Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by JackGriffin »

I know you are having fun with this but it's already way too complicated. You aren't getting much feedback because of this.

I spend a bunch of time talking with MH server admins in my (and their) teamspeak. I hear the complaints, the wants, a ton of opinion. If you don't make this as simple as a normal mod installation it's not going to get used much. Nelsona's MH is far superior to anything I've ever done but it doesn't get play because it's too complicated and it does too much. Admins like the look and feel of MH and this project is fundamentally changing everything about it. This project has come up multiple times in TS and not once have I heard someone who liked the HUD information.

I understand you are bored in your post-seige (ei? I never know what's correct) play but you might consider pausing for a week and asking for some serious and unvarnished opinion from active MH admins about what they want out of a 'new' MH. As it is now you are driving fast down a road that as far as I can tell no one else seems interested in taking.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

Higor wrote: So the mechanics of cross compatiblity are these:
- 503 server, proto client: server tells client to use MonsterHUD and MonsterBoard, client uses own MonsterHUD, MonsterBoard that have CR code.
- Proto server, 503 client: server tells client to use MHCL_HUD, MHCL_ScoreBoard, client uses them as intended.
- Modded server, any client: server tells client to use custom HUD and Scoreboard, clients download it and use it.
This is absolutely brilliant work Higor. I think sektor2111 will approve of this method much more. :gj:
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by sektor2111 »

This way is good... for THIS MH type ONLY.

For a dual server like I'm using, THIS is not helpful at all, I'll explain why.
Some Values Property types have no deal, when MH2 tries to clone a default Waypoint as it does with MonsterEnd = Game broken. By having Local games MH MH2, Game types List Menu will develop NULL items and log shows up a bunch of Errors and an attached MH2 will NEVER run. HAVE you seen this ? THIS MH has no compatibility with any of my attached MH types which I worked years in order to gain Bot support there too.

Some maps which I fixed (like one presented here through forum) with 2 bosses that have to be killed, is addressing KEYPOINTS and not a trigger for preventing Bot to rush game - it works perfectly in any of my MH games.

Like I said before, if I'll use such prototype with chained lists I'll revert changes back because it will be confusing for mappers too. In Original 503 server, Waypoint will not operate any EVENT and I'm not agree with this game break on purpose. MonsterWaypoint operates a Lever/Button according to TriggerEvent1..4 if this thing is being visited by Bot as long as Bot has no purpose with Buttons which are not on his way, plenty of maps are done this way, and specified right at Shrimp's MH mapping page.

But now because I know about conforming packages, I have no worries to setup a fully quad server operational: MH, XCMH, MH2, MA... Of course this is a work which will be executed another time.

I see missing from this build the rest of Old Weapons. In a default Non XC Server I think some of those old weapons will not fire.

As a completion I'll show something. Majority of weaponry are using this:

Code: Select all

	if ( AmmoType.AmmoAmount <=0 )
		return -2;
But because I'm living a different feeling about bad timings my current codes do includes this:

Code: Select all

	if ( AmmoType == None || AmmoType.AmmoAmount <= 0 )
		bUseAltMode = 0; //NEVER EVER AltFire an empty weapon - Now this is Epic
		return -2;
And this will not hurt NET stuff, and this is conformed by me in all involved default packages, and this has never returned any RateSelf errors :| .
And because we can speak about some code "sales for free" if you know or not, at teaming monsters game might crash in high loaded maps due to iterations developed. Because in a NON XC server this is a harmful thing, We can chat a bit about UnrealShare.ScriptedPawn >> Auto State Startup:

Code: Select all

	if (SharedAlarmTag != '')
	if (TeamTag != '')
	if (Orders == 'Guarding')
Even Skaarj with some radius check around completed might be a more good guy by letting weapon to properly initialize before touching it that fast as it "origionally" does. Else, according to that MapVote fixing iterations cycles crash, Sleep does the Voodoo Magic. It's like for human beings, you are feeling better after a nice sleep...

@Jack: Admins will not use my Mh2 types for some reasons:
- In maps like MeltTown you are slaughtered multiple times because I'm not using any SpawnProtection ( my SpawnProtection is different: just DIE or use personal grenade ) - I'm not gonna change this to ruin my happiness;
- Mod is noisy and it do logs a lot of bad stuff - general mapping goofing - it shows "quality" and "skill" oops here;
- Scoreboard is simple because I'm not addicted for spamming colors - I want Monsters, not colors;
- my MH2 will not save any server stats and won't do any stupid WorldLog which nobody cares about - I ruined craps on purpose;
- when a monster has a known bug and player uses it for dodging in battle, but suddenly the monster do works properly, trust me, is frustrating, especially for 0 skill hunters like those asking me if I killed personally all those BoomBoomBridge Monsters - of course I did, and if I'm getting mad I won't even die a single time because I know how to fight with monsters, if others are around ( Bots or Players ) and letting monster to prioritize attack for others often than attacking me - call me cunt here :lol2: ;
- I was asked about teleporters tweaking as a feature - probably an external tool is good as it is because... not all servers have collision problems so it's pointless to load unused stuff;
- Appearance of messages, sounds, etc. might not match all tastes - agree here - it's my sh!t and I love it as it is.
Last edited by sektor2111 on Sat Mar 04, 2017 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by Higor »

The whole MonsterWaypoint class is abhorrent by design.

This doesn't look for actors with matching tag but with matching event and then triggers them, and that mappers without said documentation have never gotten this to work.

MonsterWaypoint a keypoint and MonsterEnd a trigger?
Keypoints are map stuff that one way or another are triggered/enabled via touch, not triggers themselves.
Translocator targets will bounce on these points too if not triggers.

And don't compare to MH2 builds, these are two completely different things.
And only server admins using untampered MH503 (or mappers) should even try the beta build, this isn't supposed to go mainstream yet.

This is moot, chainsaw and impacthammer don't use ammo and they don't even have this code.
If for some reason/bug the weapon didn't spawn the ammo when picked up, it is by Unreal's original design to spawn the ammo when the player first shoots the weapon, so when AmmoType is NULL (and AmmoName is something) said ammo is given to the player. So the bot should be told to select the weapon on those conditions.
The only reason I see that can be a problem is a mutator interfering with ammo creation, then you have a completely different problem at hand.

Code: Select all

       if ( AmmoType == None || AmmoType.AmmoAmount <= 0 )
          bUseAltMode = 0; //NEVER EVER AltFire an empty weapon - Now this is Epic
          return -2;
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by sektor2111 »

It's not for TAG is exactly for EVENT which a Button might hold, this is checked by me and I know how to use it.
Higor wrote: This is moot, chainsaw and impacthammer don't use ammo and they don't even have this code.
We speak about weapons with Ammo
Stinger PulseGun ASMD UT_EightBall - NOT Melee Weapons. :: conformed UnrealI,UnrealShare,BotPack,Engine = Issues lost and bugs properly vaporized...
They often go of timing without XCGE. I play this game with A.I. a lot of time and I have my feelings toward some troubles occurred.
Else OLDPistol from MH needs a bit of love here - code is different at this RateSelf point.
Last edited by sektor2111 on Sat Mar 04, 2017 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by Higor »

Show me an unedited map broken by said change.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by sektor2111 »

Unedited maps have walls broken and trash which I don't need to see again, I don't have them handy, But I know some LostInTimeV3 at elevators where if you call Bot up there (by chance) and you send it in attack, it will touch Waypoint unlocking routes - some Tag there has string "stupidBots" but Lift there is rammed by mapper not by Bot, and yes, these maps would work if they would be properly done from start to end and not sequential.
In maps which I inspected with these Events set, I did not see any failure but in one in which I did not use this Events system Bot did not triggered button and... I went there personally because Bot FAILED Mover.
TriggerEvent1 should use the Event from that Button in cause NOT the Tag. If these are used properly they do work normal, is all I have to say.
Okay I might do some short demo map, grrr, I think I hate mapping...
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by Higor »

I'd love to know who's the fellow that provided the blood decal code in GIT.

Speaking of which, merged into main branch and gonna move it to the client package now that MH503 clients can receive effects and stuff.
So far it only affects monster corpses, maybe I should expand that for hits on living monsters too?

From now on all effect based changes will go to the CL package, it'll be a good way of showing how CL modding is done, will be merged into CR later on when a major change to the whole structure is done.
Another thing I'm planning to implement in CL is being able to display BoomBoy's monster spawner status, as used in MH-ShootingGuys.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by sektor2111 »

You can run this demo map Alone Off-Line - no worries, a bot will join after broadcasting objectives. See Buttons (unreachable) but... Bot probably will do mission... even if they are like that because of WayPoint itself.
If Bot enters the game you might Send Attack order...
(7.92 KiB) Downloaded 76 times
Higor wrote: So far it only affects monster corpses, maybe I should expand that for hits on living monsters too?
I used decals VIA TakeDamage from MutatorClass involved the rest belongs to carcasses chapter - I went to simllar tweaks a few years ago because of... PlayerCanSeeMe bullshit so I solved 2 things with a single fix in that time.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by SilverSound »

JackGriffin wrote:I know you are having fun with this but it's already way too complicated. You aren't getting much feedback because of this.

I spend a bunch of time talking with MH server admins in my (and their) teamspeak. I hear the complaints, the wants, a ton of opinion. If you don't make this as simple as a normal mod installation it's not going to get used much. Nelsona's MH is far superior to anything I've ever done but it doesn't get play because it's too complicated and it does too much. Admins like the look and feel of MH and this project is fundamentally changing everything about it. This project has come up multiple times in TS and not once have I heard someone who liked the HUD information.

I understand you are bored in your post-seige (ei? I never know what's correct) play but you might consider pausing for a week and asking for some serious and unvarnished opinion from active MH admins about what they want out of a 'new' MH. As it is now you are driving fast down a road that as far as I can tell no one else seems interested in taking.

I think you are being too hasty here. For me personally I haven't touched this because no one has said to give it a try.

Unless higor states that this is ready for a good 'ol test, I won't download and try this. For people to judge so fast Is mind boggling.

Feedback is great but don't jump stright to the "I don't like this" or "This won't help" bandwagon without a big leap in development.

Just let us know when a build is good for a test. IT just seems you are fixing and adding things to get MH in a good state.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by Chamberly »

Tbh I like where the prototypes are going.

Just noticed the scoreboard don't have flags yet lel... but it looks good otherwise. If you saw in the MH Scoreboard screenshot, I was using the nick VerdeNina.

The events are great, some maps do and don't have monster counters. Even if they do have a monster counter, it is mentioned by client-side and not to everyone in the server on some maps.

& the translator will be good so maps can be easier to figure out than without. I remember when I started playing MH and some maps are just simply confusing because the translator doesn't work like how Unreal Coop has it.

This is going to look great and keep up the awesome work! ♥

Blood decals provided in GIT is Rocky aka Mr_Rocky_Z/Spectra. (To him: You know I don't forget your previous name and why LOL)
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by sektor2111 »

You should read well what was Jack saying as an old man wasting tons of hours with MH and speaking with admins about MH.
Without doing a small inspection at this work and without knowing original MH structures and how this will break or not, the rest of awesome words are based on guessing. Try that demo map using original mod and compare it with this one.
By example I could see well that a multi-MonsteHunt server is Not Operational nearby this new structure - I will not be able to mix them ever this way. Beside this, people were asking here in a forum some good Bot Support for a map which I did on purpose for MH and very compatible with original MH and operational, Right now I won't even dare to test that thing because suddenly a Keypoint operational for years has became a Trigger with some properties vaporized and already console shows warnings at this point. My "touch-protector" coded in those Levels (some of them not shared) is addressing a Keypoint in range which now will do nothing. Bot is able to track a Keypoint (shrimp was a bit inspired) because by ordering bot to HOLD a keypoint spawns as an order object making Bot to go there so I don't see any issue at using Keypoints. MH goal was bringing Bot at Button for opening next stage of map.

Let me write some Top related things around this MH which I see a few weeks ago:
- HUD - very good thing = +1000;
- Scoreboard and adds - nice improvements = +1000;
- A.I. Controller - good behavior = +1000;
- Values removed from controller - makes MH related tools useless from now on my MH tester and MH mods included = -100;
- MonsterWayPoint fixing - I don't see the fix here I see a major break = -100;
- Old Weapons - right now by checking resources I don't even see some of them - people will not be able to use them in non XC servers = -100;
- quadshot solution is none right from start = -100;
- some of those NULL stupid projectiles used by those clowns mappers clueless about UT stuff and guessing based have no fix = -200;
- Movers don't have any fix - I'm getting tired of experts* grabbing doors, stupid Bot included = -200;
- Last time I was blind or I have failed to see MonsterShadow (I worked some time at that thing in my mods) = -100.

Since I did a MH2 with a lot of fixes, this thing for me means mainly a FALLBACK rather than an improvement because I want things operational not only good looking things. Now you see why I was quiet, and I was one of those wasting more time with MH. I was happy to deliver a sort of "team-bunching" battle of monsters against players and that thing which I did for me is priceless, you cannot pull me away from that so easy. I gotta admit I did not made codes so well optimized and fast as Higor is doing but my game includes more other tweaks which will all respect for others they did not even smell my fixes, to not forget replacements how are operated, seriously as a random MH player for me doesn't makes sense to quit using my tweaks. The rest of MH communities probably did not even bother to check even that v504 a little improved. Will they ever try this one ? 80% are ignorant having no clue what's new in community.

Don't get this a negative reaction, consider it a feed back and my points toward compatibility issues with MH things done.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

Nice feedback. I should setup latest MH2 for testing. Been awhile and I have to admit your MH2 is really nice work. :gj:

Don't let any negative feedback stop you. I believe you will eventually make your MH run smooth as butter.
Who better to supply feedback than sektor2111 whom is pretty knowledgeable on MH and has already pointed out some fixes he has done.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by SilverSound »

sektor2111 wrote: Let me write some Top related things around this MH which I see a few weeks ago:
- HUD - very good thing = +1000;
- Scoreboard and adds - nice improvements = +1000;
- A.I. Controller - good behavior = +1000;
- Values removed from controller - makes MH related tools useless from now on my MH tester and MH mods included = -100;
- MonsterWayPoint fixing - I don't see the fix here I see a major break = -100;
- Old Weapons - right now by checking resources I don't even see some of them - people will not be able to use them in non XC servers = -100;
- quadshot solution is none right from start = -100;
- some of those NULL stupid projectiles used by those clowns mappers clueless about UT stuff and guessing based have no fix = -200;
- Movers don't have any fix - I'm getting tired of experts* grabbing doors, stupid Bot included = -200;
- Last time I was blind or I have failed to see MonsterShadow (I worked some time at that thing in my mods) = -100.

Don't get this a negative reaction, consider it a feed back and my points toward compatibility issues with MH things done.

Thank you for your insight! This makes a lot of sense to me now. Though I can really see all those negative points being fixed at some point. I have high hopes for this version of MH.

I just hate how one of the best game modes is plagued with bad mappers and too many versions of it's own mode. We need something that fixes all these stupid problems.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by papercoffee »

SilverSound wrote: I just hate how one of the best game modes is plagued with bad mappers and too many versions of it's own mode. We need something that fixes all these stupid problems.
Welcome to UT ...you must be new here.
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