Help, mutator ?

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Re: Help, mutator ?

Post by Red_Fist »

Well dang, being a non coder person, I just assumed since ammo always respawns by default, I thought since once it exists it would just respawn.

I made a thing factory and spawned an ammo a while back, but it kept respawning once it was put there, and not coming from the thing factory either., but if a deco or pawn (I just tried a barrel) drops the dang thing it don't respawn.

Then I was trying to make an ammo class that WOULDN'T respawn :shock:

Well anyone who can pull it off, many thanks, it just seems so easy.
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Re: Help, mutator ?

Post by ExpEM »

I could add a bit of hackery into the mutator to force respawn time to be > 0, however this will work with ALL Pickups in the level.
Will edit this post after some experimenting...

Here is the new version, two new options:
-bForceInventoryRespawn Set to true to force inventory to respawn after 0.1 seconds.
-bOnlyForceDropTypes If set to true, only Inventory listed to be dropped by a mob will be forced to respawn.

This works as a blanket across the entire level.
If both are set to true and the level already contains an Inventory to be dropped then that too will be affected.
If only bForceInventoryRespawn is set to true then EVERY Inventory in the level will respawn.
If only bOnlyForceDropTypes is set to true, no Inventory will be affected at all.
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Re: Help, mutator ?

Post by Red_Fist »

Heck then I am just going to have to try that out, just enough to get by and flexible enough to assign items is pretty much all it needs.

I guess the only other thing would be to add the breakable decos item spans, as an option.

although the time could probably be set to the default or whatever ammo is set to 30 seconds ?, .1 might be OK instead of having to wait also.

I will check this out right away, :tu:

It really won't matter since you still have to go back to places to get more ammo or health, considering there is NONE now.

But if you think about it, the main reason you can't play coop's is because you can't save your game. if they didn't add anything in it.
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Re: Help, mutator ?

Post by ExpEM »

I figured 0.1 seconds would be the way to go as that's what coopmode sets it to (I think), I could add another variable to set the respawn time if you wish, again it would be a blanket and not per Inventory.
I could also add support for (default) breakable deco and force them to drop anything too.
I may look into adding a ModMenuItem UI to configure the ini during runtime (a level restart would be required for changes to take effect), however I most likely wont due to lazy (Menus are complex).
Let me know how it goes for you.
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Re: Help, mutator ?

Post by Red_Fist »

Still no respawn.

It DOES give the item, just one and only one, I tried both as true first, then only forcedrop list item.

The way I am running it, is just oldskool installed (not added to mutator section), and put your mutator in the odlskool config mutator section part of the menus.

The map I am using is from that pack up there "cave.unr"
And I load the map in the menu as "Start new sp game" I find it in the list and click start (not coop)
all the maps have no gametype in level properties, just "none"

I set all the things in oldskool to the least amount, or none, swaps, just Unreal weapons and boots etc etc or no UT stuff.

hope my settings aren't screwing up the testing, but I really don't have anything fancy going on and only your mutator.
I would make the time 15 seconds.
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Re: Help, mutator ?

Post by ExpEM »

I'm out for afew hours so i can't do anything atm, will have a look when i get home. Could be oldskool replacing items or some such.
Re-Edit (Formating):
Did you try...

Code: Select all

That should work.

More Edit:
Found the problem, it's hard coded into OldSkool not to respawn items at all.
I'll see if I can run an ugly hack to get it working.

More More Edit:
I have for you a ModMenuItem called "OldSkool Hack", it will launch OldSkool with Inventory respawning enabled.
However it still requires the other mutator to set Item drops from mobs.
The hack still runs off of OldSkool options so any options, mutators etc. will still be used.

Edit the Edit Edit:
Forgot, Exp_MobDrop v3.
Two new options:
-bUseRespawnHack, Set to true for use with the OldSkoolHack.
-InventoryRespawnTime, Set to the number of seconds you want Items to wait before respawning, set to 0.0 for one drop only (No respawn).
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Re: Help, mutator ?

Post by Red_Fist »

Wow, is working like a champ !!! :thuup: :thuup: :thuup:

The only other thing that would help would be to also have all classes of the Brute, Skaarj, Krall

Mainly because it will add a larger array to customize the map(s) since some maps use Krall Elite, or the other classes of skaarj- Brute.

Add deco items , but really not needed

Just awesome man, thank you very much. :D


Working out really good, it just needs those extra pawns for a few more items versatility.

It kind of works out good that is forces you to use certain weapons, but in this map you can't get back so fast so either no health in spots or no ammo for certain guns.

The only drawback of the hack is you have to load the map with the oldskool hack, but then all you have to do is hit ESC and load your saved game from the regular menu.
Nope I am wrong about that, I just started UT loaded saved game and it worked right away.
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Re: Help, mutator ?

Post by ExpEM »

Glad it works for you, I'm part way through adding all the other ScriptedPawns and Deco items atm.
I've got to go out for afew hours and will continue when I get back home.
On a side note. How important would an in-game menu be to you? 1 = "Psh I don't need no stinkin menu!" --> 10 = "Oh god the world is about to explode without a menu!"
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Re: Help, mutator ?

Post by Red_Fist »

A menu with 4k color and tv super high res for the menu, or else !!! :lol:

An ini file is better, you can see all the things at once.

I made it through the first map, man Drew just knows how to do maps somehow.
But this mutator is like the perfect thing. You can kind of set difficulty through the spawn time as well. If you set it to like 5 minutes or ten you could make the map as hard as you want.

It just needs a tad bit more with more pawn classes, since there is more items that can be used. But everything I set works perfectly, and it does carry over when the map switched, so no problem there either. :rock:

The other idea I mentioned before would be to remove all the stock health or items other than weapons before you play an existing SP map but rely on this mutator could make for some interesting play for old SP maps. But that is just a feature-idea beyond what is needed. Would probably have to be a separate mutator to add in.
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Re: Help, mutator ?

Post by ExpEM »

Okiday! Well v4 now, Lots of new stuff to play with.

Code: Select all

//Basic ScriptedPawns.
var() config class<Inventory> BruteDrop, CowDrop, DevilFishDrop, FlyDrop, GasbagDrop, KrallDrop, MantaDrop, MercenaryDrop, NaliDrop, PupaeDrop, QueenDrop, SkaarjDrop, SlithDrop, SquidDrop, TentacleDrop, TitanDrop, WarlordDrop;
//Extended ScriptedPawns.
var() config class<Inventory> LesserBruteDrop, BehemothDrop, BabyCowDrop, GiantGasbagDrop, KrallEliteDrop, LeglessKrallDrop, CaveMantaDrop, GiantMantaDrop, MercenaryEliteDrop, NaliPriestDrop, StoneTitanDrop;
var() config class<Inventory> SkaarjTrooperDrop, SkaarjGunnerDrop, SkaarjInfantryDrop, SkaarjOfficerDrop, SkaarjSniperDrop;
var() config class<Inventory> SkaarjWarriorDrop, IceSkaarjDrop, SkaarjAssassinDrop, SkaarjBerserkerDrop, SkaarjLordDrop, SkaarjScoutDrop; 

var() config class<Inventory> BarrelDrop, BarrelDrop2, BarrelDrop3, ChestDrop, ChestDrop2, ChestDrop3, UrnDrop, UrnDrop2, UrnDrop3, VaseDrop, VaseDrop2, VaseDrop3, WoodenBoxDrop, WoodenBoxDrop2, WoodenBoxDrop3;

var() config bool bForceInventoryRespawn, 		//Will set InventoryRespawnTime in Inventory classes.
					bOnlyForceDropTypes, 		//bForceInventoryRespawn won't modify drops that arn't listed for a pawn or a deco to drop if TRUE. 
					bUseRespawnHack, 			//Required for use with Exp_OldSkoolHack (OldSkool dosn't allow respawns).
					bOverideExistingDrops, 		//If a ScriptedPawn or Deco already has a drop it will be overwritten if TRUE.
					bNoLogSpam;					//Dissable log spam. (Recomended).

var() config float InventoryRespawnTime; //Time for Inventory to respawn (in seconds).
Two new boolians, bOverideExistingDrops and bNoLogSpam.
-bOverideExistingDrops: If a pawn or deco already has drops set from the LD then this will replace them with what you set.
-bNoLogSpam: Take a guess what this dose.
Deco drops as requested.
-Barrels, Chests, Urns, Vases and WoodenBoxes can all be set (in all 3 slots).

The way Decorations are programmed, depending on the contents you set will affect the chance of what you get.
(If I remember how to math...).
Decoration with only Contents(Drop) set will have a 100% chance of drop.
Decoration with Contents(Drop) and Content2(Drop2) OR Content3(Drop3) set will have 70% / 30% respectively.
Decoration with Contents(Drop), Content2(Drop2) AND Content3(Drop3) will have 49% / 21% / 30% respectively.
If Contents(Drop) is set to 'None' but Content2(Drop2) and / or Content3(Drop3) is set then NO drops at all.

Also, I tidied up the ini with some labels etc.
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Re: Help, mutator ?

Post by Red_Fist »

holy crap, that should be enough versatility, you see before with like a cow, nail, warlord, titan,or queen, those are not really the main characters. So that took off 5 items. (and I can't bring myself to kill a cow or nail :( )

But now with that, the maps can be setup in almost any combination, it's almost better than placing ammo on some aspects, because it's so selectable but you might not have the weapon till later in the game. So even if they drop all this ammo it's useless until you reach a part to get weapon.

Of course one could always cheat, :thudown:

I think that caves map, not cave but "CaveS" is Drew's first rendition of the skaarj tower with the maze in it, no maze but it has the lifts, and several spots like it. and big.

OK I will tune in the new ini, and thanks again, don't see any other thing needed, great job man, the last one is working just fine, so this will be better because I can select all or none.

Maybe they should move this to the mutator section now, I wasn't sure if a mutator was needed to do this or some other way.

I should put a link and upload that map pack to my Hotmail space for another place to download it.
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Re: Help, mutator ?

Post by Red_Fist »

I am just posting this here for that coop map pack I am trying out

Title : Csejte Castle Map Pack
Filename : HerdPackV3.rar ... XONfZ4aZsY
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Re: Help, mutator ?

Post by Red_Fist »

One glitch left, sent PM
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Re: Help, mutator ?

Post by ExpEM »

Yep, that's a bonafied glitch.
Decoration drops are inconsistent and some wont drop at all with the mutator, honestly I'm not really shore what the problem is, I've added masses of debug code and it's all saying that everything should be fine...
I think it is a "OldSkool is a special cookie" type of problem, will look into it deeper.
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Re: Help, mutator ?

Post by ExpEM »

Yep, that's a bonafied glitch.
Decoration drops are inconsistent and some wont drop at all with the mutator, honestly I'm not really shore what the problem is, I've added masses of debug code and it's all saying that everything should be fine...
I think it is a "OldSkool is a special cookie" type of problem, will look into it deeper.
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