OldVolume Touched, VolumeActors Actors);
function VolumeUntouch(Actor Other, OldVolume Touched, VolumeActors Actors);
function VolumeClock(float ClockInterval, OldVolume Touched, VolumeActors Actors);

Code: Select all

// VolumeActors.
class VolumeActors expands Info;

var	Actor			ThisActor;
var	VolumeActors	Previous;
var	VolumeActors	Next;
I decided then to do a test ladder VolumeModifier subclass:

Code: Select all

// VolumeLadder.
class VolumeLadder expands VolumeModifier;

function VolumeClock(float ClockInterval, OldVolume Touched, VolumeActors Actors)
	local VolumeActors	VA;
	local Vector		VDist2D;
	local Vector		MDist2D;

	for ( VA = Actors; VA != None; VA = VA.Next )
		if ( Pawn(VA.ThisActor) != None )
			VDist2D = VA.ThisActor.Velocity;
			VDist2D.Z = 0.0;

			MDist2D = Vector(Rotation);
			MDist2D.Z = 0.0;

			VA.ThisActor.Velocity.Z = VSize(VDist2D) * (VDist2D dot MDist2D);
In testing, the volume doesn't logs whether would someone touch it (which mean Touch and UnTouch aren't called at all)! Then I decided to remove the "SetCollision" (in the PostBeginPlay() of OldVolume) call line:

Code: Select all

function PostBeginPlay()
	SetTimer(ModifierClocking, True);
And set bCollideActors to true in both the Actor and Default.
But it keeps not logging!

Actually, I found out that even if I add the following:

Code: Select all

function BeginPlay()
	Log("Occupation detection between"@self@"and other actors:"@bCollideActors);
I wouldn't be able to find it for some reason. :P

But maybe I'm doing it too complex (which I'm sure I am!). But I would love Volumes in UT99 so I decided "why don't you do it yourself?". It was also kinda fun to code.
Of course it's slightly off-topic, but since we're discussing about code in general...
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Re: Auto-Guiding Rockets -- [WIP]

Post by sektor2111 »

Barbie wrote:I didn't follow this thread with attention nor studied the code that might exist in previous posts, but in that fragment you posted I cannot see any problem.
I quoted from a NewNet If you read post, and It's silly. If Other != None won't match sub block Other == None. That Other cannot be in 2 situations existing and not existing, it's one of New Net messed up things. I was chatting at old Danes's forum about this piece which was through first newNet errors when I was testing it. Else I don't want to make more dust because I have other "treasures" with duplicated checks pissing me off in other game-types which I was inspecting.
Dr.Flay wrote: As for this nonsense about girls, joints and paedophiles (WTF !?) I don't recall any conversations like that in here.....until now.
THEN Read what was Darksonny recommending me right in this thread... a few posts above. I don't have paranoia.
I responded at "girls" recommendation (perhaps is for himself).
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Re: Auto-Guiding Rockets -- [WIP]

Post by Gustavo6046 »

I'm still scared at how this thread managed to split people into two sides, like in a court. People that defend me or Nelsona, and maybe someone that yelled at both, or someone that though this was some sort of conspiracy... ok, maybe I went too far :P

But I think it's already time for everyone to do the peace.
"Everyone is an idea man. Everybody thinks they have a revolutionary new game concept that no one else has ever thought of. Having cool ideas will rarely get you anywhere in the games industry. You have to be able to implement your ideas or provide some useful skill. Never join a project whose idea man or leader has no obvious development skills. Never join a project that only has a web designer. You have your own ideas. Focus on them carefully and in small chunks and you will be able to develop cool projects."

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Re: Auto-Guiding Rockets -- [WIP]

Post by EvilGrins »

Gustavo6046 wrote:I'm still scared at how this thread managed to split people into two sides
It happens every few months... just ride it out.
medor wrote:Replace Skaarj with EvilGrins :mrgreen:
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Re: Auto-Guiding Rockets -- [WIP]

Post by Barbie »

sektor2111 wrote:If Other != None won't match sub block Other == None. That Other cannot be in 2 situations existing and not existing, it's one of New Net messed up things.
Maybe you overlooked that logical OR operator in that first condition?

Code: Select all

if (FRand >= 0.5) then
	Other = self;
	Other = None;

if (Other != None || true)
	log("I am executed always");
	if (Other == None)
		log("Other was NONE"); // probability 50%
		log("Other was" @ Other); // probability 50%
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Re: Auto-Guiding Rockets -- [WIP]

Post by sektor2111 »

Think well, even if you have operator OR some of these double checks doesn't even get called, one actor cannot be NONE and different from None in the same time so OR operator makes no sense as well. I know what I saw and it fired me outta job.
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Re: Auto-Guiding Rockets -- [WIP]

Post by darksonny »

"phaedophilia", Flay? I told Joints, f*ck girls, yes I did put those words dude the "whatever you want" does not include necessarily crimes like phaedofilia, not at least when my head was overheatin' that day :shock:
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