DM-LastCrusader]|[: ChicoRuinsPack.utx mismatch

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Re: DM-LastCrusader]|[: ChicoRuinsPack.utx mismatch

Post by Aldebaran »

If we have now such a powerfull method to repair/update some map files, shouldn't we open a new thread where we post/link all new files?
Server admins will have it much easier when setting up a new server that prevents file mismatches and it will be a good thing for the community.
Last edited by Aldebaran on Wed Feb 01, 2017 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DM-LastCrusader]|[: ChicoRuinsPack.utx mismatch

Post by sektor2111 »

Absolutely agree. That's why I said that building a server is not that easy or let's say it's not doable that fast...
I'm thinking at those quake textures, they have the same different structure, I'm not sure if conforming them will help player with files. Definitely new files have to be used by everyone.
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Re: DM-LastCrusader]|[: ChicoRuinsPack.utx mismatch

Post by Higor »

Be advised, this method will cause ACE kicks if the package contains Player/HUD/Inventory classes (mutators too?).
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Re: DM-LastCrusader]|[: ChicoRuinsPack.utx mismatch

Post by sektor2111 »

This thread for me was an extremely useful one, and also Higor was making me busy today, yesterday and maybe next days.
Just a conclusion, people, by conforming some files you can build a server hybrid compatible with UT client looking like an Unreal one - default old weapons support - Stinger animation working properly, a lot of things fixed, monsters attacking everything meant to be player, Those nasty projectiles with no code now are operational somehow as poor as they are. No more patrolling errors and other state doing crap. UnrealShare.CoopGame can run without any Accessed None. Tentacles are not that removed by Engine because they are... sweet, decorations being nice at destruction - a lot of stuff, except quadshot - hard to make a deal without some mutator. Happened using ORIGINAL stuff - No XCGE loaded - because with XCGE things goes just too good. Yeah, dudes, now I'm wondering myself, why fixing these things took 17 years ? NO INFORMATION, that's why. Why we did not slapped the crap out in earlier days for keeping players active ? Or it was done in a big secret by some dudes ? Shame on them then...
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Re: DM-LastCrusader]|[: ChicoRuinsPack.utx mismatch

Post by Quietus »

Apologies for the necrobump here, but can anybody confirm that have a version of CTF-AreaN23final or DM-LastCrusader]|[ working with this new 5MB package?

I've got DM-LastCrusader and DM-LastCrusder][ loading fine, but DM-LastCrusader]|[ has everything correct except the black rockface on one side of the map, and CTF-AreaN23final has loads of black textures everywhere, especially in the central area of the map.

Any help would be much appreciated. :)
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Re: DM-LastCrusader]|[: ChicoRuinsPack.utx mismatch

Post by Aldebaran »

Download link is still available on first thread page, see sektor2111's post.
I tested CTF-AreaN23 and DM-LastCrusader]|[ with it right now and have seen no texture issues.

EDIT: After looking today again I must say yes, in CTF-AreaN23 some textures here are white (not black). I tested all Chico textures I have and all shows the same. But it is not very annoying here.
In DM-LastCrusader]|[ I can't find any single-color textures. Could you post a screenshots of corresponding part?
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Re: DM-LastCrusader]|[: ChicoRuinsPack.utx mismatch

Post by sektor2111 »

1 - I'm going to ask if in some "matching" original textures these are good looking;
2 - I'm going to wander/camp/sleep, as long as I cannot test anything without maps - LINKS ?;
3 - A screenshot would be recommended;
4 - If something is crapped on a texture block we can conform another package, we can do some brightness, etc.;
5 - Another way could be merging textures as they are - here probably similar named textures won't be a good idea at mixing, I witnessed such borks if two textures supposed similar were taking place in Map/Package/MyLevel whatever... map MH-Sk_Godz was almost closer to an abandoned project until I figured what was going on... with similar named junks aka textures;
6 - If issues are not for everyone then it's about display setup so any discussion here is pointless. More than that, if Chico was expert with these packages what should I think about their quality ? I found as well some super-duper textures package having X MB but implemented with nasty blocks crashing even Editor at browsing them - What should we expect from such a work ? Here I can quote a lot of samples of BAD textures which will have not much deal in making a conformed package. You cannot even export them if are crashing instantly.

In my head I hear a question: Why this guy has changed completely textures structure from a package to another ? What was wrong ? Did they were messed up and reconstructed after a hardware failure forgetting initial blocks ? Doubts. Maps have been shared already at once with old textures used - as usual in UT. Messing them like that in my opinion was a jerky thing on purpose. I can think about other problem. Map was done using a package, now you run it with another one which might have other parameters at textures. Do you believe that this it's good ? Because I have doubts, lightning is mapped taking in account a package, if we are using a borked one or a clone attempt, result is not like in initial testing stage. If map looks bad with any package do not expect any magic from newer package, map can be crapped up - LIKE MANY other maps:
- light not build;
- paths not build;
- stuff non-coplanar - borked surfaces here;
- whatever change without a build, etc.
There are too many ways to mess up a map.

Mapping message: If any of you mappers are planing some RuinedPackages type maps, you will be good with them dropped in MyLevel else you might see your map sitting away from the majority of play-grounds because these textures are messed up in the most Karmic style possible.
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Re: DM-LastCrusader]|[: ChicoRuinsPack.utx mismatch

Post by Quietus »

So, some more experimenting makes it seem like it may be renderer related.

I've loaded up after a clean sweep, and using AreaN23final, which I believe has all of the required textures embedded. Using my usual renderer, XOpenGL, I still get black textures.

I changed the renderer to Direct3D10, and the textures are where they should be but look like they're flickering between two textures.
Changing the renderer to just OpenGL seems to have them all work correctly, but it's so dark I can barely see.

Here are some examples of the black textures in LC3 and AN23:
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Re: DM-LastCrusader]|[: ChicoRuinsPack.utx mismatch

Post by Red_Fist »

I would be clicking on them in the editor and see what the hell is supposed to be there.

Then see what the difference is with the texture settings. Or how he set them in the map.
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Re: DM-LastCrusader]|[: ChicoRuinsPack.utx mismatch

Post by papercoffee »

Have the same problems with that map.

Ok interesting...

Both textures (and two unused as it seems) are in the same MyLevel folder named MyLevel Image :noidea
All the other textures are in a folder with the name Ammocount ... :ironic2:
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Re: DM-LastCrusader]|[: ChicoRuinsPack.utx mismatch

Post by sektor2111 »

So... this is not about "ChicoRuinedPackages" theme, it's OFF-Topic. Maps are messed up and then is a "GM" theme as usual (Garbage Mapping :barf: ).
That 5 MB of texture will help a server running two maps with different version of this texture which previously could not be possible, like in that "Quake" sudden addiction done in different ways and screwing up servers, else one of them with certain missing block can crash server/client when that block is NONE - in such a case conforming textures will be a failure, if client it's not rejected for a mismatch it will crash for null content heading to the same "no game" problem.
Want me to these fix these maps with some of those "Ruined Packages"? Not a good idea because right now I was looking over them. Except messing group names with stock texture names - all that MyLevel.AmmoCount.SomeTexture looks nasty in game and has nothing with "RuinedPackages". Seriously a Group called DZ_Tex with DZ_Whatever could be painful - call an anesthesiologist then before starting mapping task. By using Ammocount as string hell knows what will happen next, as long as Group AmmoCount exists and has a PRIORITY because it's a STOCK :loool: group. All these happens when we don't care about using personal stuff and messing up with default names.
Last edited by sektor2111 on Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DM-LastCrusader]|[: ChicoRuinsPack.utx mismatch

Post by darksonny »

Im sure there are another maps with rune textures (who is the mapper called...mmm?) maybe could have these same problems
I didnt know there were problems to load this great map. I dont have that chicoverde pack maybe cos this without installing them I could load the Kami's map
which could be the solution then?
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Re: DM-LastCrusader]|[: ChicoRuinsPack.utx mismatch

Post by sektor2111 »

Solution is quitting duplicating a stock GROUP name if we are mappers with a sane mind. In these cases those are MyLevel textures NOT "ChicoRuinedPackages" things and they have to be Re-Imported in a particular Group not in one having the same name as a stock group. This is the flaw here, maps are screwed up with bad MyLevel content.

Hey Admins: Don't you think is time for Fix Mapping Contest :ironic: ?
Main Rule: getting wierd things and turning them in maps:
- connecting paths where are not connected - just blind nodes dropped around;
- fixing brushes;
- fixing bad paths;
- fixing zones leaks / adding zones;
- fixing lights - some of them are really retarded;
- adding paths where mapper did not have money to buy PathNodes from PathNode-Shop :ironic2: ;
- etc.

Send me a PM when Contest will start because I wanna be in, and I don't want to miss it...
Shall we close now this "ChicoRuinedPackages" discussion leaving thread On-Topic ?

Self ButtKick - perhaps I used a Group Called Skins in one of my maps and I have to figure if I will have problems here - so far I did not see anything but... it looks a bad practice to use similar named stuff as stock ones, or a texture is causing a conflict due to this thing.

Else... I see that "Chronoshift" is not a texture file but... it's an U file and has some stuff to see...
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Re: DM-LastCrusader]|[: ChicoRuinsPack.utx mismatch

Post by Red_Fist »

Not seeing anything off topic.

Also there was problems with some other map when they named sounds as the same name as the package. it was Dawn and dusk, I ALWAYS change names from stock names.
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Re: DM-LastCrusader]|[: ChicoRuinsPack.utx mismatch

Post by darksonny »

now I can remember the name Matthias Dorflinger, sorry let this topic as it is, excuse sektorr
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